Villages & Towns in Nawadih Block Bokaro, Jharkhand - Census 2011

List of all villages and towns in Nawadih Block of Bokaro district, Jharkhand. As per Census 2011, there are 1 towns and 69 villages within Nawadih Block. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.

The total population of Nawadih Block is 138,454 out of which urban population is 4,606 while rural is 133,848. As per Census 2011, total families in Nawadih were 852. Check out important data about Nawadih Block as per Census 2011.

Nawadih Block data as per Census 2011

Total Rural Urban
Population 138,454 133,848 4,606
Children (0-6 years) 22,236 21,560 676
Literacy 62.55% 62.09% 75.83%
Sex Ratio 968 969 943
Scheduled Caste 13.3% 13.3% 13.6%
Scheduled Tribe 12.5% 13% 0%

List of Municipal Towns in Nawadih Block

Below is list of all towns in Nawadih Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Town Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Bhandra (Census Town) 4,606 75.83% 943

List of Villages in Nawadih Block

Below is list of all villages in Nawadih Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Village Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Ahardih 3,231 62.46% 959
2 Amjhar 210 52.44% 1,100
3 Argamno 1,441 67.16% 904
4 Bansi 969 50.53% 974
5 Baradih 3,642 66.25% 992
6 Barai 2,988 59.3% 980
7 Baridih 581 43.95% 880
8 Barki Kuri 1,192 48.99% 954
9 Belargaraha 490 45.57% 1,025
10 Bhalmara 1,650 64.09% 978
11 Bhandar Kudar 455 55.47% 1,310
12 Bhawani 1,301 61.08% 913
13 Birni 7,829 68.97% 1,002
14 Bodro 2,816 71.45% 961
15 Burgara 1,001 49.94% 998
16 Chapri 3,102 65.76% 1,039
17 Chepro 446 52.06% 835
18 Chhotki-Kuri 760 42.83% 984
19 Chirudih 4,182 69.57% 904
20 Dahiari 3,343 73.18% 918
21 Dalkiro 919 45.81% 972
22 Degagarha 530 34.93% 1,146
23 Dhamni 752 70.03% 958
24 Dhawatanr 1,287 63.43% 974
25 Galudih 559 79.48% 989
26 Ghosko 175 58.94% 842
27 Goladih 20 12.5% 1,222
28 Goniatu 5,060 58.48% 961
29 Gormara 290 53.91% 1,057
30 Gunjardih 2,957 72.19% 957
31 Harladih 1,714 64.3% 952
32 Junodih 2,859 66.53% 1,028
33 Juramana 912 58.54% 916
34 Kachho 2,040 53.04% 948
35 Kanchanpur 1,143 70.75% 1,002
36 Kanjkiro 5,886 63.5% 945
37 Katghara 1,459 67.39% 958
38 Kausi 503 40.36% 1,096
39 Kesgara 172 61.81% 1,423
40 Khaiyo Khar 718 60.77% 978
41 Kharpito 3,599 61.69% 968
42 Khunta 614 65.82% 827
43 Kimbu Jharia 1,197 67.73% 985
44 Koklodih 359 73.22% 860
45 Kothi 947 60.03% 1,133
46 Kujubera 197 52.76% 876
47 Kurpania 589 59.76% 1,024
48 Lahia 3,004 61.01% 933
49 Lembudih 942 70.84% 895
50 Mahuatanr 442 50.28% 982
51 Mochro 575 52.65% 1,076
52 Mongo Rangamati 2,106 54.67% 994
53 Mungo 2,396 70.21% 946
54 Narainpur 3,653 64.78% 947
55 Nawadih 469 42.67% 962
56 Nawadih 4,362 71.14% 968
57 Palamu 5,379 52.14% 949
58 Parasbani 3,302 59.83% 967
59 Penk 8,017 50.07% 971
60 Pilpilo 441 43.47% 1,032
61 Pipradih 1,933 64.09% 931
62 Pokhria 2,794 50% 927
63 Potso 2,865 61.54% 1,006
64 Saharia 4,606 67.24% 1,003
65 Sarubera 965 43.8% 926
66 Sundro - - -
67 Surhi 4,790 68.55% 994
68 Taratanr 1,721 61.3% 994
69 Tengnachunwa - - -
Villages in Nawadih Population of Nawadih Sex Ratio of Nawadih Literacy Rate in Nawadih