Villages & Towns in Nalhati - I Block Birbhum, West Bengal - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Nalhati - I Block of Birbhum district, West Bengal. As per Census 2011, there are 0 towns and 94 villages within Nalhati - I Block. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Nalhati - I Block is 204,818 out of which urban population is 0 while rural is 204,818. As per Census 2011, total families in Nalhati - I were 0. Check out important data about Nalhati - I Block as per Census 2011.
Nalhati - I Block data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | 204,818 | 204,818 | - |
Children (0-6 years) | 28,056 | 28,056 | - |
Literacy | 75.48% | 75.48% | - |
Sex Ratio | 949 | 949 | - |
Scheduled Caste | 36% | 36% | - |
Scheduled Tribe | 5% | 5% | - |
List of Municipal Towns in Nalhati - I Block
Below is list of all towns in Nalhati - I Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
List of Villages in Nalhati - I Block
Below is list of all villages in Nalhati - I Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Alalpur | 80 | 67.65% | 1,051 |
2 | Amalai Bahara | 2,381 | 72.07% | 963 |
3 | Amaypur | 5,376 | 72.57% | 959 |
4 | Atgram | 3,794 | 79.36% | 952 |
5 | Bahadurpur | 2,658 | 78.53% | 954 |
6 | Banior | 5,369 | 77.78% | 931 |
7 | Bankapara | - | - | - |
8 | Barla | 2,043 | 81.94% | 878 |
9 | Barsar | 1,703 | 75.19% | 992 |
10 | Basanta | 2,004 | 82.78% | 1,020 |
11 | Bautia | 2,694 | 70.82% | 974 |
12 | Bhabainipur | 469 | 82.19% | 869 |
13 | Bhabanandapur | 4,178 | 75.24% | 968 |
14 | Bhagabatipur | 2,232 | 78.32% | 906 |
15 | Bhatpara | 683 | 73.84% | 924 |
16 | Bhelian | 5,901 | 78.62% | 920 |
17 | Bhola | 1,688 | 72.54% | 1,007 |
18 | Bilkandi | 1,715 | 80.79% | 962 |
19 | Bujunga | 7,198 | 75.37% | 940 |
20 | Chandipur | 584 | 90.12% | 890 |
21 | Dattakaya | 589 | 88.65% | 1,059 |
22 | Debagram | 2,359 | 71.85% | 967 |
23 | Desh Nabagram | 606 | 78.49% | 980 |
24 | Dhalasin | 390 | 64.66% | 980 |
25 | Dharampur | 4,652 | 69.41% | 929 |
26 | Diha | 1,535 | 83.23% | 916 |
27 | Erangi | 217 | 76.67% | 1,028 |
28 | Fatepur | - | - | - |
29 | Gobindapur | 3,361 | 75.28% | 983 |
30 | Gopagram | 1,593 | 75.64% | 967 |
31 | Gosainpur | 4,980 | 71.85% | 1,002 |
32 | Gunua | 672 | 81.13% | 948 |
33 | Haridaspur | 2,856 | 69.87% | 944 |
34 | Haripur Podhra | 4,175 | 75.82% | 956 |
35 | Harisara | 2,795 | 83.69% | 955 |
36 | Haritoka | 3,922 | 76.28% | 961 |
37 | Jhaupara | 969 | 74.6% | 915 |
38 | Jot Gobindapur | - | - | - |
39 | Jungul | 1,007 | 83.14% | 851 |
40 | Kadashir | 1,393 | 77.12% | 970 |
41 | Kadirpur | 628 | 57.06% | 1,006 |
42 | Kadya | 1,243 | 73.68% | 883 |
43 | Kalitha | 3,711 | 76.98% | 937 |
44 | Kanaipur | 587 | 73.73% | 834 |
45 | Kanior | 2,308 | 75.33% | 907 |
46 | Kanisail | 770 | 73.51% | 1,064 |
47 | Kanupur | 740 | 83.33% | 927 |
48 | Karttikdanga | 638 | 79.37% | 957 |
49 | Kaytha | 13,154 | 68.02% | 961 |
50 | Kelai | 765 | 77.92% | 967 |
51 | Khanpur | 1,834 | 80.83% | 949 |
52 | Khidirpur | 2,451 | 77.9% | 955 |
53 | Kogram | 1,699 | 75.13% | 911 |
54 | Kukhura | 3,297 | 81.32% | 936 |
55 | Kulgachhi | 847 | 73.33% | 947 |
56 | Kurumgram | 3,728 | 77.73% | 959 |
57 | Kushipur | 1,083 | 76.2% | 973 |
58 | Lakshminarayanpur | 4,649 | 71.98% | 994 |
59 | Laskarpur | 175 | 80.69% | 902 |
60 | Madhabpur | 2,886 | 70.51% | 963 |
61 | Madhaipur | 471 | 74.02% | 930 |
62 | Madhupur | 517 | 80.18% | 908 |
63 | Madhura | 5,996 | 79.71% | 963 |
64 | Madna | 1,330 | 62.36% | 1,121 |
65 | Maheshpur | 1,035 | 83.92% | 920 |
66 | Majhkalitha | 2,414 | 82.89% | 966 |
67 | Makarampur | 935 | 83.13% | 920 |
68 | Mehagram | 5,731 | 75.88% | 912 |
69 | Narayanbati | 465 | 83.37% | 979 |
70 | Paikpara | 9,993 | 72.88% | 950 |
71 | Painta | 1,427 | 79.26% | 952 |
72 | Pakha | 1,343 | 72.56% | 921 |
73 | Pusur | 1,796 | 70.05% | 946 |
74 | Radha Gobindapur | 713 | 70.68% | 959 |
75 | Radipur | 812 | 84.89% | 888 |
76 | Raghabbati | - | - | - |
77 | Raghunathpur | 1,710 | 73.87% | 991 |
78 | Rameshwarpur | 1,453 | 83.06% | 880 |
79 | Rampur | 574 | 78.57% | 986 |
80 | Raninagar | - | - | - |
81 | Sanketpur | 1,485 | 76.02% | 916 |
82 | Santoshpur | 1,453 | 69.76% | 972 |
83 | Saora | 747 | 69.76% | 906 |
84 | Sarddha | 2,627 | 79.69% | 918 |
85 | Sariha | 2,351 | 76.4% | 964 |
86 | Shingdohari | 1,963 | 70.02% | 911 |
87 | Shri Ballavpur | 2,548 | 78.71% | 933 |
88 | Shrirampur | 406 | 73.88% | 933 |
89 | Sonarkundu | 2,623 | 83.29% | 927 |
90 | Sujalpur | 1,927 | 78.47% | 871 |
91 | Sultanpur | 2,320 | 77.75% | 911 |
92 | Tailpara | 1,876 | 80.51% | 956 |
93 | Takipur | 1,761 | 69.97% | 935 |
94 | Tejhati | 4,002 | 69.04% | 999 |