Villages & Towns in Samastipur Block Samastipur, Bihar - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Samastipur Block of Samastipur district, Bihar. As per Census 2011, there are 4 towns and 95 villages within Samastipur Block. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Samastipur Block is 346,109 out of which urban population is 79,830 while rural is 266,279. As per Census 2011, total families in Samastipur were 15,475. Check out important data about Samastipur Block as per Census 2011.
Samastipur Block data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | 346,109 | 266,279 | 79,830 |
Children (0-6 years) | 58,098 | 47,678 | 10,420 |
Literacy | 71.64% | 67.49% | 84.68% |
Sex Ratio | 895 | 892 | 903 |
Scheduled Caste | 19.7% | 21.2% | 15% |
Scheduled Tribe | 0.2% | 0.1% | 0.5% |
List of Municipal Towns in Samastipur Block
Below is list of all towns in Samastipur Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Bhuindhara (Census Town) | 6,614 | 82.21% | 904 |
2 | Dharampur (Census Town) | 5,291 | 74.48% | 914 |
3 | Samastipur (Nagar Parishad + Outgrowth) | 67,925 | 85.69% | 902 |
4 | Samastipur (Nagar Parishad) | 62,935 | 84.88% | 906 |
List of Villages in Samastipur Block
Below is list of all villages in Samastipur Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Arazi Dhab | - | - | - |
2 | Asinpur | 1,043 | 70.43% | 914 |
3 | Az Rakbe Singhia Khurd | 103 | 67.05% | 746 |
4 | Bahadurpur | 1,095 | 75.54% | 831 |
5 | Bajopur | 989 | 63.85% | 324 |
6 | Balbhadarpur | 2,102 | 59.12% | 885 |
7 | Balbhadarpur | - | - | - |
8 | Bazidpur | 3,772 | 65.91% | 946 |
9 | Bedaulia | 1,310 | 63.22% | 938 |
10 | Bejha Dih | 3,905 | 66.97% | 922 |
11 | Bhamrupur | 3,403 | 68.79% | 868 |
12 | Bhusari | 1,825 | 72.16% | 868 |
13 | Bikrampur Bande | 8,209 | 66.53% | 889 |
14 | Bishunpur | 274 | 88.98% | 930 |
15 | Bishunpur Bande | 955 | 75.06% | 891 |
16 | Bishunpur Fakirana | 33 | 85.71% | 1,750 |
17 | Bisunpur Hakimabad | 9,653 | 61.78% | 873 |
18 | Chak Abdul Gani | 2,586 | 57.6% | 903 |
19 | Chak Almo | 455 | 30.08% | 896 |
20 | Chak Ashraf | 2,788 | 64.17% | 920 |
21 | Chak Habib | - | - | - |
22 | Chak Haji | 2,636 | 71.24% | 884 |
23 | Chak Husain | 1,265 | 47.85% | 914 |
24 | Chak Jainab | 773 | 43% | 819 |
25 | Chak Jian | - | - | - |
26 | Chak Nur | 5,238 | 65.7% | 888 |
27 | Chak Umar | - | - | - |
28 | Chandopatti | 2,003 | 66.52% | 926 |
29 | Chandpatti Rudauli | 554 | 83.23% | 865 |
30 | Chhatauna | 3,848 | 54.42% | 932 |
31 | Darhia Belar | 1,089 | 70.46% | 911 |
32 | Darhia Belar | 1,832 | 66.62% | 889 |
33 | Darhia Ramkishunpur | 1,869 | 69.48% | 813 |
34 | Dhurlakh | 5,972 | 75.18% | 897 |
35 | Dudhpura | 5,401 | 78.49% | 763 |
36 | Garuara | 1,068 | 84.37% | 904 |
37 | Gonhar Nawada | 2,711 | 59% | 927 |
38 | Hakimabad | 5,110 | 72.77% | 884 |
39 | Harpur Ailoth | 7,704 | 69.77% | 941 |
40 | Harpur Aloth | - | - | - |
41 | Harpur Jairam | 584 | 97.59% | 960 |
42 | Harpur Nizamat | 1,205 | 65.57% | 901 |
43 | Harpur Silaut | 557 | 63.77% | 888 |
44 | Harpur Singhia | 871 | 62.02% | 910 |
45 | Hasanpur | 2,654 | 79.94% | 819 |
46 | Jagatsinghpur | 1,695 | 68.89% | 994 |
47 | Jagdishpur | 1,644 | 67.16% | 887 |
48 | Jagdishpur Rani | 954 | 84.37% | 845 |
49 | Jitwarpur Chauth | 9,267 | 73.26% | 878 |
50 | Jitwarpur Nizamat | 10,568 | 74.02% | 873 |
51 | Kashipur | 1,222 | 84.62% | 857 |
52 | Kewas Jagir | 3,357 | 66.88% | 902 |
53 | KewasNizamat | 6,599 | 67.66% | 922 |
54 | Khap Rahimpur Rudauli | 140 | 71.19% | 1,090 |
55 | Kharidabad | 600 | 75.46% | 846 |
56 | Kheraj Nambar Eksath | 250 | 50.5% | 736 |
57 | Lagunia Raghu Kanth | 8,355 | 61.46% | 923 |
58 | Lagunia Suraj kanth | 14,177 | 64.65% | 883 |
59 | Madhopur | 2,640 | 63.91% | 951 |
60 | Madhopur Chhatauna | 1,026 | 71.3% | 911 |
61 | Makundpur | 3,241 | 73.87% | 845 |
62 | Malpur | 356 | 71.57% | 845 |
63 | Mathura Mandal | 473 | 67% | 752 |
64 | Mohanpur | 8,247 | 76% | 889 |
65 | Murdewa | 5,726 | 56.66% | 884 |
66 | Murtazapur | 386 | 63.75% | 969 |
67 | Musapur | 6,350 | 82.69% | 881 |
68 | Naraenpur Darhia | 1,866 | 59.53% | 930 |
69 | Nirpur | 5,026 | 66.45% | 882 |
70 | Pachrukhi | 1,779 | 80.96% | 955 |
71 | Pahepur | 1,766 | 75.77% | 891 |
72 | Pitaunjia | 2,786 | 74.44% | 913 |
73 | Pokhraira | 7,150 | 61.9% | 869 |
74 | Punas | 5,291 | 63.9% | 910 |
75 | Raghunadhpur Bela | 2,784 | 71.76% | 1,013 |
76 | RahimpurRudauli | 7,010 | 58.28% | 903 |
77 | Rahmatpur | 3,127 | 56.13% | 906 |
78 | Rajkhand | 2,448 | 68.11% | 932 |
79 | Ram Kishunpur | 2,831 | 79.41% | 915 |
80 | Ramnathpur | 2,109 | 69.2% | 912 |
81 | Rampur Dudhpura | 356 | 51.96% | 978 |
82 | Rampur Keshopatti | 3,658 | 53.2% | 909 |
83 | Rani Tola urf Jagatsinghpur | 1,230 | 74.4% | 852 |
84 | Rasulpur Paithan | 2,178 | 66.14% | 922 |
85 | Rup Naraenpur Bela | 3,786 | 72% | 890 |
86 | Sahdullah chak | - | - | - |
87 | Salempur Dasraha | 561 | 56.74% | 883 |
88 | Sambhupatti | 3,275 | 67.95% | 880 |
89 | Sangrampur | 1,124 | 68.22% | 996 |
90 | Silaut | 1,621 | 67.15% | 951 |
91 | Singhia Khurd | 8,002 | 57.36% | 928 |
92 | Sitalpatti | 1,188 | 64.78% | 889 |
93 | Suratpur | 2,215 | 57.3% | 906 |
94 | Tajpur Ratanpur | 2,553 | 63.41% | 901 |
95 | Tal Dasraha | 1,842 | 69.33% | 887 |