Villages & Towns in Sehore Tehsil Sehore, Madhya Pradesh - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Sehore Tehsil of Sehore district, Madhya Pradesh. As per Census 2011, there are 2 towns and 157 villages within Sehore Tehsil. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Sehore Tehsil is 275,078 out of which urban population is 109,118 while rural is 165,960. As per Census 2011, total families in Sehore were 20,314. Check out important data about Sehore Tehsil as per Census 2011.
Sehore Tehsil data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | 275,078 | 165,960 | 109,118 |
Children (0-6 years) | 38,501 | 25,373 | 13,128 |
Literacy | 75.05% | 68.72% | 84.31% |
Sex Ratio | 916 | 903 | 937 |
Scheduled Caste | 17.5% | 18% | 16.9% |
Scheduled Tribe | 4% | 5.5% | 1.8% |
List of Municipal Towns in Sehore Tehsil
Below is list of all towns in Sehore Tehsil with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Sehore (Municipality + Outgrowth) | 109,118 | 84.31% | 937 |
2 | Sehore (Municipality) | 108,909 | 84.36% | 937 |
List of Villages in Sehore Tehsil
Below is list of all villages in Sehore Tehsil with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Abdullapur | 442 | 89.66% | 519 |
2 | Alahada Khedi | 954 | 70.29% | 842 |
3 | Alampura | 798 | 83.45% | 873 |
4 | Amajhir | 2,442 | 60.87% | 963 |
5 | Amamay | 622 | 60.47% | 873 |
6 | Amla | 779 | 77.61% | 952 |
7 | Amrod | 835 | 70.24% | 762 |
8 | Anwali Kheda | 750 | 58.55% | 894 |
9 | Awantipura | 312 | 71.69% | 846 |
10 | Badnagar | 2,097 | 60.58% | 839 |
11 | Baktal | 916 | 58.99% | 945 |
12 | Bamuliya | 2,591 | 66.99% | 882 |
13 | Barkheda Bazyaft | - | - | - |
14 | Barkheda Sukal | 27 | 72% | 929 |
15 | Barkhedi | 1,321 | 73.55% | 914 |
16 | Barwan | 668 | 78.4% | 914 |
17 | Beel Kheda Khurd | 1,110 | 41.97% | 1,011 |
18 | Bhagwanpura | 76 | 74.14% | 900 |
19 | Bhainsakhedi | 812 | 74.38% | 920 |
20 | Bhandeli | 687 | 88.35% | 837 |
21 | Bhatoni | 490 | 62.41% | 842 |
22 | Bhimpura | 106 | 78.31% | 893 |
23 | Bhoj Nagar | 950 | 82.64% | 911 |
24 | Bijaura | 857 | 72.12% | 884 |
25 | Bijauri | 2,550 | 70.32% | 893 |
26 | Bijlon | 2,141 | 71.08% | 913 |
27 | Bilkisganj | 6,408 | 77.29% | 719 |
28 | Chainpura | 497 | 82.35% | 919 |
29 | Chanderi | 866 | 70.35% | 1,009 |
30 | Chaundi | 858 | 65.61% | 841 |
31 | Chhapari Baramad Ashta | 268 | 72.77% | 823 |
32 | Chhapri Kalan | 705 | 68.85% | 969 |
33 | Chhapri Khurd | 575 | 63.56% | 843 |
34 | Chitodiya Hema | 629 | 70.11% | 935 |
35 | Chitodiya Lakha | 757 | 74.31% | 931 |
36 | Chitodiya Van | 934 | 68.25% | 906 |
37 | Dehariya Khurd | 96 | 64.71% | 882 |
38 | Dendi | 686 | 73.43% | 900 |
39 | Devli | 1,457 | 64.98% | 932 |
40 | Dhabla | 1,078 | 79.43% | 888 |
41 | Dhaboti | 1,916 | 62.88% | 924 |
42 | Dhamankheda | 1,563 | 36.11% | 901 |
43 | Dhankhedi | 2,613 | 75.61% | 957 |
44 | Didakhedi | 192 | 54.17% | 730 |
45 | Dobra | 727 | 79.19% | 934 |
46 | Dondi | 1,394 | 66.23% | 923 |
47 | Dupadiya Bhil | 943 | 67.88% | 940 |
48 | Gadiya | 115 | 58.42% | 1,255 |
49 | Geru Khan | 667 | 50.57% | 884 |
50 | Gokalpura | 293 | 57.2% | 915 |
51 | Gudbhela | 2,497 | 71.65% | 925 |
52 | Haidarganj | 1,673 | 64.1% | 890 |
53 | Hasanpura | 288 | 72.87% | 895 |
54 | Hasnabad | 1,300 | 74.64% | 994 |
55 | Hirapur | 943 | 72.14% | 928 |
56 | Imli Kheda | 745 | 56.83% | 935 |
57 | Jahangirpura | 1,875 | 66.47% | 941 |
58 | Jakhakhedi | 584 | 69.67% | 825 |
59 | Jamni | 794 | 77.18% | 951 |
60 | Jamonya Kalan | 1,845 | 75.65% | 1,032 |
61 | Janpur Bawadiya | 2,038 | 73.57% | 901 |
62 | Jatakheda | 2,006 | 73.46% | 931 |
63 | Kachnariya | 718 | 66.11% | 941 |
64 | Kahari Jadeed | 826 | 66.57% | 856 |
65 | Kahari Kadeem | 733 | 74.38% | 879 |
66 | Kala Pahad | 1,127 | 64.43% | 901 |
67 | Kalyanpura | 124 | 42.42% | 1,033 |
68 | Kapuri | 760 | 68.46% | 1,000 |
69 | Karadiya Ata | 507 | 59.81% | 935 |
70 | Karadiya Bhil | 875 | 67.36% | 923 |
71 | Khamaliya | 1,977 | 66.06% | 886 |
72 | Khari | 1,705 | 61.31% | 922 |
73 | Kharpa | 700 | 64.03% | 862 |
74 | Khedli | 1,000 | 71.65% | 908 |
75 | Khokhari | 747 | 65.37% | 925 |
76 | Khuraniya | 649 | 60.23% | 860 |
77 | Khurshedpur | 5 | 60% | 667 |
78 | Khutiya Khedi | 318 | 69.55% | 871 |
79 | Kishanpura | 100 | 67.44% | 852 |
80 | Kodiya Chhitu | 1,330 | 54.66% | 897 |
81 | Konajhir | 433 | 55.08% | 959 |
82 | Kotakarar | 38 | 64.71% | 1,000 |
83 | Kulas Kalan | 1,811 | 69.04% | 892 |
84 | Kulas Khurd | 1,203 | 73.54% | 913 |
85 | Lala Khedi | 1,432 | 69.23% | 925 |
86 | Lasudiya Dhakad | 1,049 | 67.76% | 918 |
87 | Lasudiya Khas | 989 | 80.29% | 1,039 |
88 | Lasudlya Bazyaft | 84 | 65.75% | 1,000 |
89 | Lasudlya Parihar | 1,638 | 71.6% | 885 |
90 | Leela Khedi | 777 | 52.45% | 914 |
91 | Londiya | 618 | 71.16% | 994 |
92 | Mahodiya | 1,919 | 71.46% | 908 |
93 | Manakheda | 1,198 | 59.32% | 958 |
94 | Manpura | 497 | 73.71% | 949 |
95 | Menikhedi | 140 | 70.09% | 918 |
96 | Mographool | 1,578 | 69.78% | 977 |
97 | Mograram | 3,039 | 73% | 908 |
98 | Molga | 426 | 48.05% | 936 |
99 | Mugispur | 1,730 | 66.3% | 831 |
100 | Muhali | 1,640 | 67.83% | 957 |
101 | Mullani | 984 | 72.54% | 846 |
102 | Mundla Kalan | 3,107 | 58.72% | 960 |
103 | Mundla Khurd | 1,334 | 59.68% | 1,000 |
104 | Mungaoli | 2,688 | 75.17% | 905 |
105 | Murali | 19 | 75% | 1,111 |
106 | Muskara | 1,587 | 69.28% | 860 |
107 | Naplakhedi | 1,203 | 63.86% | 868 |
108 | Napli | 366 | 83.07% | 957 |
109 | Narela | 272 | 64.05% | 985 |
110 | Nipaniya Kalan | 1,949 | 80.17% | 928 |
111 | Noni Khedi Gusain | 1,183 | 70.21% | 930 |
112 | Pach Pipalya | 1,228 | 72.59% | 922 |
113 | Pachama | 1,177 | 76.79% | 819 |
114 | Padli | 896 | 72% | 886 |
115 | Patni | 2,009 | 57.16% | 888 |
116 | Pipaliya Mira | 1,460 | 71.77% | 941 |
117 | Pipalner | 303 | 76.56% | 848 |
118 | Rabiyabad | 871 | 32.33% | 940 |
119 | Rafiqueganj | 1,625 | 72.81% | 898 |
120 | Raipur Nayakheda | 1,350 | 68.76% | 926 |
121 | Raipura | 1,677 | 61.5% | 971 |
122 | Raju Khedi | 745 | 59.46% | 1,014 |
123 | Ralawati | 506 | 67.05% | 874 |
124 | Ramakhedi | 988 | 71.97% | 1,012 |
125 | Ramkhedi | 504 | 76.53% | 881 |
126 | Rasalpura | - | - | - |
127 | Rati Kheda | 369 | 77.6% | 1,050 |
128 | Ratnakhedi | 630 | 57.35% | 1,052 |
129 | Rola | 1,530 | 73.6% | 915 |
130 | Rolu Khedi | 268 | 62.22% | 956 |
131 | Sagoni | 1,355 | 63.11% | 933 |
132 | Salikherda | 974 | 58.56% | 1,000 |
133 | Sangrampur | 1,026 | 65.56% | 862 |
134 | Saranga Khedi | 484 | 60.25% | 813 |
135 | Satpipaliya | 1,859 | 70.61% | 883 |
136 | Semali Kalan | 504 | 70.28% | 881 |
137 | Semali Khurd | 729 | 76.23% | 1,036 |
138 | Semra Dangi | 2,784 | 70.02% | 891 |
139 | Sewaniya | 1,373 | 67% | 945 |
140 | Shahpur Kodiya | 803 | 62.41% | 940 |
141 | Shekhpura | 1,476 | 68.15% | 871 |
142 | Sherpur | 1,825 | 72.69% | 717 |
143 | Shikarpur | 1,770 | 65.96% | 916 |
144 | Shivpuri | 131 | 65.81% | 1,015 |
145 | Sikandarganj | 168 | 72.54% | 909 |
146 | Sikandarpur | - | - | - |
147 | Sonda | 925 | 74.69% | 832 |
148 | Taj | 605 | 82.14% | 801 |
149 | Takipur | 1,018 | 70.88% | 896 |
150 | Thuna Kalan | 2,457 | 69.9% | 911 |
151 | Thunakhurd | 834 | 77.21% | 922 |
152 | Titora | 863 | 66.58% | 901 |
153 | Udpura | 426 | 71.66% | 981 |
154 | Uljhawan | 3,293 | 71.9% | 925 |
155 | Usmaniya | 118 | 61.39% | 844 |
156 | Vishan Kheda | 328 | 75.09% | 964 |
157 | Waheedganj | 406 | 71.83% | 888 |