Villages & Towns in Rahta Taluka Ahmadnagar, Maharashtra - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Rahta Taluka of Ahmadnagar district, Maharashtra. As per Census 2011, there are 2 towns and 58 villages within Rahta Taluka. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Rahta Taluka is 320,485 out of which urban population is 58,339 while rural is 262,146. As per Census 2011, total families in Rahta were 12,150. Check out important data about Rahta Taluka as per Census 2011.
Rahta Taluka data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | 320,485 | 262,146 | 58,339 |
Children (0-6 years) | 39,894 | 31,940 | 7,954 |
Literacy | 82.08% | 81.62% | 84.21% |
Sex Ratio | 940 | 942 | 932 |
Scheduled Caste | 17.1% | 16.7% | 19% |
Scheduled Tribe | 6.3% | 6.8% | 3.9% |
List of Municipal Towns in Rahta Taluka
Below is list of all towns in Rahta Taluka with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Rahta Pimplas (Municipal Council) | 22,335 | 84.72% | 953 |
2 | Shirdi (Nagar Panchayat) | 36,004 | 83.89% | 920 |
List of Villages in Rahta Taluka
Below is list of all villages in Rahta Taluka with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Adgaon Bk. | 2,428 | 78.64% | 933 |
2 | Adgaon Kh. | 981 | 80.85% | 887 |
3 | Astagaon | 7,733 | 80.75% | 911 |
4 | Babhaleshwar Bk. | 2,009 | 79.01% | 985 |
5 | Babhaleshwar Kh. | 5,644 | 79.24% | 954 |
6 | Bhagwatipur | 7,403 | 81.27% | 966 |
7 | Chandrapur | 1,154 | 74.03% | 930 |
8 | Chitali | 4,609 | 82.76% | 908 |
9 | Cholkewadi | 1,906 | 85.51% | 893 |
10 | Dadh Bk. | 7,622 | 81.18% | 911 |
11 | Dahigaon Korhale | 2,077 | 80.43% | 895 |
12 | Dhangarwadi | 952 | 83.74% | 863 |
13 | Dorhale | 2,694 | 80.84% | 952 |
14 | Durgapur | 2,641 | 83.69% | 908 |
15 | Ekrukhe | 5,311 | 79.19% | 919 |
16 | Elamwadi | 597 | 85.49% | 957 |
17 | Gogalgaon | 3,120 | 83.63% | 890 |
18 | Hanmantgaon | 4,323 | 79.03% | 982 |
19 | Hasanapur | 3,342 | 74.58% | 969 |
20 | Jalgaon | 3,508 | 80.96% | 949 |
21 | Kankuri | 1,720 | 78.67% | 970 |
22 | Kelwad Bk. | 4,394 | 75.99% | 909 |
23 | Kelwad Kh. | 327 | 81.31% | 946 |
24 | Khadakewake | 1,982 | 78.63% | 870 |
25 | Kolhar Bk. | 14,057 | 84.52% | 959 |
26 | Korhale | 4,798 | 78.8% | 932 |
27 | Lohgaon | 5,648 | 72.32% | 950 |
28 | Loni Bk. | 12,294 | 86.28% | 1,038 |
29 | Loni Kh. | 22,728 | 85.91% | 952 |
30 | Mamdapur | 5,782 | 78.59% | 903 |
31 | Morwadi | 766 | 87.54% | 855 |
32 | Nandur Bk. | 2,565 | 80.26% | 990 |
33 | Nandur Kh. | 1,235 | 84.43% | 909 |
34 | Nandurkhi Bk. | 3,855 | 81.32% | 916 |
35 | Nandurkhi Kh. | 1,259 | 83.6% | 893 |
36 | Nathu Patalachiwadi | 1,800 | 80.51% | 891 |
37 | Nighoj | 3,844 | 88.91% | 983 |
38 | Nimgaon Korhale | 5,978 | 81.9% | 954 |
39 | Pathare Bk. | 3,771 | 85.64% | 953 |
40 | Pimpalwadi | 4,034 | 78.08% | 895 |
41 | Pimpari Lokai | 1,297 | 70.73% | 924 |
42 | Pimplas | 3,577 | 80.47% | 955 |
43 | Pimpri Nirmal | 5,958 | 81.45% | 921 |
44 | Puntamba | 13,098 | 81.32% | 964 |
45 | Rajuri | 4,298 | 83.26% | 940 |
46 | Rampurwadi | 3,100 | 83.96% | 909 |
47 | Ranjangaon Kh. | 4,783 | 80.07% | 908 |
48 | Ranjankhol | 5,070 | 84.14% | 934 |
49 | Rastapur | 1,887 | 73.53% | 933 |
50 | Rui | 5,211 | 82.9% | 933 |
51 | Sakuri | 10,105 | 81.66% | 920 |
52 | Sawali Vihir Bk. | 7,115 | 81.48% | 990 |
53 | Sawali Vihir Kh. | 3,757 | 78.06% | 957 |
54 | Shingave | 4,258 | 78.67% | 941 |
55 | Tarkaswadi | 611 | 84.73% | 898 |
56 | Tisgaon | 2,138 | 74.77% | 951 |
57 | Wakadi | 11,930 | 82.43% | 929 |
58 | Walki | 1,062 | 80% | 996 |