Villages & Towns in Nungba Sub-Division Tamenglong, Manipur - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Nungba Sub-Division of Tamenglong district, Manipur. As per Census 2011, there are 0 towns and 57 villages within Nungba Sub-Division. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Nungba Sub-Division is 36,671 out of which urban population is 0 while rural is 36,671. As per Census 2011, total families in Nungba were 0. Check out important data about Nungba Sub-Division as per Census 2011.
Nungba Sub-Division data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | 36,671 | 36,671 | - |
Children (0-6 years) | 5,638 | 5,638 | - |
Literacy | 70.89% | 70.89% | - |
Sex Ratio | 939 | 939 | - |
Scheduled Caste | 0% | 0% | - |
Scheduled Tribe | 92.4% | 92.4% | - |
List of Municipal Towns in Nungba Sub-Division
Below is list of all towns in Nungba Sub-Division with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
List of Villages in Nungba Sub-Division
Below is list of all villages in Nungba Sub-Division with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Bijang | 130 | 66.39% | 733 |
2 | Bolongdai | 872 | 80.34% | 973 |
3 | Bolphai | 76 | 41.67% | 900 |
4 | Changjal | 114 | 82% | 754 |
5 | Charoi Chakotlong I | 501 | 97.25% | 802 |
6 | Charoi Chakotlong I I | 1,262 | 65.55% | 978 |
7 | Chingmei Kabui | 212 | 62.01% | 782 |
8 | Chongmun | 272 | 34.29% | 957 |
9 | Dollang | 1,026 | 68.05% | 907 |
10 | Gallon | 314 | 66.55% | 915 |
11 | Jouzangtek | 391 | 47.08% | 1,080 |
12 | K.Daveijang | 91 | 17.07% | 625 |
13 | Kambiron | 911 | 63.64% | 942 |
14 | Kekrunaga | 489 | 49.28% | 925 |
15 | Khongsang | 781 | 83.89% | 787 |
16 | Khoupum | 4,279 | 76.44% | 1,013 |
17 | Laihaojang | 167 | 90.58% | 815 |
18 | Lamdangmei | 607 | 90.81% | 715 |
19 | Laphok | 203 | 82.14% | 781 |
20 | Leikot | 96 | 85.54% | 745 |
21 | Leishok | 460 | 66.93% | 870 |
22 | Lenglong | 191 | 89.02% | 802 |
23 | Longkaiphun | 220 | 18.62% | 1,056 |
24 | Longphailum | 255 | 86.22% | 1,073 |
25 | Longpi | 530 | 89.36% | 920 |
26 | Lubanglong | 931 | 71.28% | 944 |
27 | Luwanglong Khullen | 876 | 55.24% | 947 |
28 | Luwanglong Khunou | 1,223 | 78.54% | 1,018 |
29 | Molphei | 48 | 39.47% | 778 |
30 | Mongjarongkhullen | 762 | 29.75% | 969 |
31 | Mongjarongkhunou | 1,495 | 61.15% | 975 |
32 | Muktikhullen | 983 | 69.03% | 905 |
33 | Muktina | 218 | 82.35% | 1,057 |
34 | Noney | 3,854 | 86.9% | 801 |
35 | Nungadang | 942 | 84.51% | 1,052 |
36 | Nungba | 2,222 | 74.9% | 987 |
37 | Nungbai | 218 | 49.74% | 1,117 |
38 | Nungnang | 2,030 | 48.57% | 1,038 |
39 | Nungsai | 544 | 63% | 950 |
40 | Nungthut | 138 | 81.98% | 971 |
41 | Okoklong | 417 | 63.04% | 958 |
42 | Pungsang | 156 | 70.23% | 950 |
43 | Ragailong | 102 | 62.22% | 821 |
44 | S.Molbung | 149 | 71.43% | 713 |
45 | Satu | 442 | 76.41% | 1,095 |
46 | Sekjang | 119 | 85.58% | 889 |
47 | Sempat Gangte | 205 | 60.34% | 1,135 |
48 | Sempat Naga | 117 | 75.7% | 746 |
49 | Shangji | 403 | 44.2% | 919 |
50 | T.Khongmol | 176 | 81.65% | 725 |
51 | T.Molbung | 42 | 70% | 1,211 |
52 | Taikhang | 281 | 94.53% | 1,145 |
53 | Tamlok | 182 | 35.4% | 767 |
54 | Thangal | 1,361 | 74.21% | 970 |
55 | Thingou | 319 | 70.85% | 910 |
56 | Tousang | 995 | 73.45% | 1,035 |
57 | Tuiphai | 271 | 54.63% | 964 |