Villages & Towns in Shirol Taluka Kolhapur, Maharashtra - Census 2011

List of all villages and towns in Shirol Taluka of Kolhapur district, Maharashtra. As per Census 2011, there are 2 towns and 54 villages within Shirol Taluka. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.

The total population of Shirol Taluka is 391 015 out of which urban population is 70 882 while rural is 320 133. As per Census 2011, total families in Shirol were 15 272. Check out important data about Shirol Taluka as per Census 2011.

Shirol Taluka data as per Census 2011

Total Rural Urban
Population 391 015 320 133 70 882
Children (0-6 years) 41 177 33 834 7 343
Literacy 83,44% 82,9% 85,86%
Sex Ratio 957 949 991
Scheduled Caste 15,3% 16,6% 9,7%
Scheduled Tribe 2,7% 3,1% 0,9%

List of Municipal Towns in Shirol Taluka

Below is list of all towns in Shirol Taluka with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Town Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Jaysingpur (Municipal Council) 48 510 85,38% 999
2 Kurundvad (Municipal Council) 22 372 86,9% 975

List of Villages in Shirol Taluka

Below is list of all villages in Shirol Taluka with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Village Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Agar 5 412 86,49% 954
2 Akiwat 9 268 77,57% 933
3 Alas 6 616 80,2% 963
4 Arjunwad 5 641 83,47% 936
5 Aurwad 4 540 89,47% 980
6 Bastawad 2 321 85,91% 1 001
7 Bubnal 3 154 85,51% 916
8 Chichvad 4 285 82,09% 910
9 Chipari 7 876 83,61% 957
10 Danoli 14 075 82,63% 961
11 Danwad 5 357 81,14% 919
12 Dattawad 9 711 80,11% 974
13 Dharangutti 7 233 77,1% 934
14 Ganeshwadi 1 749 87,42% 983
15 Gaurwad 2 631 85,77% 975
16 Ghalwad 3 535 85,2% 889
17 Ghosarwad 6 615 80,69% 1 017
18 Haroli 3 280 81,08% 940
19 Hasur 2 417 85,4% 932
20 Herwad 7 165 84,6% 935
21 Jainapur 2 358 84,86% 895
22 Jambhali 4 963 84,06% 937
23 Jayshingpur 4 796 90,27% 921
24 Kanwad 3 280 82,51% 963
25 Kavatheguland 3 685 85,98% 952
26 Kavathesar 3 589 84,95% 956
27 Khidrapur 2 759 81,84% 968
28 Kondigre 3 245 83,56% 981
29 Kothali 8 617 79,74% 954
30 Kurundawad 694 71,73% 861
31 Kutwad 2 271 85,69% 990
32 Lat 16 271 83,57% 946
33 Latwadi 1 339 76,59% 958
34 Majarewadi 2 273 89,27% 920
35 Malwadi 4 025 79,73% 958
36 Nandani 15 093 83,11% 951
37 Nimshirgaon 4 851 84,02% 936
38 Nrusinhawadi 4 168 89,68% 950
39 Rajapur 4 058 79,89% 963
40 Rajapurwadi 1 088 83,32% 975
41 Shedshal 4 866 82% 1 002
42 Shiradwad 6 167 86,96% 919
43 Shirati 5 640 83,12% 943
44 Shirdhon 9 486 81,33% 969
45 Shirol 27 649 84,53% 945
46 Shivanakwadi 4 070 83,07% 952
47 Takavade 8 735 82,81% 959
48 Takli 5 580 88,13% 1 014
49 Takliwadi 3 581 78,08% 964
50 Tamadalge 2 002 85,6% 970
51 Terwad 5 986 77,61% 948
52 Udagaon 14 513 78,38% 958
53 Umalwad 5 024 83,36% 921
54 Yadrav 10 530 84,82% 881
Villages in Shirol Population of Shirol Sex Ratio of Shirol Literacy Rate in Shirol