Villages & Towns in Najafgarh Tehsil South West, Delhi - Census 2011

List of all villages and towns in Najafgarh Tehsil of South West district, Delhi. As per Census 2011, there are 11 towns and 41 villages within Najafgarh Tehsil. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.

The total population of Najafgarh Tehsil is 1 365 152 out of which urban population is 1 221 476 while rural is 143 676. As per Census 2011, total families in Najafgarh were 251 552. Check out important data about Najafgarh Tehsil as per Census 2011.

Najafgarh Tehsil data as per Census 2011

Total Rural Urban
Population 1 365 152 143 676 1 221 476
Children (0-6 years) 166 805 18 901 147 904
Literacy 88,43% 84,95% 88,84%
Sex Ratio 872 858 873
Scheduled Caste 12,6% 17,1% 12%
Scheduled Tribe 0% 0% 0%

List of Municipal Towns in Najafgarh Tehsil

Below is list of all towns in Najafgarh Tehsil with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Town Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Chhawala (Census Town) 14 662 90,64% 708
2 DMC (U) (Part) () 1 027 222 89,11% 876
3 Dindar Pur (Census Town) 35 856 87,97% 875
4 Jaffar Pur Kalan (Census Town) 6 573 81,09% 891
5 Jharoda Kalan (Census Town) 19 578 86,73% 882
6 Kair (Census Town) 4 074 88,18% 834
7 Khera (Census Town) 7 220 85,4% 870
8 Mitraon (Census Town) 6 512 86,91% 894
9 Nangli Sakrawati (Census Town) 37 706 85,17% 843
10 Roshan Pura alias Dichaon Khurd (Census Town) 57 217 88,99% 878
11 Ujwa (Census Town) 4 856 85,65% 867

List of Villages in Najafgarh Tehsil

Below is list of all villages in Najafgarh Tehsil with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Village Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Asalat Pur Khawad 422 87,04% 843
2 Badhosra 1 946 85,25% 906
3 Baqar Garh 637 87,99% 789
4 Darya Pur Khurd 1 858 85,19% 882
5 Daulat Pur 1 985 86,6% 873
6 Deorala 524 86,81% 839
7 Dhansa 6 834 85,8% 899
8 Dichaon Kalan 27 255 86,06% 873
9 Ghalib Pur 1 143 86,48% 908
10 Goela Khurd 6 834 77,43% 848
11 Goman Hera 4 256 85,92% 877
12 Hasan Pur 1 197 85,86% 931
13 Isa Pur 5 056 85,71% 850
14 Jain Pur - - -
15 Jhatikra 2 059 84,14% 892
16 Jhuljhuli 1 662 84,09% 880
17 Kangan Heri 3 829 87,52% 886
18 Kharkhari Jatmal 1 284 85,18% 877
19 Kharkhari Nahar 1 328 85,8% 850
20 Kharkhari Rond 1 017 87,84% 806
21 Khera Dabar 2 723 85,08% 844
22 Malik Pur zer-Najafgarh 2 795 88,86% 860
23 Mundhela Kalan 2 665 87,54% 853
24 Mundhela Khurd 2 722 83,94% 845
25 Nanak Heri 827 84,67% 858
26 Paprawat 4 412 85,15% 849
27 Pindwala Kalan 3 779 86,41% 878
28 Pindwala Khurd 1 898 85,34% 879
29 Qazi Pur 1 417 85,96% 889
30 Qutab Pur 26 275 84,76% 839
31 Raghu Pur 133 86,21% 1 078
32 Raota 2 933 85,77% 884
33 Rewla Kham Pur 2 985 74,73% 946
34 Salah Pur 5 210 78,5% 671
35 Samas Pur Khalsa 2 668 88,57% 900
36 Sarang Pur 1 057 85,65% 874
37 Sher Pur Deri - - -
38 Shikar Pur 2 842 84,31% 855
39 Surakh Pur 631 84,74% 872
40 Surera 3 468 88,79% 857
41 Taj Pur Khurd 1 110 86,31% 826
Villages in Najafgarh Population of Najafgarh Sex Ratio of Najafgarh Literacy Rate in Najafgarh