Villages & Towns in Tufanganj - II Block Koch Bihar, West Bengal - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Tufanganj - II Block of Koch Bihar district, West Bengal. As per Census 2011, there are 1 towns and 53 villages within Tufanganj - II Block. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Tufanganj - II Block is 186,726 out of which urban population is 5,480 while rural is 181,246. As per Census 2011, total families in Tufanganj - II were 1,297. Check out important data about Tufanganj - II Block as per Census 2011.
Tufanganj - II Block data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | 186,726 | 181,246 | 5,480 |
Children (0-6 years) | 21,429 | 20,807 | 622 |
Literacy | 75.75% | 75.56% | 82.05% |
Sex Ratio | 941 | 940 | 963 |
Scheduled Caste | 53.8% | 54.8% | 20.3% |
Scheduled Tribe | 2.1% | 2.2% | 0.2% |
List of Municipal Towns in Tufanganj - II Block
Below is list of all towns in Tufanganj - II Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Chhota Laukuthi (Census Town) | 5,480 | 82.05% | 963 |
List of Villages in Tufanganj - II Block
Below is list of all villages in Tufanganj - II Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Atia Mochar | 244 | 74.42% | 1,050 |
2 | Atra | 865 | 81.12% | 979 |
3 | Bajrapur | 2,216 | 77.38% | 972 |
4 | Bakla | 2,426 | 78.05% | 879 |
5 | Bala Kuthi | 5,424 | 76.82% | 930 |
6 | Bara Kodali | 5,009 | 74.79% | 946 |
7 | Bara Salbari | 8,224 | 69.34% | 943 |
8 | Bashraja Dwitia Khanda | 680 | 71.84% | 965 |
9 | Basraja Pratham Khanda | 6,251 | 75.83% | 920 |
10 | Begarkhata | 2,298 | 73.99% | 1,025 |
11 | Bhandijalas | 5,002 | 75.58% | 930 |
12 | Bhanukumari | 14,340 | 81.8% | 947 |
13 | Bhareya | 2,411 | 69.14% | 940 |
14 | Bichhandai | 212 | 78.45% | 963 |
15 | Boalimohan Dwitia Khanda | 176 | 77.7% | 778 |
16 | Boalimohan Pratham Khanda | 156 | 84.62% | 1,000 |
17 | Chengtimari | 822 | 60.94% | 943 |
18 | Chhat Balakuthi | 491 | 75.4% | 853 |
19 | Chhat Bhalka | 3,099 | 77.73% | 899 |
20 | Chhat Bhareya | 597 | 75.14% | 1,010 |
21 | Chhit Bara Laukuthi | 2,122 | 71% | 945 |
22 | Debgram | 4,242 | 75.31% | 961 |
23 | Dhaldabri | 4,582 | 76.34% | 937 |
24 | Dhanmatia | 1,564 | 76.6% | 982 |
25 | Dorko | 1,535 | 66.07% | 916 |
26 | Falimari | 11,385 | 67.09% | 942 |
27 | Gorbhanga | 1,416 | 81.35% | 906 |
28 | Haripur | 2,793 | 75.81% | 910 |
29 | Jaldhoa | 5,042 | 78.43% | 922 |
30 | Jhingapuni | 3,277 | 76.6% | 929 |
31 | Jiratisalbari | 828 | 76.43% | 930 |
32 | Khagribari | 1,927 | 74.39% | 960 |
33 | Langalgram | 1,789 | 75.95% | 936 |
34 | Madhurbhasa | 1,142 | 69.84% | 1,058 |
35 | Mahishkuchi | 7,192 | 70.9% | 951 |
36 | Mansai | 6,046 | 69.05% | 935 |
37 | Mantani | 1,296 | 72.09% | 929 |
38 | Mechkoka | 827 | 85.44% | 988 |
39 | Najiran Deutikhanda | 4,340 | 77.8% | 897 |
40 | Nakarkhana | 4,169 | 77.24% | 907 |
41 | Paglirkuthi | 269 | 65.68% | 949 |
42 | Palika | 2,908 | 80.67% | 961 |
43 | Phersabari | 1,501 | 69.9% | 980 |
44 | Purba Jhaukuthi | 1,376 | 71.29% | 888 |
45 | Rampur | 18,274 | 80% | 930 |
46 | Rasikbil | 4,223 | 73.97% | 940 |
47 | Salbari | 9,415 | 76.44% | 996 |
48 | Sauerkhata | 606 | 71.56% | 980 |
49 | Shilghagri | 1,703 | 83.29% | 890 |
50 | Singimari | 4,459 | 81.44% | 972 |
51 | Takoamari | 4,346 | 74.82% | 924 |
52 | Taterkuthi | 2,458 | 76.07% | 932 |
53 | Turkanirkuthi | 1,251 | 72.03% | 878 |