Villages & Towns in Sheohar Block Sheohar, Bihar - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Sheohar Block of Sheohar district, Bihar. As per Census 2011, there are 1 towns and 45 villages within Sheohar Block. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Sheohar Block is 155,258 out of which urban population is 28,116 while rural is 127,142. As per Census 2011, total families in Sheohar were 5,858. Check out important data about Sheohar Block as per Census 2011.
Sheohar Block data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | 155,258 | 127,142 | 28,116 |
Children (0-6 years) | 30,290 | 24,891 | 5,399 |
Literacy | 55.25% | 53.76% | 61.96% |
Sex Ratio | 891 | 891 | 889 |
Scheduled Caste | 15.4% | 15.8% | 13.3% |
Scheduled Tribe | 0% | 0% | 0.1% |
List of Municipal Towns in Sheohar Block
Below is list of all towns in Sheohar Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Sheohar (Nagar Panchayat) | 28,116 | 61.96% | 889 |
List of Villages in Sheohar Block
Below is list of all villages in Sheohar Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Az Rakba Kursahar | - | - | - |
2 | Azrakbe Pota | 616 | 70.28% | 855 |
3 | Basahia Ram | 1,337 | 73.59% | 902 |
4 | Bhagwanpur Bheli | 776 | 32.03% | 879 |
5 | Bhagwanpur Bheli Nankar | - | - | - |
6 | Bhaluahi | 1,176 | 70.1% | 1,014 |
7 | Bhaluahi urf Pharuaha | 6 | 80% | 1,000 |
8 | Bisahi | 3,125 | 51.73% | 885 |
9 | Bishunpur Kishundeo | 2,434 | 49.71% | 869 |
10 | Bishunpur Maniari | 2,764 | 61.16% | 843 |
11 | Chak Bishunpur | 1,627 | 63.11% | 868 |
12 | Chamanpur | 9,265 | 39.03% | 899 |
13 | Chhapra Gobindpur urf Gopinathpur | 480 | 76.3% | 935 |
14 | Chiknauta | 2,424 | 60.34% | 912 |
15 | Daud Chhapra | 1,549 | 49.91% | 953 |
16 | Dharampur Rajwan Bandobasti | 990 | 68.51% | 915 |
17 | Dharampur Rajwan Mal | 885 | 32.44% | 924 |
18 | Fatehpur | 3,982 | 71.38% | 879 |
19 | Garahia | 4,738 | 60.8% | 932 |
20 | Garhwa | 1,775 | 62.46% | 909 |
21 | Gopaia | 977 | 66.26% | 919 |
22 | Hanumannagar | 1,404 | 62.52% | 910 |
23 | Harnahi | 4,911 | 46.12% | 884 |
24 | Jafarpur | 1,776 | 55.89% | 889 |
25 | Kanuani Kalyanpur | 1,631 | 45.96% | 910 |
26 | Khairwa Darap | 2,366 | 60.33% | 900 |
27 | Kothia Dharampur Dharamaghat | 1,897 | 66.92% | 840 |
28 | Kursahar | 12,950 | 46.09% | 887 |
29 | Madhopur Anant | 3,308 | 51.09% | 877 |
30 | Mahuaria | 1,955 | 56.11% | 891 |
31 | Mali Pokhar Bhinda | 5,499 | 39.72% | 879 |
32 | Mathurapur Kahtarwa | 5,499 | 56.13% | 869 |
33 | Mirzapur Dhobahi | 2,628 | 61.71% | 884 |
34 | Mohari | 4,400 | 45.76% | 925 |
35 | Pardesia urf Madhubani | 2,721 | 65.98% | 886 |
36 | Parrahi | 1,553 | 53.92% | 827 |
37 | Parsauni Taiyab | 1,577 | 55.93% | 834 |
38 | Pota | 1,687 | 65.9% | 879 |
39 | Rampur Jadu | 2,151 | 65.03% | 880 |
40 | Shahpur | 2,305 | 55.87% | 926 |
41 | Sisaula | 3,712 | 70.74% | 858 |
42 | Sugia Karesri | 9,855 | 47.67% | 933 |
43 | Sugia Katesri Jagir | 2,560 | 71.73% | 863 |
44 | Sundarpur Kharauna | 2,214 | 56.05% | 878 |
45 | Tajpur | 5,657 | 47.75% | 870 |