Villages & Towns in Nighasan Tehsil Kheri, Uttar Pradesh - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Nighasan Tehsil of Kheri district, Uttar Pradesh. As per Census 2011, there are 2 towns and 118 villages within Nighasan Tehsil. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Nighasan Tehsil is 416,813 out of which urban population is 29,132 while rural is 387,681. As per Census 2011, total families in Nighasan were 5,233. Check out important data about Nighasan Tehsil as per Census 2011.
Nighasan Tehsil data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | 416,813 | 387,681 | 29,132 |
Children (0-6 years) | 73,713 | 69,389 | 4,324 |
Literacy | 49.67% | 48.99% | 58.38% |
Sex Ratio | 907 | 906 | 924 |
Scheduled Caste | 20.3% | 20.9% | 12.5% |
Scheduled Tribe | 2% | 2.1% | 0.4% |
List of Municipal Towns in Nighasan Tehsil
Below is list of all towns in Nighasan Tehsil with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Singahi Bhiraura (Nagar Panchayat) | 19,196 | 54% | 928 |
2 | Suthana Barsola (Census Town) | 9,936 | 66.72% | 916 |
List of Villages in Nighasan Tehsil
Below is list of all villages in Nighasan Tehsil with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Adalabad | 2,047 | 52.74% | 864 |
2 | Ambari | - | - | - |
3 | Anup Nagar | 90 | 65.43% | 1,000 |
4 | Babeyari | 1,675 | 54.44% | 950 |
5 | Baghaudeya | 156 | 47.41% | 714 |
6 | Baglaha Kuti | 3,214 | 41.97% | 1,064 |
7 | Bailaha | 5,519 | 46.23% | 889 |
8 | Bairam Pur | 2,022 | 63.01% | 881 |
9 | Baireya | 5,131 | 40.14% | 904 |
10 | Ballipur | 7,274 | 42.84% | 928 |
11 | Bamhan Pur | 3,030 | 63.46% | 915 |
12 | Bangalha Takiya | 3,088 | 54.22% | 917 |
13 | Bangavan | 772 | 48.04% | 838 |
14 | Banveer Pur | 5,578 | 55.33% | 890 |
15 | Barotha | 7,130 | 55.39% | 886 |
16 | Barsola Kalan | 6,172 | 48.91% | 934 |
17 | Bathuwa | 2,366 | 40.64% | 970 |
18 | Baudeya Kalan | 4,301 | 56.84% | 901 |
19 | Bela Parsuwa | 4,848 | 57.35% | 1,004 |
20 | Bhadaura | 946 | 27.69% | 877 |
21 | Bhedauri | 8,865 | 53.89% | 885 |
22 | Bokareya | - | - | - |
23 | Chacara | 1,354 | 48.07% | 865 |
24 | Chakhara | 6,127 | 42.38% | 877 |
25 | Chanddaiyapur | 3,255 | 43.88% | 911 |
26 | Chedui Pateya | 8,556 | 51.29% | 927 |
27 | Dalraj Pur | 1,311 | 52.95% | 954 |
28 | Darehti | 562 | 52.16% | 986 |
29 | Darery | 8,604 | 47.28% | 884 |
30 | Daulat Pur | 8,699 | 45.11% | 887 |
31 | Deep Nagar | 453 | 50.26% | 928 |
32 | Dhakerwakhalsa | 3,714 | 42.43% | 910 |
33 | Dhakhekha Nankar | 8,950 | 31.33% | 880 |
34 | Dharama Pur | 4,202 | 53.87% | 858 |
35 | Dhundhela | 140 | 3.94% | 795 |
36 | Dubha | 5,710 | 52.77% | 914 |
37 | Echchhanagar | 682 | 54.37% | 848 |
38 | Gajipur | 734 | 48.62% | 872 |
39 | Ganga Behad | 6,220 | 54.11% | 904 |
40 | Ganga Nagar | 1,599 | 52.25% | 842 |
41 | Garnt No12 | 2,201 | 60.83% | 876 |
42 | Gaureya | 3,315 | 54.03% | 877 |
43 | Gulariya Patthar Shah | 4,253 | 46.69% | 899 |
44 | Hardawari | 3,775 | 52.44% | 916 |
45 | Harsingh Pur | 3,041 | 47.51% | 905 |
46 | Indra Nagar | 804 | 30.03% | 848 |
47 | Jas Nagar | 2,412 | 45.57% | 925 |
48 | Kadeya | 2,924 | 51.32% | 910 |
49 | Kasawal | 1,068 | 45.9% | 928 |
50 | Kasyap Nagar | 818 | 71.11% | 985 |
51 | Kataheya | 681 | 42.01% | 881 |
52 | Kaudeya | 366 | 66.14% | 702 |
53 | Khairteya | 3,546 | 61.31% | 955 |
54 | Khamareya | 4,116 | 41.24% | 908 |
55 | Khamereya | 2,522 | 57.96% | 860 |
56 | Kharahana | 6,265 | 48.19% | 908 |
57 | Kharahani | 2,683 | 48.96% | 874 |
58 | Kharwahiya N02 | 4,790 | 59.41% | 924 |
59 | Khire Garh | 5,091 | 45.91% | 915 |
60 | Kisun Nagar | 406 | 31.76% | 862 |
61 | Kolluri | 1,549 | 58.31% | 934 |
62 | Kuchalaha | - | - | - |
63 | Lalapur | 2,404 | 68.42% | 856 |
64 | Lalboghi | 939 | 46.01% | 952 |
65 | Lalpur | 9,959 | 45.24% | 916 |
66 | Latthauha | 309 | 64.82% | 850 |
67 | Lauki | - | - | - |
68 | Lodhauri | 20,139 | 50.32% | 905 |
69 | Madan Pur | 1,788 | 56.56% | 941 |
70 | Mahadev Muriya | - | - | - |
71 | Maharaj Nagar | 150 | 13.11% | 1,143 |
72 | Mahendra Nagar | 131 | 41.96% | 638 |
73 | Mahuwa | 488 | 56.71% | 929 |
74 | Majhara Purab | 6,011 | 42.26% | 881 |
75 | Mangha | 1,207 | 58.4% | 889 |
76 | Masurha | 1,447 | 34.59% | 927 |
77 | Mirjaganj | 2,473 | 36.57% | 966 |
78 | Mohammad Pur | 124 | 86.96% | 851 |
79 | Mohbateya Behad | 1,136 | 56.7% | 893 |
80 | Motipur | 4,279 | 45.38% | 884 |
81 | Mudan Bujurg | 14,679 | 50.36% | 935 |
82 | Murgaha | 3,101 | 27.27% | 873 |
83 | Murteha | 853 | 62% | 961 |
84 | Naubana | 3,351 | 47.28% | 886 |
85 | Nauranga Bad | 6,458 | 52.89% | 912 |
86 | Neghasan | 15,683 | 56.05% | 900 |
87 | Nibaureya | 4,727 | 53.14% | 883 |
88 | Pachpeda Recheya | 1,002 | 40.02% | 839 |
89 | Paduwa | 12,264 | 40.3% | 917 |
90 | Pahar Pur | - | - | - |
91 | Parmodhapur | 1,462 | 62.28% | 879 |
92 | Raghu Nagar | 488 | 44.78% | 944 |
93 | Rakehti | 12,510 | 48.25% | 902 |
94 | Ram Nagar Sankalpa | 89 | 35.62% | 1,070 |
95 | Ramnagar Sankalpa | 488 | 52.16% | 906 |
96 | Ramuwapur | 1,641 | 57.4% | 924 |
97 | Ran Nagar | 1,499 | 51.69% | 929 |
98 | Ray Pur | 1,849 | 57.51% | 942 |
99 | Rup Nagar | 24 | 40% | 600 |
100 | Sahen Khera | 3,214 | 54.6% | 941 |
101 | Sal Band | - | - | - |
102 | Sarptha | 3,841 | 29.57% | 923 |
103 | Sauna Kalan | - | - | - |
104 | Sedhauna | 4,443 | 48.71% | 900 |
105 | Semra | 1,894 | 55.23% | 877 |
106 | Sesaiya | 217 | 51.27% | 855 |
107 | Sesaiya | 1,652 | 45.35% | 882 |
108 | Seswari | 1,358 | 55.56% | 934 |
109 | Setla Pur | 915 | 64.54% | 906 |
110 | Singahi Kalan | 1,613 | 37.5% | 889 |
111 | Singha Kalan | 9,959 | 45.85% | 901 |
112 | Subhas Nagar | - | - | - |
113 | Surat Nagar | 3,812 | 40.09% | 897 |
114 | Tegnaheya | - | - | - |
115 | Teleyar | 11,502 | 45.42% | 902 |
116 | Trikoleya Purab | 2,305 | 57.89% | 953 |
117 | Udhau Nagar | 816 | 62.22% | 893 |
118 | Umara | 3,266 | 55.21% | 913 |