Villages & Towns in Tirupati Mandal Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh - Census 2011

List of all villages and towns in Tirupati Mandal of Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh. As per Census 2011, there are 5 towns and 25 villages within Tirupati Mandal. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.

The total population of Tirupati Mandal is 117 445 out of which urban population is 66 974 while rural is 50 471. As per Census 2011, total families in Tirupati were 16 605. Check out important data about Tirupati Mandal as per Census 2011.

Tirupati Mandal data as per Census 2011

Total Rural Urban
Population 117 445 50 471 66 974
Children (0-6 years) 12 608 5 506 7 102
Literacy 75,74% 70,56% 79,62%
Sex Ratio 976 1 016 946
Scheduled Caste 16,1% 20,5% 12,8%
Scheduled Tribe 3,3% 3,6% 3,1%

List of Municipal Towns in Tirupati Mandal

Below is list of all towns in Tirupati Mandal with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Town Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Avilala (Census Town) 24 839 76,13% 985
2 Cherlopalle (Census Town) 6 143 77,74% 995
3 Perur (Census Town) 11 127 79,51% 1 023
4 Tiruchanur (Census Town) 22 963 83,32% 858
5 Tirupati (Part) (Munciple Corporation + Outgrowth) 1 902 86,01% 969

List of Villages in Tirupati Mandal

Below is list of all villages in Tirupati Mandal with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Village Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Brahmana Pattu 2 097 66,88% 1 007
2 Chiguruwada North Khandriga 1 527 73,8% 1 007
3 Chiguruwada South Khandriga 902 76,3% 1 107
4 Daminedu 5 850 77,23% 1 000
5 Durga Samudram 3 160 63,55% 1 026
6 Gollapalle 944 75,93% 967
7 Kalur 1 411 72,1% 1 021
8 Kothur 402 62,92% 971
9 Kuntrapakam 2 181 65,99% 1 006
10 Kupu Chandra Peta 902 71,2% 1 004
11 Mallam Gunta 3 042 70,37% 1 019
12 Mallavaram 2 471 67,8% 947
13 Mundlapudi 1 977 55,23% 952
14 Nallamani Kalva 817 73,45% 964
15 Padi 1 776 71,49% 518
16 Paidi Palle 1 211 69,97% 995
17 Panakam 1 114 80,66% 979
18 Patha Kalva 346 67,31% 1 023
19 Pudipatla 8 919 66,83% 983
20 Ramanuja Palle 661 74,5% 1 160
21 Thanapalle 903 82,21% 959
22 Thummala Gunta 2 432 83,45% 2 842
23 Vedantha Puram 1 861 68,13% 965
24 Vemur 1 399 67,34% 996
25 Yogimallvaram 2 166 73,6% 915
Villages in Tirupati Population of Tirupati Sex Ratio of Tirupati Literacy Rate in Tirupati