Villages & Towns in Shabad Mandal Rangareddy, Andhra Pradesh - Census 2011

List of all villages and towns in Shabad Mandal of Rangareddy district, Andhra Pradesh. As per Census 2011, there are 0 towns and 25 villages within Shabad Mandal. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.

The total population of Shabad Mandal is 51 334 out of which urban population is 0 while rural is 51 334. As per Census 2011, total families in Shabad were 0. Check out important data about Shabad Mandal as per Census 2011.

Shabad Mandal data as per Census 2011

Total Rural Urban
Population 51 334 51 334 -
Children (0-6 years) 6 109 6 109 -
Literacy 60,19% 60,19% -
Sex Ratio 964 964 -
Scheduled Caste 22,9% 22,9% -
Scheduled Tribe 3,5% 3,5% -

List of Municipal Towns in Shabad Mandal

Below is list of all towns in Shabad Mandal with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Town Population Literacy Sex Ratio

List of Villages in Shabad Mandal

Below is list of all villages in Shabad Mandal with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Village Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Ananthawaram 1 085 60,08% 1 006
2 Bhongirpalle 261 61,7% 905
3 Bobbilgam 1 152 63,11% 979
4 Chandenvalle 1 629 54,8% 1 006
5 Damerlapalle 1 966 56,72% 998
6 Etlaerravaly 1 135 58,07% 991
7 Hayathabad 1 750 62,08% 1 007
8 Kakloor 4 954 63,81% 973
9 Kesavaram 1 100 59,88% 954
10 Komerabanda 1 063 55,58% 933
11 Machanpalle 1 505 53,03% 912
12 Maddur 1 936 58,4% 906
13 Manmarri 3 758 60,55% 962
14 Nagarkunta 1 256 58,53% 966
15 Obagunta 358 55,03% 935
16 Peddaved 654 46,72% 976
17 Polaram 425 47,45% 923
18 Pothugal 1 253 56,82% 970
19 Rangapur 15 15,38% 1 143
20 Regadidoswada 1 892 61,01% 992
21 Rudraram 1 046 62,04% 895
22 Shabad 14 927 62,1% 960
23 Solipet 1 526 60,91% 982
24 Tadlapalle 3 946 59,29% 941
25 Tirumalapur 742 67,07% 1 078
Villages in Shabad Population of Shabad Sex Ratio of Shabad Literacy Rate in Shabad