Villages & Towns in Rajendranagar Mandal Rangareddy, Andhra Pradesh - Census 2011

List of all villages and towns in Rajendranagar Mandal of Rangareddy district, Andhra Pradesh. As per Census 2011, there are 5 towns and 16 villages within Rajendranagar Mandal. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.

The total population of Rajendranagar Mandal is 307 175 out of which urban population is 282 585 while rural is 24 590. As per Census 2011, total families in Rajendranagar were 59 997. Check out important data about Rajendranagar Mandal as per Census 2011.

Rajendranagar Mandal data as per Census 2011

Total Rural Urban
Population 307 175 24 590 282 585
Children (0-6 years) 42 096 3 294 38 802
Literacy 75,38% 74,95% 75,42%
Sex Ratio 961 969 961
Scheduled Caste 9,8% 21,3% 8,8%
Scheduled Tribe 1,3% 1,4% 1,3%

List of Municipal Towns in Rajendranagar Mandal

Below is list of all towns in Rajendranagar Mandal with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Town Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Bandlaguda (Jagir) (Census Town) 12 734 80,72% 952
2 GHMC (Part) (Munciple Corporation) 229 823 74,54% 953
3 GHMC (Part) (Munciple Corporation + Outgrowth) 253 114 74,88% 957
4 Kismatpur (Census Town) 7 288 80,84% 973
5 Narsingi (Census Town) 9 449 78,3% 1 076

List of Villages in Rajendranagar Mandal

Below is list of all villages in Rajendranagar Mandal with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Village Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Bairagiguda 307 61,25% 1 047
2 Gandamguda 3 960 84,57% 959
3 Gandipet 1 880 72,8% 1 006
4 Gungurthy 15 92,86% 250
5 Himayathsagar 2 388 77,28% 982
6 Janibegum - - -
7 Khanapur 2 262 67,52% 933
8 Manchirevula 4 459 73,44% 970
9 Maqtha Kousarali 273 88,5% 1 068
10 Pallecheru - - -
11 Panjashajamal Bowli 606 94,85% 1 000
12 Peeramcheru 2 346 66,2% 931
13 Pokkalwada 2 421 83,94% 945
14 Sikanderguda - - -
15 Sogbowli - - -
16 Vattinagulapalle 3 673 66,75% 1 003
Villages in Rajendranagar Population of Rajendranagar Sex Ratio of Rajendranagar Literacy Rate in Rajendranagar