Villages & Towns in Murarai - II Block Birbhum, West Bengal - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Murarai - II Block of Birbhum district, West Bengal. As per Census 2011, there are 1 towns and 71 villages within Murarai - II Block. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Murarai - II Block is 222,033 out of which urban population is 9,796 while rural is 212,237. As per Census 2011, total families in Murarai - II were 1,779. Check out important data about Murarai - II Block as per Census 2011.
Murarai - II Block data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | 222,033 | 212,237 | 9,796 |
Children (0-6 years) | 34,558 | 32,676 | 1,882 |
Literacy | 58.28% | 58.02% | 64.15% |
Sex Ratio | 965 | 967 | 919 |
Scheduled Caste | 18% | 18.9% | 0% |
Scheduled Tribe | 0.5% | 0.6% | 0% |
List of Municipal Towns in Murarai - II Block
Below is list of all towns in Murarai - II Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Kashimnagar (Census Town) | 9,796 | 64.15% | 919 |
List of Villages in Murarai - II Block
Below is list of all villages in Murarai - II Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Alam Chak | - | - | - |
2 | Amdol | 5,976 | 43.23% | 947 |
3 | Amritapur | 372 | 54.25% | 989 |
4 | Amudda | 4,200 | 70.27% | 958 |
5 | Aral Basti | 1,208 | 56.44% | 993 |
6 | Aralmath | - | - | - |
7 | Bagishpur | 940 | 73.3% | 979 |
8 | Baliadanga | 2,350 | 54.54% | 947 |
9 | Bardhanpara | 3,492 | 55.65% | 1,046 |
10 | Basantapur | 1,150 | 58.52% | 910 |
11 | Bhadishta | 2,032 | 63.96% | 954 |
12 | Bhagail | 2,933 | 50.3% | 986 |
13 | Bilaspur | 3,583 | 58.86% | 954 |
14 | Bipra Nandigram | 3,659 | 58.54% | 1,017 |
15 | Birori | 981 | 55.64% | 966 |
16 | Bisor | 5,181 | 62.99% | 975 |
17 | Bonha | 3,977 | 70.11% | 961 |
18 | Chak Panchahar | - | - | - |
19 | Chauti | 1,682 | 68.92% | 940 |
20 | Chhatina | 2,306 | 68% | 954 |
21 | Danghara | 4,070 | 63.82% | 929 |
22 | Dantura | 6,870 | 55.2% | 996 |
23 | Deluha | 1,068 | 81.69% | 897 |
24 | Dwariapur | 1,062 | 67.98% | 938 |
25 | Fazilpur | 1,955 | 41.8% | 930 |
26 | Gaganpur | 2,033 | 65.37% | 995 |
27 | Goalgram | 568 | 78.72% | 993 |
28 | Goalkunda | 876 | 73.25% | 955 |
29 | Goalmal | 3,705 | 63.91% | 959 |
30 | Gobindapur | 1,407 | 71.62% | 946 |
31 | Gopnandigram | 3,069 | 52.14% | 974 |
32 | Habispur | 2,455 | 69.34% | 947 |
33 | Harispur | 5,128 | 55.81% | 946 |
34 | Jijigram | 6,977 | 53.33% | 953 |
35 | Jogai | 3,502 | 75.2% | 955 |
36 | Kalahapur | 3,829 | 51.41% | 970 |
37 | Kalikapur | 3,459 | 53.57% | 918 |
38 | Kamalpur | 1,952 | 55.41% | 980 |
39 | Kamarkhul | 4,598 | 52.22% | 950 |
40 | Karamji | 2,503 | 73.37% | 960 |
41 | Kathia | 8,465 | 60.69% | 970 |
42 | Kendishta | 2,294 | 52.01% | 938 |
43 | Khutkhali | 1,305 | 37.15% | 995 |
44 | Kichai | 1,024 | 63.57% | 1,004 |
45 | Kopa | 3,229 | 63.39% | 935 |
46 | Kulara | 2,449 | 52.58% | 969 |
47 | Kushmor | 3,062 | 69.41% | 943 |
48 | Kutubpur | 4,108 | 61.56% | 1,007 |
49 | Lakshmidanga | 3,118 | 59.99% | 1,041 |
50 | Mahammadpur | 937 | 67.35% | 893 |
51 | Majhara | 424 | 54.55% | 1,089 |
52 | Makhlispur | 6,373 | 47.15% | 977 |
53 | Mallikpur | 1,858 | 59.77% | 921 |
54 | Math Basori | 6,343 | 57.71% | 997 |
55 | Math Karamja | 1,245 | 54.99% | 967 |
56 | Mitrapur | 15,452 | 48.17% | 985 |
57 | Narachauti | 1,403 | 68.59% | 1,030 |
58 | Narottampur | 3,594 | 45.69% | 933 |
59 | Paikar | 12,250 | 61.12% | 997 |
60 | Palitpur | 445 | 74.33% | 978 |
61 | Panchahar | 1,578 | 53.64% | 992 |
62 | Purba Simlapara | - | - | - |
63 | Rudranagar | 10,756 | 58.08% | 950 |
64 | Sadasibpur | 2,298 | 53.32% | 946 |
65 | Sankhulia | 2,540 | 58.35% | 974 |
66 | Shripur | 1,568 | 65.69% | 1,010 |
67 | Sibrampur | 2,667 | 57.79% | 930 |
68 | Simgram | 1,375 | 67.69% | 937 |
69 | Srikrishnapur | - | - | - |
70 | Tirgram | 1,630 | 52.99% | 922 |
71 | Uttar Ramchandrapur | 1,339 | 56.43% | 916 |