Villages & Towns in Ramnagar Tehsil Udhampur, Jammu and Kashmir - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Ramnagar Tehsil of Udhampur district, Jammu and Kashmir. As per Census 2011, there are 1 towns and 90 villages within Ramnagar Tehsil. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Ramnagar Tehsil is 167,010 out of which urban population is 6,292 while rural is 160,718. As per Census 2011, total families in Ramnagar were 1,330. Check out important data about Ramnagar Tehsil as per Census 2011.
Ramnagar Tehsil data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | 167,010 | 160,718 | 6,292 |
Children (0-6 years) | 27,966 | 27,218 | 748 |
Literacy | 62.53% | 61.74% | 81.64% |
Sex Ratio | 925 | 924 | 944 |
Scheduled Caste | 33.3% | 33.2% | 35.4% |
Scheduled Tribe | 9.6% | 10% | 0.3% |
List of Municipal Towns in Ramnagar Tehsil
Below is list of all towns in Ramnagar Tehsil with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Ram Nagar (Municipal Council) | 6,292 | 81.64% | 944 |
List of Villages in Ramnagar Tehsil
Below is list of all villages in Ramnagar Tehsil with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Badhole | 2,227 | 67.02% | 887 |
2 | Bainsta | 1,005 | 69.76% | 858 |
3 | Baland | 1,191 | 60.18% | 933 |
4 | Bari | 2,008 | 60.92% | 965 |
5 | Basant Garh | 2,590 | 66.45% | 921 |
6 | Beernoo | 1,692 | 62.31% | 958 |
7 | Beraliata Sawana Banj | 1,651 | 39.8% | 922 |
8 | Bermean | 4,322 | 56.16% | 901 |
9 | Bhatiari | 2,748 | 68.21% | 960 |
10 | Bheela Jagir | 844 | 51.91% | 954 |
11 | Bhugtharian | 1,817 | 66.12% | 973 |
12 | Bindla | 1,945 | 58.56% | 943 |
13 | Blotha Chagla | 1,784 | 65.49% | 927 |
14 | Blotha Uppralla | 1,788 | 53.02% | 937 |
15 | Chakahal | 1,312 | 57.01% | 927 |
16 | Chanunta | 2,752 | 71.04% | 937 |
17 | Chapper | 3,625 | 45.61% | 945 |
18 | Chhatriari | 2,015 | 53.34% | 1,021 |
19 | Conain | 735 | 71.94% | 833 |
20 | Dalsar | 1,662 | 68.23% | 1,002 |
21 | Dhandal | 3,093 | 66.14% | 998 |
22 | Dhanwalth | 1,241 | 62.77% | 930 |
23 | Dhar Suej | - | - | - |
24 | Dheeran | 1,477 | 52.94% | 928 |
25 | Dhiari | 2,709 | 66.85% | 900 |
26 | Dudu | 1,719 | 47.29% | 925 |
27 | Forest Block | - | - | - |
28 | Gaghot | 3,682 | 65.88% | 931 |
29 | Ghoghar Marh | 1,171 | 63.8% | 945 |
30 | Ghordi Jagir | 1,399 | 67.47% | 943 |
31 | Ghordi Khas | 4,649 | 65.8% | 915 |
32 | Herterian | 2,963 | 70.61% | 929 |
33 | Incha | 1,615 | 65.64% | 874 |
34 | Jakhad | 2,489 | 46.73% | 954 |
35 | Jandriari | 1,560 | 68.04% | 864 |
36 | Jandror | 3,638 | 68.65% | 894 |
37 | Jophar | 1,971 | 56.45% | 917 |
38 | Kadwa | 596 | 70.78% | 892 |
39 | Kanah | 2,453 | 66.05% | 883 |
40 | Kella | 1,913 | 48.2% | 907 |
41 | Kermuim | 3,085 | 74.04% | 913 |
42 | Khanad | 828 | 60.12% | 926 |
43 | Khathil Gango | 2,732 | 71.6% | 928 |
44 | Khein | 1,047 | 71.36% | 961 |
45 | Kiya | 1,917 | 64.18% | 923 |
46 | Kot Walat | 2,309 | 56.36% | 931 |
47 | Ladhra | 1,113 | 67.32% | 816 |
48 | Lahar | 1,483 | 63.13% | 993 |
49 | Lathi | 3,558 | 59.08% | 958 |
50 | Lehair | 1,895 | 27.71% | 972 |
51 | Lodhna | 2,284 | 46.3% | 952 |
52 | Mahni | 2,083 | 64.41% | 956 |
53 | Mang | 1,481 | 46.5% | 891 |
54 | Martha | 3,719 | 68.24% | 906 |
55 | Nagrotta Ghordi | 430 | 86.51% | 928 |
56 | Nalla Ghorian | 3,374 | 62.9% | 888 |
57 | Nalla Malion | 1,975 | 63.49% | 901 |
58 | Pachound | 3,352 | 49% | 897 |
59 | Pader | 930 | 49.61% | 864 |
60 | Palarn | 278 | 69.64% | 917 |
61 | Peroya Jagir | 1,115 | 61.68% | 871 |
62 | Pharol | 643 | 63.69% | 914 |
63 | Pingar | 1,194 | 62.18% | 929 |
64 | Pleai | 451 | 54.9% | 790 |
65 | Prey | 1,816 | 60.81% | 886 |
66 | Punara | 1,575 | 65.51% | 893 |
67 | Punj Garian | 2,012 | 64.01% | 891 |
68 | Rai Chak | 247 | 65.35% | 992 |
69 | Rang | 1,514 | 66.87% | 946 |
70 | Resali Gadarin | 1,599 | 52.13% | 945 |
71 | Resali Thakrai | 1,545 | 49.26% | 870 |
72 | Resian | 1,952 | 59.4% | 906 |
73 | Rotahal | 352 | 62.21% | 892 |
74 | Rumain | 587 | 76.88% | 875 |
75 | Saglar | 2,465 | 65.97% | 923 |
76 | Sarsu | 887 | 68.06% | 875 |
77 | Satialta | 2,304 | 52.32% | 922 |
78 | Satian | 1,199 | 60.81% | 915 |
79 | Sear Bala | 1,822 | 67.27% | 930 |
80 | Sear Manjla | 1,779 | 65.87% | 953 |
81 | Sewanti | 150 | 48.76% | 852 |
82 | Sianeri | 1,153 | 60.65% | 912 |
83 | Sownather | 3,845 | 70.5% | 930 |
84 | Sulan | 826 | 57.71% | 1,000 |
85 | Surni | 1,958 | 66.69% | 935 |
86 | Tagan | 703 | 50.26% | 916 |
87 | Thalay | 709 | 63.48% | 1,043 |
88 | Thaplal | 1,794 | 62.75% | 961 |
89 | Udak | 468 | 62.63% | 918 |
90 | Umrow | 2,130 | 75.99% | 922 |