Villages & Towns in Patharkandi Circle Karimganj, Assam - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Patharkandi Circle of Karimganj district, Assam. As per Census 2011, there are 0 towns and 206 villages within Patharkandi Circle. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Patharkandi Circle is 261,368 out of which urban population is 0 while rural is 261,368. As per Census 2011, total families in Patharkandi were 0. Check out important data about Patharkandi Circle as per Census 2011.
Patharkandi Circle data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | 261,368 | 261,368 | - |
Children (0-6 years) | 45,657 | 45,657 | - |
Literacy | 73.12% | 73.12% | - |
Sex Ratio | 955 | 955 | - |
Scheduled Caste | 11.2% | 11.2% | - |
Scheduled Tribe | 0.2% | 0.2% | - |
List of Municipal Towns in Patharkandi Circle
Below is list of all towns in Patharkandi Circle with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
List of Villages in Patharkandi Circle
Below is list of all villages in Patharkandi Circle with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Achairghat | 1,273 | 82.47% | 989 |
2 | Adamtilla T.E. | 2,619 | 54.02% | 977 |
3 | Aditya Nagar F.V. | 343 | 89.34% | 960 |
4 | Akaidum | 9 | 100% | 3,500 |
5 | Ankapai Punjee | 1,210 | 78.81% | 939 |
6 | Badshahi Forest F.V. | 380 | 54.29% | 881 |
7 | Bagan Gaon | 5,334 | 73.69% | 1,004 |
8 | Bager Sangan | 448 | 90.21% | 931 |
9 | Baithakhal Basti | 1,821 | 82.7% | 979 |
10 | Baithakhal T.E. | 2,755 | 61.97% | 929 |
11 | Balaigaon | - | - | - |
12 | Balipipla F.V. | 1,392 | 87.67% | 944 |
13 | Balirbond Grant | 1,213 | 66.08% | 1,074 |
14 | Barbazari Kitte Chandrapur | 1,214 | 77.45% | 984 |
15 | Barcharra | 496 | 93.66% | 778 |
16 | Barcharrapunjee | 456 | 73.96% | 916 |
17 | Baroputni | 1,907 | 71.63% | 978 |
18 | Baruail | 4,440 | 66.36% | 932 |
19 | Batiapunjee F.V. | 1,370 | 80.37% | 997 |
20 | Bazarghat F.V. | 998 | 73.19% | 1,045 |
21 | Bhubrighat T.E. | 3,638 | 53.48% | 747 |
22 | Bhurunga | 594 | 91.78% | 1,099 |
23 | Bhurunga Cherragaon | 532 | 52.74% | 1,086 |
24 | Bilbari P.S. | 853 | 89.9% | 1,021 |
25 | Bilbari T.S. | 431 | 94.29% | 717 |
26 | Chagolmar Bond | 885 | 68.59% | 962 |
27 | Champabari Gaon | 548 | 33.82% | 978 |
28 | Champabari Grant | 236 | 60.98% | 802 |
29 | Chandkhira T.E. | 3,446 | 58.22% | 902 |
30 | Chandpur | 2,444 | 73.18% | 1,003 |
31 | Chataiya Punjee | 1,228 | 60.06% | 955 |
32 | Chayabari | - | - | - |
33 | Chengjur | 2,808 | 82% | 976 |
34 | Chipacharra | 153 | 51.22% | 912 |
35 | Chuto Putni | 205 | 80.35% | 814 |
36 | Dakshin Balaigaon | 52 | 4.88% | 1,080 |
37 | Dakshin Bazari | 276 | 80.09% | 971 |
38 | Dakshin Defolala Charra | 381 | 52.03% | 1,037 |
39 | Dakshin Hataiyerbond Kitte Nab | 1,421 | 59.82% | 949 |
40 | Dakshin Hatikhira | 1,792 | 64.11% | 948 |
41 | Dakshin Sagolmar Bond | 1,022 | 72.36% | 977 |
42 | Dakshin Sonakhira | - | - | - |
43 | Dalua Charra | 473 | 53.93% | 996 |
44 | Defolala | 2,277 | 82.44% | 973 |
45 | Defolala Charra | - | - | - |
46 | Dengura Charra | 416 | 99.42% | 926 |
47 | Dewali F.V. | 616 | 89.51% | 1,146 |
48 | Dhalcharra Kitte Hatirgool | 2,056 | 81.72% | 954 |
49 | Dhalchurra Kitte Keuti | 237 | 74.38% | 1,026 |
50 | Dhengarbond | 1,625 | 75.48% | 951 |
51 | Duhalia Hill Kitte Narainpur | 859 | 69.22% | 975 |
52 | Duhalia Hill Kitte Bhurunga Punjee | 796 | 82.79% | 891 |
53 | Duhalia Hill Kitte Dakshin Nar | 474 | 82.76% | 844 |
54 | Duhalia Hill Kitte Jamir Dalua | 721 | 48.85% | 912 |
55 | Duhalia Hill Kitte Purbo Narainpur | 818 | 46.19% | 957 |
56 | Duhalia Pt I | 677 | 53.54% | 968 |
57 | Duhalia Pt II | 744 | 88.75% | 1,038 |
58 | Duhalia Pt III | 1,248 | 85.97% | 885 |
59 | Duhalia Pt IV | 2,254 | 94.58% | 896 |
60 | Duhaliahill Kitte D.Jamirdalua | 486 | 47.59% | 913 |
61 | Duhaliahill Kitte Madhurbond | 2,114 | 48.18% | 894 |
62 | Dumabaroi | 84 | 60.56% | 909 |
63 | Durlovpur Pt I | 274 | 69.27% | 1,264 |
64 | Durlovpur Pt II | 504 | 71.99% | 1,049 |
65 | Durlovpur Pt III | 1,299 | 76% | 968 |
66 | Durlovpur Pt IV | 817 | 89.59% | 978 |
67 | Durlovpur Pt V | 913 | 71.84% | 1,020 |
68 | Eral IV | 463 | 82.82% | 979 |
69 | Eral Pt III | 922 | 65.19% | 958 |
70 | Eral V | 1,879 | 83.07% | 959 |
71 | Farid Kuna | 2,520 | 74.8% | 955 |
72 | Ghilaitikar Pt I | 980 | 60.78% | 1,021 |
73 | Ghilaitikar Pt II | 3,235 | 63.77% | 987 |
74 | Gopalpur | 1,512 | 70.64% | 895 |
75 | Hafanigool Grant | 181 | 32.9% | 847 |
76 | Hailam Charra | 255 | 67.28% | 875 |
77 | Haitorkha Pt I | 1,773 | 68.75% | 983 |
78 | Haitorkha Pt II | 2,032 | 81.2% | 963 |
79 | Hatai Charra | 416 | 57.06% | 1,000 |
80 | Hatairbond | 1,599 | 90.32% | 962 |
81 | Hataiyerbond | 3,465 | 62.23% | 987 |
82 | Hatikhira T.E. | 3,437 | 69.65% | 976 |
83 | Hatirgool | 3,111 | 72.04% | 947 |
84 | Hatkhala Kitte Alapur Gulerbond | 335 | 86.62% | 851 |
85 | Indurali Punjee | 192 | 73.75% | 939 |
86 | Isabeel | 6,790 | 69.79% | 958 |
87 | Isaipunjee Kitte Dasanpur | 688 | 80.65% | 1,060 |
88 | Isarpar | 2,377 | 65.78% | 968 |
89 | Jacobnagar F.V. | 855 | 88.4% | 934 |
90 | Jamirala | 2,528 | 91.7% | 1,035 |
91 | Kabaribond Pt II | 1,604 | 88.36% | 921 |
92 | Kabaribond Pt I | 1,200 | 85.47% | 908 |
93 | Kabaribond Pt III | 2,370 | 81.84% | 878 |
94 | Kachari Gaon | 435 | 87.54% | 977 |
95 | Kachubari P.S. | 877 | 94.16% | 1,064 |
96 | Kachubari T.S. | 3,370 | 80.01% | 965 |
97 | Kalacharra | 3,803 | 89.16% | 985 |
98 | Kalanpur | 2,168 | 67.4% | 937 |
99 | Kalkali | 1,758 | 82.83% | 923 |
100 | Kalkalimukh | 2,163 | 92.13% | 1,021 |
101 | Kamarbond | 10 | 88.89% | 667 |
102 | Kanakpur F.V. | 746 | 85.94% | 1,000 |
103 | Kandigram Pt I | 515 | 98.01% | 833 |
104 | Kandigram Pt II | 1,087 | 89.1% | 914 |
105 | Kanikhai F.V. | 4,260 | 69.5% | 935 |
106 | Katabari | 482 | 96.68% | 944 |
107 | Khagragura F.V. | 2,085 | 69.49% | 875 |
108 | Kharkana Putni | 1,253 | 83.66% | 890 |
109 | Khaser Gaon | 1,010 | 81.97% | 931 |
110 | Krishna Mantri Gaon | 44 | 30.56% | 833 |
111 | Kurtacharra | 291 | 54.11% | 830 |
112 | Kurti Gaon | 3,515 | 71.35% | 941 |
113 | Lakshipur | 2,685 | 79.83% | 926 |
114 | Lalkhira Sonakhira | 602 | 59.13% | 955 |
115 | Latitilla | 68 | 100% | 0 |
116 | Longai Forest | 321 | 65.69% | 1,045 |
117 | Longai T.E. | 2,394 | 52.57% | 972 |
118 | Lowairpoa | 1,305 | 89.97% | 928 |
119 | Maguna Punjee F.V. | 884 | 66.71% | 1,014 |
120 | Maina Pt III | 908 | 78.66% | 974 |
121 | Makundarbond | 1,155 | 86.46% | 968 |
122 | Maligaon | 2,030 | 70.83% | 961 |
123 | Manik Bond Mahi F.V. | 1,538 | 69.67% | 972 |
124 | Manikbond Punjee F.V. | 1,552 | 88.05% | 1,031 |
125 | Maraura | 3,001 | 85.95% | 929 |
126 | Marugaon | 2,868 | 84.28% | 917 |
127 | Medli Grant | 2,610 | 46.79% | 905 |
128 | Mendibari | 1,346 | 79.1% | 971 |
129 | Mukamtilla Punjee F.V. | 139 | 59.68% | 1,206 |
130 | N/S Solamona F.V. | 1,116 | 67.44% | 863 |
131 | Nalibari | 1,138 | 89.26% | 949 |
132 | Nalugaon | 723 | 90.57% | 965 |
133 | Nandigram F.V. | 1,255 | 83.23% | 1,031 |
134 | Nankar | 1,018 | 80.02% | 903 |
135 | Nilkantapur F.V. | 949 | 82.57% | 998 |
136 | North Maguna F.V. | 473 | 89% | 833 |
137 | Nurkha F.V. | 701 | 93.77% | 997 |
138 | Old Solamona F.V. | 2,467 | 58.36% | 967 |
139 | Pailamuli | 2,027 | 65.38% | 987 |
140 | Paschim Bhubrighat | - | - | - |
141 | Paschim Hafanigool | - | - | - |
142 | Paschim Lakshipur | 486 | 60.06% | 1,104 |
143 | Paschim Lalkhira Sonakhira | 695 | 58.41% | 878 |
144 | Paschim Salgoi | 2,131 | 53.79% | 848 |
145 | Patharia Forest F.V. | - | - | - |
146 | Patherkandi Pt I | 2,066 | 90.36% | 936 |
147 | Patherkandi Pt II | 1,793 | 90.27% | 1,026 |
148 | Pecharghat | 325 | 85.37% | 923 |
149 | Pekurgaon | 705 | 88.93% | 937 |
150 | Piplacharra F.V. | 1,162 | 90.81% | 937 |
151 | Piplagool T.E. | 840 | 51.64% | 972 |
152 | Piplapunjee F.V. | 949 | 85.96% | 925 |
153 | Proper Magura F.V. | 239 | 81.5% | 992 |
154 | Purba Faridkuna | 194 | 65.36% | 940 |
155 | Purbo Achairghat | 532 | 64.69% | 1,078 |
156 | Purbo Bazari | 2,368 | 86.21% | 910 |
157 | Purbo Hafanigool | 360 | 37.95% | 946 |
158 | Purbo Hailamcharra | 174 | 67.81% | 794 |
159 | Purbo Indurali | 240 | 70.81% | 967 |
160 | Purbo Isabeel | 699 | 45.2% | 874 |
161 | Purbo Katabari | 92 | 88.89% | 878 |
162 | Purbo Lowairpoa | 1,394 | 77.01% | 991 |
163 | Purbo Pecharghat | 785 | 73.59% | 910 |
164 | Purbo Pecharghat Kitte Sontilla | 219 | 81.48% | 973 |
165 | Purbo Piplagool | 655 | 49.02% | 938 |
166 | Purbo Purbogool | 157 | 68.6% | 1,039 |
167 | Purbo Tatirbond | 850 | 71.03% | 941 |
168 | Purbogool | 2,797 | 63.25% | 961 |
169 | Putni T.E. | 3,333 | 66.63% | 943 |
170 | Radhamadhabpur Kitte Hussainpur | 318 | 64.46% | 988 |
171 | Radhamadhabpur Kitte Rashidpur | 2,169 | 51.26% | 954 |
172 | Rajar Gaon | 2,608 | 94.43% | 1,078 |
173 | Rajbari | 1,447 | 70.73% | 963 |
174 | Rangamati F.V. | 1,868 | 59.27% | 946 |
175 | Rengbook Tilla | 527 | 50.77% | 959 |
176 | Saija Nagar | 3,216 | 70.06% | 986 |
177 | Salgoi T.E. | 1,615 | 60.34% | 934 |
178 | Sarjul Punjee | 2,273 | 44.11% | 966 |
179 | Saruchalita | 408 | 80.5% | 907 |
180 | Saruchalitar Purbo | 362 | 86.36% | 978 |
181 | Satghori Pt I | 809 | 88.28% | 954 |
182 | Satghori Pt II | 391 | 96.04% | 898 |
183 | Satghori Pt III | 1,660 | 93.24% | 932 |
184 | Shambu Nagar F.V. | 854 | 65.81% | 963 |
185 | Shephinjuri T.E. | 1,386 | 25.44% | 1,056 |
186 | Sibergool | 2,586 | 90.08% | 977 |
187 | Singhariah | 1,060 | 95.34% | 1,133 |
188 | Sonakhira | 793 | 95.27% | 963 |
189 | South Magura F.V. | 664 | 85.05% | 982 |
190 | Sripur | 1,747 | 64.18% | 1,107 |
191 | Tarapur F.V. | 280 | 81.47% | 761 |
192 | Tatirbond | 2,064 | 69% | 973 |
193 | Tilbhum Forest | 113 | 61.76% | 883 |
194 | Trimti T.E. | 2,707 | 55.19% | 882 |
195 | Unamgaon | 1,575 | 96.58% | 1,030 |
196 | Uttar Bhurunga Kitte Khilorbon | 698 | 74.87% | 1,023 |
197 | Uttor Chagolmar Bond | 888 | 81.97% | 943 |
198 | Uttor Gopalpur | 1,480 | 81.92% | 917 |
199 | Uttor Hailamcharra | 397 | 82.08% | 995 |
200 | Uttor Hatikhira | 611 | 58.78% | 915 |
201 | Uttor Isarpar Kitte Chandpur | 599 | 52.37% | 1,132 |
202 | Uttor Shephinjuri | 1,328 | 34.98% | 1,098 |
203 | Uttor Tilbhum | 200 | 82.66% | 1,000 |
204 | Uzan Lakshipur | 674 | 83.83% | 959 |
205 | Zahanpur F.V. | 450 | 60.53% | 1,103 |
206 | Zerjheri | 3,034 | 68.89% | 899 |