Villages & Towns in Anantnag Tehsil Anantnag, Jammu and Kashmir - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Anantnag Tehsil of Anantnag district, Jammu and Kashmir. As per Census 2011, there are 5 towns and 86 villages within Anantnag Tehsil. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Anantnag Tehsil is 364,763 out of which urban population is 185,233 while rural is 179,530. As per Census 2011, total families in Anantnag were 22,731. Check out important data about Anantnag Tehsil as per Census 2011.
Anantnag Tehsil data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | 364,763 | 179,530 | 185,233 |
Children (0-6 years) | 60,971 | 30,354 | 30,617 |
Literacy | 69.62% | 65.95% | 73.16% |
Sex Ratio | 943 | 955 | 932 |
Scheduled Caste | 0.1% | 0% | 0.1% |
Scheduled Tribe | 1.2% | 2% | 0.5% |
List of Municipal Towns in Anantnag Tehsil
Below is list of all towns in Anantnag Tehsil with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Achhabal (Municipal Council) | 17,556 | 71.24% | 953 |
2 | Anantnag (Municipal Council) | 109,433 | 76.17% | 927 |
3 | Anantnag (Part) (Municipal Council + Outgrowth) | 150,198 | 73.81% | 938 |
4 | Mattan (Municipal Council) | 9,246 | 73.33% | 813 |
5 | Seer Hamdan (Municipal Council) | 8,233 | 65.31% | 928 |
List of Villages in Anantnag Tehsil
Below is list of all villages in Anantnag Tehsil with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Akura | 3,048 | 62.17% | 1,042 |
2 | Anz Walla | 2,960 | 58.51% | 1,022 |
3 | Areh Bugh | 425 | 55.03% | 950 |
4 | Ari Gohal | 1,495 | 67.74% | 1,118 |
5 | Arsoo | 756 | 72.58% | 871 |
6 | Bat Pora | 375 | 35.67% | 963 |
7 | Bomthan | 2,519 | 68.24% | 950 |
8 | Bona Gund | 784 | 84.51% | 1,010 |
9 | Bona Nambal | 4,416 | 65.29% | 976 |
10 | Brar Ani Gandan | 2,673 | 55.57% | 941 |
11 | Brenti Bat Pora | 5,988 | 68.86% | 1,017 |
12 | Chera Hama | 1,050 | 66.59% | 977 |
13 | Chichiri Pora | 832 | 79.87% | 821 |
14 | Chithi Manzhama | 295 | 70.66% | 967 |
15 | Devi Pora | 1,509 | 72.09% | 773 |
16 | Fateh Pora | 6,737 | 74.02% | 946 |
17 | Fohar | 1,395 | 62.01% | 943 |
18 | Forah | 2,532 | 74.29% | 907 |
19 | Ganai Gund | 1,640 | 44.48% | 1,053 |
20 | Ganoora | 1,360 | 77.54% | 1,061 |
21 | Gopal Pora Kalan | 4,440 | 66.98% | 886 |
22 | Gopal Pora Khurad | 1,820 | 63.31% | 874 |
23 | Hardu Akar | 2,895 | 58.98% | 964 |
24 | Hardu Shichan | 3,894 | 72% | 964 |
25 | Hardu Toru | 3,398 | 73.53% | 1,004 |
26 | Hugam | 2,337 | 66.37% | 843 |
27 | Hutmarah | 2,885 | 71.69% | 1,064 |
28 | Imoh | 2,777 | 63.96% | 939 |
29 | Isoo | 1,955 | 63.76% | 959 |
30 | Kadeh Pora | 1,393 | 65.26% | 900 |
31 | Kamar | 3,265 | 75.41% | 874 |
32 | Kangan Hal | 2,340 | 62.8% | 1,029 |
33 | Kanji Gund | 1,240 | 56.07% | 890 |
34 | Karewa Chithi Singh Pora | 2,940 | 70.93% | 972 |
35 | Karewa Kangan Hal | 67 | 44.23% | 914 |
36 | Kawari Gam | 2,965 | 60.69% | 1,095 |
37 | Kharman Ganish | 1,493 | 74.83% | 975 |
38 | Kherah Bugh | 1,187 | 69.09% | 1,005 |
39 | Khirman Tail Wani | - | - | - |
40 | Khirmon Toru | - | - | - |
41 | Krewa Brak Pora | - | - | - |
42 | Krewa Rampur | 2,116 | 66.99% | 858 |
43 | Lali Pora Mala Pora | 1,841 | 73.78% | 1,153 |
44 | Lallan | 2,871 | 80.54% | 401 |
45 | Laram Jangi Pora | 5,005 | 61.99% | 1,000 |
46 | Magri Pora | 1,725 | 66.36% | 956 |
47 | Manigam | 1,275 | 56.14% | 889 |
48 | Mati Pora | 495 | 63.27% | 919 |
49 | Momin Hall | 130 | 77.78% | 884 |
50 | Moni Ward | 3,186 | 64.12% | 875 |
51 | Mulsoo | 552 | 56.84% | 1,067 |
52 | Mush Khasa Rasool Khandi | 63 | 69.23% | 1,100 |
53 | Nanilang | 8,285 | 60.73% | 1,006 |
54 | Naw Wathu | 412 | 63.06% | 925 |
55 | Nipor | 3,163 | 68.03% | 959 |
56 | Now Bugh | 1,245 | 52.54% | 995 |
57 | Now Pora Khover Para | 177 | 50.76% | 903 |
58 | Nun Wani | 1,699 | 67.86% | 920 |
59 | Pai Bugh | 904 | 70.39% | 1,102 |
60 | Pal Pora | 895 | 64.56% | 1,025 |
61 | Panz Mulla | 2,286 | 64.59% | 929 |
62 | Peth Bugh | 2,638 | 79.61% | 983 |
63 | Peth Dial Gam | 3,615 | 80.16% | 889 |
64 | Push Kriri | 2,348 | 66.55% | 975 |
65 | Rakhi Now Bugh | - | - | - |
66 | Rakhi Tail Wani | 352 | 72.63% | 945 |
67 | Ram Pora | 261 | 43.2% | 1,157 |
68 | Ranbir Pora | 6,721 | 63.63% | 991 |
69 | Rohu | 2,083 | 68.94% | 866 |
70 | Salia Ponchal Pora | 5,663 | 58.01% | 938 |
71 | Sar Suna Anantnag | 1,149 | 55.4% | 853 |
72 | Shalwan Pora | 1,502 | 63.02% | 1,124 |
73 | Shamsi Pora | 2,911 | 57.09% | 1,090 |
74 | Sifan | 1,438 | 68.91% | 875 |
75 | Sofi Gund Bago Gund | 874 | 70.77% | 762 |
76 | Srundoo | 1,876 | 72.02% | 971 |
77 | Tail Wani | 4,840 | 62.54% | 991 |
78 | Tang Marg | 414 | 57.43% | 1,091 |
79 | Thaji Wara | 1,847 | 65.05% | 1,133 |
80 | Turka Thachloo | 1,665 | 68.5% | 943 |
81 | Ugjan | 981 | 80.27% | 1,014 |
82 | Vail Nag Bal | 2,313 | 31.18% | 985 |
83 | Wani Hama | 1,899 | 76.64% | 1,027 |
84 | Watari Gam | 1,235 | 70.39% | 986 |
85 | Woran Hall | 4,688 | 60% | 990 |
86 | Zodar | 1,812 | 54.83% | 922 |