Villages & Towns in Renuka Tehsil Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Renuka Tehsil of Sirmaur district, Himachal Pradesh. As per Census 2011, there are 0 towns and 74 villages within Renuka Tehsil. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Renuka Tehsil is 47,388 out of which urban population is 0 while rural is 47,388. As per Census 2011, total families in Renuka were 0. Check out important data about Renuka Tehsil as per Census 2011.
Renuka Tehsil data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | 47,388 | 47,388 | - |
Children (0-6 years) | 7,631 | 7,631 | - |
Literacy | 72.27% | 72.27% | - |
Sex Ratio | 956 | 956 | - |
Scheduled Caste | 43.6% | 43.6% | - |
Scheduled Tribe | 0.1% | 0.1% | - |
List of Municipal Towns in Renuka Tehsil
Below is list of all towns in Renuka Tehsil with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
List of Villages in Renuka Tehsil
Below is list of all villages in Renuka Tehsil with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Andheri | 863 | 75.96% | 984 |
2 | Arat | 322 | 81.49% | 1,025 |
3 | Badol | 839 | 66.71% | 965 |
4 | Bandal | 706 | 56.57% | 972 |
5 | Barag | 330 | 78.89% | 1,025 |
6 | Baunal | 353 | 78.62% | 940 |
7 | Beyong Tatwa | 1,004 | 71.03% | 842 |
8 | Bhalaona | 508 | 76.31% | 782 |
9 | Bhalar | 905 | 72.63% | 874 |
10 | Bhat Garh | 854 | 67.83% | 981 |
11 | Bhawai | 2,137 | 82.58% | 1,029 |
12 | Bhon Kandyana | 985 | 85.25% | 966 |
13 | Bhuiri | 148 | 77.94% | 973 |
14 | Borli | 378 | 70% | 919 |
15 | Chanaoti | 97 | 63.22% | 830 |
16 | Charna | 627 | 64.91% | 894 |
17 | Chhau Bhogar | 696 | 71.23% | 846 |
18 | Dada Khalor | 237 | 68.11% | 1,008 |
19 | Dana | 452 | 80.84% | 891 |
20 | Devna | 134 | 74.56% | 836 |
21 | Dewri | 588 | 69.31% | 1,042 |
22 | Dhal Palyara | 349 | 73.13% | 1,115 |
23 | Dhar Taran | 1,480 | 79.67% | 984 |
24 | Dimaina | 563 | 66.67% | 915 |
25 | Dungi | 546 | 80.69% | 1,084 |
26 | Gahal | 962 | 70.19% | 913 |
27 | Gajwa | 249 | 68.27% | 915 |
28 | Ganog | 837 | 69.53% | 898 |
29 | Gata Mandwach | 1,219 | 70.4% | 817 |
30 | Ghalja | 216 | 62.98% | 912 |
31 | Ghaton | 863 | 67.04% | 860 |
32 | Hiyon Nar | 182 | 72.22% | 957 |
33 | Jamu | 913 | 58.2% | 1,094 |
34 | Jar Darabal | 631 | 77.22% | 954 |
35 | Jarag | 1,219 | 65.05% | 960 |
36 | Kajwa | 453 | 70.59% | 961 |
37 | Kakog | 283 | 75.86% | 899 |
38 | Kandon Haryas | 551 | 61.67% | 989 |
39 | Khala Kiyar | 851 | 72.8% | 1,101 |
40 | Kharahan | 161 | 65.75% | 1,064 |
41 | Kharotiyon | 557 | 83.51% | 895 |
42 | Khur | 1,006 | 56.97% | 957 |
43 | Kolwa | 365 | 77.96% | 995 |
44 | Koti Dhaman | 1,201 | 64.02% | 906 |
45 | Kotiaon | 711 | 64.21% | 856 |
46 | Kyarta Pipalti | 390 | 73.21% | 1,690 |
47 | Lagnu | 477 | 75.24% | 908 |
48 | Lajwa | 673 | 80.98% | 939 |
49 | Lana Mashur | 295 | 69.57% | 928 |
50 | Lana Palar | 694 | 78.65% | 1,053 |
51 | Lawali | 390 | 76.14% | 866 |
52 | Lohara Tikri | 228 | 68.66% | 1,018 |
53 | Ludhiyana | 779 | 74.85% | 1,050 |
54 | Mahthu | 238 | 71.78% | 725 |
55 | Maina Gharail | 671 | 71.33% | 1,015 |
56 | Mandoli | 661 | 72.62% | 1,021 |
57 | Nera Baga | 164 | 65.73% | 864 |
58 | Panjahn | 820 | 75.22% | 962 |
59 | Rajana | 1,280 | 66.95% | 1,035 |
60 | Ranphua Jabrog | 1,270 | 62.45% | 975 |
61 | Renuka Ji | 104 | 88.42% | 552 |
62 | Rerli | 642 | 66.28% | 1,140 |
63 | Sainj | 815 | 67.56% | 978 |
64 | Sangna | 698 | 64.95% | 955 |
65 | Sangrah | 2,028 | 86.38% | 939 |
66 | Satahan | 659 | 70.05% | 899 |
67 | Shilahan | 251 | 71.36% | 873 |
68 | Shilawara | 943 | 71.66% | 913 |
69 | Thal Kaknola | 134 | 50.49% | 1,030 |
70 | Thana Khegwa | 210 | 59.63% | 1,039 |
71 | Tikar | 487 | 70.67% | 866 |
72 | Tikri Dasakna | 961 | 84.44% | 918 |
73 | Tuheri | 161 | 77.54% | 1,038 |
74 | Ungar Kando | 734 | 78.25% | 1,016 |