Villages & Towns in Nandapur Block Koraput, Odisha - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Nandapur Block of Koraput district, Odisha. As per Census 2011, there are 0 towns and 216 villages within Nandapur Block. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Nandapur Block is 72,579 out of which urban population is 0 while rural is 72,579. As per Census 2011, total families in Nandapur were 0. Check out important data about Nandapur Block as per Census 2011.
Nandapur Block data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | 72,579 | 72,579 | - |
Children (0-6 years) | 12,215 | 12,215 | - |
Literacy | 40.5% | 40.5% | - |
Sex Ratio | 1,055 | 1,055 | - |
Scheduled Caste | 13.5% | 13.5% | - |
Scheduled Tribe | 49.5% | 49.5% | - |
List of Municipal Towns in Nandapur Block
Below is list of all towns in Nandapur Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
List of Villages in Nandapur Block
Below is list of all villages in Nandapur Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Adra | 242 | 23.3% | 984 |
2 | Analaghat | 178 | 60.54% | 1,046 |
3 | Araput | 183 | 34.76% | 1,011 |
4 | Arna | 707 | 34.72% | 1,067 |
5 | Badaligura | 132 | 30.39% | 1,095 |
6 | Badalipandi | 282 | 35.42% | 1,104 |
7 | Badamunda | 123 | 11.58% | 1,196 |
8 | Baghragura | 66 | 10.71% | 833 |
9 | Bahiripara | 612 | 70.82% | 993 |
10 | Bairagiput | - | - | - |
11 | Bairagiput | 120 | 34.02% | 818 |
12 | Balia | 191 | 53.12% | 1,054 |
13 | Banamaliput | 527 | 52.12% | 945 |
14 | Bandakaput | 248 | 17.35% | 953 |
15 | Bandhagura | 43 | 17.5% | 955 |
16 | Bandraguda | 182 | 31.29% | 1,068 |
17 | Bankaiput | 348 | 18.93% | 1,175 |
18 | Barapadar | 489 | 41.52% | 956 |
19 | Baraput | 138 | 63.56% | 1,060 |
20 | Baratankua | 488 | 8.97% | 1,050 |
21 | Bariapakhana | 127 | 5.94% | 1,268 |
22 | Bhairabgura | 442 | 69.63% | 1,009 |
23 | Bhalugura | 41 | 42.86% | 1,412 |
24 | Bhimariput | 234 | 51.03% | 1,229 |
25 | Bhitarchonda | 151 | 40% | 1,188 |
26 | Bijagura | 58 | 21.05% | 933 |
27 | Bijagura | 149 | 23.81% | 713 |
28 | Bijapur | 1,123 | 49.3% | 1,206 |
29 | Bilaput | 136 | 20.83% | 1,030 |
30 | Bilaput | 218 | 16.2% | 1,057 |
31 | Billaput | 359 | 23.76% | 1,075 |
32 | Bisipur | 307 | 29.39% | 1,007 |
33 | Bodaligura | 152 | 44.8% | 1,269 |
34 | Buchhaput | 87 | 65.33% | 933 |
35 | Burudiput | 258 | 22.86% | 969 |
36 | Chalanput | 233 | 48.24% | 1,138 |
37 | Chandalmunda | 287 | 12.72% | 1,412 |
38 | Chandalput | - | - | - |
39 | Charaguda | 141 | 40.91% | 1,104 |
40 | Charampi | 51 | 28.57% | 962 |
41 | Chatara | 137 | 15.15% | 1,141 |
42 | Chenda | 302 | 46.22% | 1,054 |
43 | Chhaparamba | 185 | 30.52% | 1,011 |
44 | Chhataput | 189 | 26.71% | 1,054 |
45 | Chheliamunda | 600 | 36.65% | 1,105 |
46 | Chingurichua | 86 | 43.42% | 1,263 |
47 | Chitalput | 138 | 22.02% | 1,091 |
48 | Dabba | 348 | 23.78% | 1,084 |
49 | Dabuguda | 198 | 45.32% | 707 |
50 | Dandaguru | 242 | 29.8% | 1,086 |
51 | Darangaba | 360 | 50.34% | 1,069 |
52 | Dasagaudput | 211 | 25.58% | 835 |
53 | Dasaput | 181 | 30.94% | 1,382 |
54 | Debasandhagura | 100 | 20.69% | 961 |
55 | Debatahanjar | 662 | 11.99% | 1,062 |
56 | Deogondhana | 962 | 38.17% | 1,021 |
57 | Dhadi | 350 | 27.66% | 1,134 |
58 | Dokriput | 109 | 45.35% | 1,180 |
59 | Doraput | 59 | 35% | 1,458 |
60 | Dumuriput | 251 | 29.84% | 1,008 |
61 | Durla | 294 | 17.12% | 1,000 |
62 | Durukaput | 72 | 50.88% | 800 |
63 | Dusara | 401 | 45.12% | 1,005 |
64 | Dusura | 1,692 | 52.91% | 986 |
65 | Gadiajholla | 205 | 45.93% | 1,010 |
66 | Gadikhamara | 1,047 | 29.47% | 1,102 |
67 | Galaput | 79 | 36.76% | 1,135 |
68 | Gatanput | 105 | 43.96% | 1,500 |
69 | Gaurinayakaput | - | - | - |
70 | Ghagadapandi | 413 | 46.48% | 921 |
71 | Giriligura | 128 | 34.78% | 1,133 |
72 | Gobindapur | 149 | 25.6% | 935 |
73 | Gondhonahandalput | - | - | - |
74 | Gullel | 277 | 41.15% | 884 |
75 | Gulpandi | 565 | 49.24% | 982 |
76 | Gunja | 1,281 | 49.3% | 1,037 |
77 | Gutalguda | 116 | 45.98% | 966 |
78 | Gutaput | 1,123 | 50.79% | 1,038 |
79 | Hadiguda | 511 | 34.89% | 1,077 |
80 | Halai | 126 | 27.88% | 1,066 |
81 | Handapur | 374 | 32.41% | 1,022 |
82 | Hanjarhandalput | 16 | 54.55% | 778 |
83 | Hariamunda | 285 | 17.17% | 1,007 |
84 | Haridaput | 109 | 32.5% | 1,019 |
85 | Hatagura | 198 | 49.12% | 1,152 |
86 | Hatapeta | 480 | 50.13% | 825 |
87 | Hatasuku | 657 | 43.48% | 1,060 |
88 | Hatimunda | 478 | 40.69% | 1,000 |
89 | Hikimput | 637 | 78.09% | 1,259 |
90 | Hingeiput | 205 | 19.23% | 1,204 |
91 | Hingeiput | 284 | 41.6% | 1,104 |
92 | Jaraput | 430 | 43.43% | 1,067 |
93 | Jogiput | 352 | 48.23% | 913 |
94 | Joriput | 306 | 41.77% | 1,054 |
95 | Kadamagura | 319 | 47.35% | 957 |
96 | Kadamgura | 138 | 53.54% | 1,091 |
97 | Kalari | 608 | 17.2% | 1,111 |
98 | Kamarabelgan | 401 | 46.18% | 798 |
99 | Kamaragura | 67 | 27.27% | 1,161 |
100 | Kanta | 182 | 64.33% | 1,000 |
101 | Kapuguda | 149 | 28.93% | 862 |
102 | Karanjagura | 210 | 11.18% | 1,039 |
103 | Karari | 432 | 25.29% | 1,118 |
104 | Kasandi | 545 | 40.14% | 829 |
105 | Katakar | 87 | 9.72% | 977 |
106 | Kataraba | 223 | 40.8% | 1,027 |
107 | Kaurikhar | 26 | 0% | 1,364 |
108 | Kenduput | 2 | 50% | 1,000 |
109 | Khamri | 103 | 21.95% | 1,239 |
110 | Kharagapur | 470 | 44.17% | 1,117 |
111 | Khatagauraput | 311 | 49.25% | 920 |
112 | Khataput | 291 | 49.79% | 902 |
113 | Khemundugura | 264 | 60.71% | 760 |
114 | Khilua | 656 | 42.67% | 1,172 |
115 | Khinibar | 466 | 14.42% | 1,284 |
116 | Khotalput | 143 | 36.67% | 1,167 |
117 | Khurji | 251 | 47.49% | 1,074 |
118 | Kinchaiput | - | - | - |
119 | Kirajholla | 112 | 20.21% | 1,333 |
120 | Kona | 696 | 23.54% | 1,012 |
121 | Kudikipadar | 206 | 11.89% | 962 |
122 | Kujel | 554 | 38.61% | 1,156 |
123 | Kukudaput | 201 | 35.15% | 844 |
124 | Kulab | 1,114 | 30.77% | 975 |
125 | Kumargandhana | 427 | 54.52% | 865 |
126 | Kumbharaguda | 413 | 45.37% | 1,162 |
127 | Kurumaput | 381 | 31.33% | 1,105 |
128 | Lakija | 144 | 48.74% | 1,000 |
129 | Lamanda | 446 | 51.83% | 1,176 |
130 | Lenjiput | 34 | 51.72% | 700 |
131 | Lenjisuku | 376 | 15.73% | 1,101 |
132 | Lenkidiguda | 301 | 38% | 1,076 |
133 | Litiput | 278 | 12.08% | 1,014 |
134 | Litiput | 147 | 32.26% | 909 |
135 | Luhaba | 470 | 36.66% | 1,052 |
136 | Lunjingi | 199 | 33.73% | 1,314 |
137 | Machhaput | 183 | 28.95% | 848 |
138 | Mahadeiput | 103 | 39.76% | 807 |
139 | Mahulaput | 109 | 32.18% | 1,137 |
140 | Majhiput | 141 | 50% | 932 |
141 | Majhiput | 285 | 50% | 926 |
142 | Majhiput | 71 | 43.28% | 1,290 |
143 | Malakhurubi | 181 | 25.71% | 1,129 |
144 | Malibelagan | 277 | 30.09% | 1,252 |
145 | Maliburuda | 542 | 36.56% | 1,045 |
146 | Malikubharput | 120 | 9.89% | 1,000 |
147 | Malipeta | 347 | 29.41% | 1,103 |
148 | Maliput | 81 | 0% | 1,314 |
149 | Maliput | 335 | 23.93% | 1,219 |
150 | Maliput | 308 | 68.15% | 913 |
151 | Maliput | 386 | 43.34% | 1,109 |
152 | Mandiaguda | - | - | - |
153 | Mangiligura | 360 | 19.43% | 1,236 |
154 | Mangrel | 363 | 40.75% | 921 |
155 | Marara | 110 | 38.82% | 1,200 |
156 | Marua | 1,238 | 31.81% | 981 |
157 | Mediput | 1,018 | 32.31% | 1,086 |
158 | Muduliput | 149 | 7.63% | 1,365 |
159 | Muliaput | 76 | 21.43% | 1,111 |
160 | Mundagad | 430 | 23.18% | 928 |
161 | Murja | 251 | 20.1% | 1,057 |
162 | Muthai | 313 | 30.74% | 1,087 |
163 | Nalachua | 97 | 30.49% | 940 |
164 | Nandapur | 4,027 | 69.77% | 995 |
165 | Nandigan | 295 | 23.95% | 1,107 |
166 | Niladoraput | 599 | 68.22% | 1,894 |
167 | Nuaput | 300 | 46.67% | 974 |
168 | Paikathoba | 339 | 86.9% | 823 |
169 | Paliba | 677 | 51.83% | 1,039 |
170 | Pambi | 274 | 45.31% | 1,303 |
171 | Pangiput | - | - | - |
172 | Panjel | 305 | 54.55% | 943 |
173 | Pansaput | 221 | 10.75% | 873 |
174 | Parajaburura | 304 | 15.32% | 1,203 |
175 | Parajakhudubi | 737 | 29.64% | 1,187 |
176 | Paralput | 161 | 38.35% | 1,038 |
177 | Parata | 531 | 40.22% | 967 |
178 | Patakamara | 1,446 | 38.37% | 1,090 |
179 | Patrapandi | 809 | 41.05% | 1,033 |
180 | Patraput | 326 | 44.07% | 1,264 |
181 | Peta | 691 | 16.67% | 1,038 |
182 | Phanua | 492 | 33.16% | 1,130 |
183 | Pitaguda | 473 | 63.92% | 582 |
184 | Porapadar | 115 | 42.71% | 1,212 |
185 | Pujhariput | 217 | 38.12% | 991 |
186 | Ranginigura | - | - | - |
187 | Ranitota | 384 | 49.69% | 1,065 |
188 | Reraput | 183 | 15.38% | 1,033 |
189 | Rukuba | 373 | 7.3% | 1,061 |
190 | Rurichuan | 298 | 22.49% | 1,014 |
191 | Salap | 359 | 53.31% | 1,124 |
192 | Sangamguda | 133 | 14% | 1,254 |
193 | Sankiri | 151 | 37.1% | 1,097 |
194 | Sarbaput | 204 | 48.02% | 981 |
195 | Sarbati | 334 | 21.3% | 965 |
196 | Satasemili | 446 | 45.38% | 1,000 |
197 | Saunipujariput | 335 | 49.83% | 948 |
198 | Semala | 364 | 34.45% | 1,022 |
199 | Siarimalgoudaput | - | - | - |
200 | Sidaput | 196 | 27.17% | 922 |
201 | Similiput | 121 | 13% | 1,200 |
202 | Sindhiput | - | - | - |
203 | Sisaput | 274 | 36.97% | 1,157 |
204 | Solapguda | - | - | - |
205 | Sukuriguda | 201 | 18.75% | 914 |
206 | Sunabera | 181 | 5.06% | 1,105 |
207 | Swain | 1,810 | 69.62% | 1,528 |
208 | Talageruput | 195 | 26% | 1,053 |
209 | Talaput | 122 | 25.23% | 1,033 |
210 | Tentulipara | 507 | 24.87% | 1,028 |
211 | Teraguda | 101 | 55.56% | 1,196 |
212 | Tiakanta | 200 | 46.2% | 1,222 |
213 | Tikarapara | 648 | 41.06% | 867 |
214 | Umbel | 1,251 | 26.55% | 1,234 |
215 | Uparageruput | 234 | 58.16% | 1,108 |
216 | `Dhorakhandi | - | - | - |