Villages & Towns in Udarbond Circle Cachar, Assam - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Udarbond Circle of Cachar district, Assam. As per Census 2011, there are 1 towns and 98 villages within Udarbond Circle. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Udarbond Circle is 124,090 out of which urban population is 9,051 while rural is 115,039. As per Census 2011, total families in Udarbond were 1,972. Check out important data about Udarbond Circle as per Census 2011.
Udarbond Circle data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | 124,090 | 115,039 | 9,051 |
Children (0-6 years) | 18,094 | 17,226 | 868 |
Literacy | 72.08% | 70.35% | 92.74% |
Sex Ratio | 944 | 940 | 1,002 |
Scheduled Caste | 6.9% | 6.8% | 9% |
Scheduled Tribe | 0.6% | 0.7% | 0.1% |
List of Municipal Towns in Udarbond Circle
Below is list of all towns in Udarbond Circle with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Durga Nagar Pt. V (Census Town) | 9,051 | 92.74% | 1,002 |
List of Villages in Udarbond Circle
Below is list of all villages in Udarbond Circle with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Aina Chara T.E. | 1,140 | 62.87% | 996 |
2 | Akai Punji | 684 | 56.94% | 916 |
3 | Amaranagar T.E. | 791 | 51.2% | 992 |
4 | Arcuttepur Grant | 4,037 | 60.98% | 966 |
5 | Arunabond T.E. | 2,028 | 70.41% | 937 |
6 | Atik Punji | - | - | - |
7 | Badri Par | 1,891 | 67.03% | 958 |
8 | Bahadurpur | 1,631 | 90.61% | 996 |
9 | Baroidisha Punji | 143 | 90.43% | 702 |
10 | Boronagadum Punji | - | - | - |
11 | Chalita Chara | 465 | 53.12% | 1,067 |
12 | Chalita Kandi | 680 | 67.46% | 965 |
13 | Chandi Ghat Pt I | 1,100 | 61.6% | 1,083 |
14 | Chandi Ghat Pt II | 448 | 51.34% | 974 |
15 | Chandi Ghat Pt III | 1,348 | 65.76% | 968 |
16 | Chandighat Grant | 5,951 | 54.96% | 942 |
17 | Changsu Punji | 51 | 100% | 962 |
18 | Chappanahal Grant | 1,004 | 61.07% | 988 |
19 | Daya Disha Punji | 224 | 89.88% | 898 |
20 | Daya Punji | - | - | - |
21 | Digar Khasipur Grant | 2,571 | 48.78% | 943 |
22 | Digar Khaspur | 570 | 77.61% | 900 |
23 | Digartali Gram | 716 | 60.36% | 956 |
24 | Digun Chara Grant | 206 | 81.87% | 981 |
25 | Doyapore Grant | 4,202 | 54.59% | 808 |
26 | Doyapore Pt I | 2,136 | 76.44% | 967 |
27 | Doyapore Pt II | 2,820 | 84.88% | 964 |
28 | Doyapore Pt III | 790 | 74.57% | 932 |
29 | Doyapore Pt IV | 501 | 55.9% | 815 |
30 | Durganagar Pt I | 968 | 80.15% | 894 |
31 | Durganagar Pt II | 831 | 79.67% | 951 |
32 | Durganagar Pt III | 1,160 | 87.7% | 927 |
33 | Durganagar Pt IV | 1,711 | 93.67% | 895 |
34 | Durganagar Pt VI | 1,967 | 80.16% | 928 |
35 | Durganagar Pt VII | 1,176 | 79.69% | 963 |
36 | Euback Punjee | 5 | 100% | 250 |
37 | Fatik Punji | - | - | - |
38 | Gossaipur Pt I | 2,801 | 84.5% | 1,036 |
39 | Gossaipur Pt II | 2,099 | 85.58% | 893 |
40 | Gossaipur Pt III | 2,586 | 89.97% | 979 |
41 | Gossaipur Pt IV | 1,052 | 89.11% | 970 |
42 | Gossaipur Pt V | 1,410 | 73.13% | 945 |
43 | Gua Bari | 715 | 68.71% | 882 |
44 | Gunti Bari Grant | 928 | 56.37% | 970 |
45 | Haroi Punjee | - | - | - |
46 | Icha Chara | 480 | 48.7% | 853 |
47 | Indragram Pt I | 233 | 76.96% | 835 |
48 | Indragram Pt II | 570 | 65.43% | 979 |
49 | Indragram T.E. | 736 | 59.09% | 1,079 |
50 | Istampur Grant | 518 | 74% | 877 |
51 | Jhapirbond Pt I | 1,139 | 65.84% | 991 |
52 | Jhapirbond Pt II | 1,184 | 64.12% | 938 |
53 | Jorju Punji | - | - | - |
54 | Kartul Pahar | - | - | - |
55 | Kasipur Grant | 3,395 | 63.6% | 868 |
56 | Kaspur Bagerkona | 1,795 | 82.24% | 1,015 |
57 | Kaspur Grant | 1,274 | 59.13% | 927 |
58 | Katlir Punji | - | - | - |
59 | Khuli Cherra U.S. | 148 | 90.32% | 973 |
60 | Kumbha T.E. | 4,292 | 61.42% | 979 |
61 | Kumbhirgram T.E. | 2,374 | 63.87% | 997 |
62 | Laibong Punji | 71 | 86.89% | 690 |
63 | Lailong Chara | 61 | 96.3% | 649 |
64 | Lailong Chara Punji | 268 | 81.36% | 1,062 |
65 | Larsingpar Basti | 458 | 78.24% | 916 |
66 | Larsingpar Grant | 3,726 | 48.4% | 983 |
67 | Latigram | 2,513 | 78.78% | 910 |
68 | Latigram Grant | 1,118 | 69.26% | 918 |
69 | Lutatal Punji | - | - | - |
70 | Madhupur | 2,348 | 79.11% | 926 |
71 | Majargram Grant | 883 | 58.41% | 924 |
72 | Majhargram Basti | 564 | 48.78% | 965 |
73 | Mamad Pur | 211 | 56.4% | 936 |
74 | Mati Chara T.E. | 424 | 65.64% | 963 |
75 | Nagadung Agustnagar | 612 | 58.2% | 821 |
76 | Nagadung Bhudharbond | 1,317 | 73.21% | 940 |
77 | Natsul | - | - | - |
78 | Nayagram | 748 | 67.39% | 861 |
79 | Nutan Doyapore Chak | - | - | - |
80 | Nuton Suka Punji | 286 | 84.71% | 744 |
81 | Pangram Pt I | 3,162 | 72.28% | 982 |
82 | Pangram Pt II | 1,870 | 86.72% | 952 |
83 | Pangram Pt III | 3,636 | 84.16% | 922 |
84 | Patichara T.E. | 876 | 55.76% | 964 |
85 | Patimara T.E. | 285 | 52.32% | 900 |
86 | Purba Doyapore | 630 | 22.29% | 950 |
87 | Purba Salganga | 1,308 | 94.97% | 1,003 |
88 | Ratanpur | 245 | 75.65% | 899 |
89 | Salganga Grant | 622 | 99.11% | 938 |
90 | Salganga Par | 3,785 | 91.99% | 753 |
91 | Siberbond | 1,031 | 69.97% | 1,066 |
92 | Soraipur | - | - | - |
93 | Suna Tula T.E. | 941 | 66.39% | 952 |
94 | Sungjang Punji | 21 | 100% | 750 |
95 | Taligram | 1,208 | 79.72% | 955 |
96 | Tatai Chara T.E. | 245 | 72.27% | 929 |
97 | Tikalpar Basti | 1,667 | 68.29% | 1,013 |
98 | Tikalpar Grant | 2,224 | 59.62% | 1,007 |