Villages & Towns in Sonawari Tehsil Bandipora, Jammu and Kashmir - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Sonawari Tehsil of Bandipora district, Jammu and Kashmir. As per Census 2011, there are 2 towns and 52 villages within Sonawari Tehsil. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Sonawari Tehsil is 176,502 out of which urban population is 28,280 while rural is 148,222. As per Census 2011, total families in Sonawari were 4,014. Check out important data about Sonawari Tehsil as per Census 2011.
Sonawari Tehsil data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | 176,502 | 148,222 | 28,280 |
Children (0-6 years) | 25,560 | 22,188 | 3,372 |
Literacy | 46.62% | 45.42% | 52.68% |
Sex Ratio | 925 | 939 | 856 |
Scheduled Caste | 0.1% | 0% | 0.5% |
Scheduled Tribe | 1.7% | 2% | 0.2% |
List of Municipal Towns in Sonawari Tehsil
Below is list of all towns in Sonawari Tehsil with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Hajan (Municipal Council) | 13,239 | 54.1% | 856 |
2 | Sumbal (Municipal Council) | 15,041 | 51.44% | 855 |
List of Villages in Sonawari Tehsil
Below is list of all villages in Sonawari Tehsil with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Ajas | 12,961 | 56.88% | 927 |
2 | Asham | 4,841 | 58.92% | 978 |
3 | Bahar Abad | 5,254 | 50.32% | 971 |
4 | Chander Gair Ghat | 365 | 17.69% | 911 |
5 | Chander Gir | 2,952 | 47.28% | 932 |
6 | Chewa | 3,278 | 60.56% | 942 |
7 | Forest Block | 203 | 43.12% | 796 |
8 | Gada Khud | 2,007 | 45.09% | 899 |
9 | Ganstan | 4,220 | 38.98% | 963 |
10 | Gulshan Pora | 2,573 | 42.81% | 961 |
11 | Gund Khalil | 2,164 | 48.93% | 895 |
12 | Gund Nowgam | 1,916 | 36.74% | 965 |
13 | Gund Prang | 3,818 | 30.06% | 884 |
14 | Gund Ramzan | 290 | 37.07% | 1,132 |
15 | Gundi Balakh | 584 | 54.25% | 902 |
16 | Gundi Boon | 2,067 | 46.11% | 934 |
17 | Gundi Jahangir | 3,301 | 54.34% | 914 |
18 | Gundi Jahangir Ghat | 937 | 26.48% | 837 |
19 | Gundi Sader Koot | 7,152 | 51.12% | 955 |
20 | Hajin Ghat | 129 | 34.83% | 1,186 |
21 | Hilal Abad | 4,723 | 57.64% | 955 |
22 | Kani Pora | 1,094 | 48.55% | 923 |
23 | Kosum Bagh | 4,965 | 47.28% | 891 |
24 | Madwan | 2,215 | 45.55% | 952 |
25 | Malik Pora | 703 | 39.02% | 916 |
26 | Naid Khi | 8,166 | 50.07% | 960 |
27 | Najin | 1,370 | 26.46% | 846 |
28 | Nisbal Ghat | 200 | 12.22% | 802 |
29 | Nowgam | 5,836 | 30.18% | 948 |
30 | Odina | 3,599 | 40.79% | 1,021 |
31 | Push Wari | 2,238 | 38.8% | 946 |
32 | Rakh Hajin | 2,497 | 47.17% | 1,007 |
33 | Rakh Shilvat | 3,771 | 43.27% | 849 |
34 | Rakh Sultan Pora | 2,613 | 41.55% | 990 |
35 | Rakhi Malgam | - | - | - |
36 | Sadhunara Hasti Khan | 8,674 | 36.13% | 934 |
37 | Sadrakote Pain | 3,246 | 48.54% | 853 |
38 | Sarai Danger Pora | 4,599 | 42.8% | 904 |
39 | Shadi Pora | 2,021 | 46.48% | 891 |
40 | Shah Gund | 7,044 | 39.86% | 983 |
41 | Shilvat | 2,461 | 56.93% | 927 |
42 | Shilvat Ghat | 346 | 32.12% | 966 |
43 | Siri Hari Gund Ghat | 1,082 | 24.6% | 953 |
44 | Siri Hari Karan Gund | 1,729 | 31.02% | 967 |
45 | Sumbal Ghat | 62 | 17.39% | 1,296 |
46 | Tanga Pora | 585 | 29.58% | 1,127 |
47 | Tirgam | 4,485 | 37.81% | 971 |
48 | Viji Pora | 3,243 | 50.4% | 967 |
49 | Wangi Pora Ghat | - | - | - |
50 | Watal Hanji | 670 | 36.59% | 846 |
51 | Zal Pora | 2,191 | 33.68% | 932 |
52 | Zani Pora | 782 | 68.36% | 936 |