Villages & Towns in Pakyong Sub-Division East District, Sikkim - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Pakyong Sub-Division of East District district, Sikkim. As per Census 2011, there are 0 towns and 29 villages within Pakyong Sub-Division. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Pakyong Sub-Division is 36,392 out of which urban population is 0 while rural is 36,392. As per Census 2011, total families in Pakyong were 0. Check out important data about Pakyong Sub-Division as per Census 2011.
Pakyong Sub-Division data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | 36,392 | 36,392 | - |
Children (0-6 years) | 3,720 | 3,720 | - |
Literacy | 77.81% | 77.81% | - |
Sex Ratio | 936 | 936 | - |
Scheduled Caste | 5.5% | 5.5% | - |
Scheduled Tribe | 31.8% | 31.8% | - |
List of Municipal Towns in Pakyong Sub-Division
Below is list of all towns in Pakyong Sub-Division with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
List of Villages in Pakyong Sub-Division
Below is list of all villages in Pakyong Sub-Division with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Aho | 1,240 | 83.95% | 1,029 |
2 | Amba | 2,193 | 69.5% | 942 |
3 | Assam Lingzey Forest Block | - | - | - |
4 | Biring | 1,322 | 77.33% | 897 |
5 | Changey Senti | 951 | 75.06% | 998 |
6 | Chhota Singtam | 1,574 | 86.03% | 934 |
7 | Chochenpheri | 1,120 | 61.22% | 948 |
8 | Dikling | 976 | 78.86% | 937 |
9 | East Pendam | 1,557 | 66.05% | 887 |
10 | Kamarey Bhasmey | 1,861 | 76.48% | 876 |
11 | Kartok | 2,973 | 86.55% | 942 |
12 | Latuk | 301 | 66.15% | 835 |
13 | Linkey | 592 | 81.2% | 922 |
14 | Losing | 445 | 68.21% | 1,060 |
15 | Machong | 1,311 | 73.46% | 1,039 |
16 | Namcheybung | 5,128 | 78.71% | 897 |
17 | Pachak | 919 | 73.42% | 860 |
18 | Pachey | 2,953 | 82.68% | 963 |
19 | Pacheykhani | 580 | 81.85% | 1,021 |
20 | Pacheykhani | 2,264 | 79.08% | 945 |
21 | Pakyong Forest Block | 72 | 73.44% | 532 |
22 | Parkha | 820 | 74.27% | 1,045 |
23 | Pathing Forest Block | - | - | - |
24 | Riwa | 264 | 79.75% | 1,200 |
25 | Tarethang | 736 | 84.78% | 989 |
26 | Taza | 1,899 | 75.75% | 948 |
27 | Thekabung | 890 | 74.94% | 952 |
28 | Tsalumthang | 1,031 | 84.42% | 790 |
29 | Yangtam | 420 | 79.17% | 972 |