Villages & Towns in Murarai - I Block Birbhum, West Bengal - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Murarai - I Block of Birbhum district, West Bengal. As per Census 2011, there are 3 towns and 80 villages within Murarai - I Block. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Murarai - I Block is 190,802 out of which urban population is 22,861 while rural is 167,941. As per Census 2011, total families in Murarai - I were 4,726. Check out important data about Murarai - I Block as per Census 2011.
Murarai - I Block data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | 190,802 | 167,941 | 22,861 |
Children (0-6 years) | 30,514 | 26,870 | 3,644 |
Literacy | 55.67% | 55.43% | 57.5% |
Sex Ratio | 957 | 956 | 959 |
Scheduled Caste | 24.6% | 26.1% | 13.8% |
Scheduled Tribe | 4.6% | 3.7% | 10.6% |
List of Municipal Towns in Murarai - I Block
Below is list of all towns in Murarai - I Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Ambhua (Census Town) | 10,477 | 57.43% | 977 |
2 | Barua Gopalpur (Census Town) | 6,614 | 47.42% | 949 |
3 | Murarai (Census Town) | 5,770 | 68.6% | 939 |
List of Villages in Murarai - I Block
Below is list of all villages in Murarai - I Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Abdullapur | 1,616 | 48.14% | 998 |
2 | Badebalia | 1,183 | 51.71% | 899 |
3 | Bahadurpur | 3,684 | 49.62% | 903 |
4 | Ballabhpur | - | - | - |
5 | Banarampur | 3,786 | 53.44% | 1,031 |
6 | Bandhaipur | 1,059 | 50% | 1,021 |
7 | Batia | 2,308 | 61.85% | 938 |
8 | Bhabanipur | 1,138 | 54.9% | 959 |
9 | Bhadiswar | 7,723 | 71.39% | 988 |
10 | Bhadrakali | - | - | - |
11 | Bhatra | 1,535 | 47.81% | 1,001 |
12 | Bhogpur | 315 | 82.27% | 731 |
13 | Bhushna | 697 | 34.71% | 884 |
14 | Birahimpur | 889 | 54.17% | 958 |
15 | Birnagar | 4,699 | 50.42% | 978 |
16 | Chanchali | 898 | 58.53% | 965 |
17 | Chandanpur | 406 | 48.51% | 1,115 |
18 | Chandrapara | 768 | 17.17% | 990 |
19 | Chatra | 2,733 | 73.93% | 921 |
20 | Dadpur | 1,153 | 68.74% | 978 |
21 | Dakshin Kasila | 1,036 | 64.14% | 936 |
22 | Dakshin Mahurapur | 566 | 57.82% | 1,058 |
23 | Dalima | 1,818 | 49.39% | 993 |
24 | Dhananjaypur | 3,324 | 55.09% | 891 |
25 | Dhitora | 9,081 | 67.68% | 943 |
26 | Dulandi | 1,722 | 50.51% | 968 |
27 | Dumurgram | 8,335 | 49.95% | 976 |
28 | Duria | 3,012 | 61.75% | 950 |
29 | Fatepur | 997 | 55.01% | 888 |
30 | Fateullapur | 305 | 68.7% | 993 |
31 | Ganeshpur | 825 | 68.43% | 941 |
32 | Gopalpur | 2,285 | 55.97% | 932 |
33 | Gorsa | 7,964 | 43.93% | 998 |
34 | Hamidpur | 640 | 64.98% | 988 |
35 | Harinduba | 1,469 | 49.25% | 905 |
36 | Harirampur | 1,162 | 58.47% | 862 |
37 | Jhikarhati | 632 | 41.98% | 875 |
38 | Kahinagar | 3,172 | 64.73% | 939 |
39 | Kalitara | 2,063 | 37.22% | 905 |
40 | Kamdebnala | 2,931 | 66.31% | 954 |
41 | Kanaipur | 1,620 | 59.8% | 980 |
42 | Kanakpur | 2,546 | 58.2% | 882 |
43 | Kapilsahar | 1,114 | 79% | 975 |
44 | Kashipur | - | - | - |
45 | Kestara | 998 | 40.07% | 1,000 |
46 | Khanpur | 3,340 | 62.62% | 962 |
47 | Kumadol | 549 | 62.87% | 880 |
48 | Lakargram | 804 | 36.91% | 1,025 |
49 | Lakshmi Narayanpur | 575 | 54.14% | 879 |
50 | Mahimuji | 1,795 | 42.48% | 962 |
51 | Mahurapur | 5,348 | 55.01% | 962 |
52 | Makoa | 2,668 | 50.93% | 985 |
53 | Malaypur | 1,319 | 54.09% | 969 |
54 | Mukundapur | 472 | 30.65% | 1,026 |
55 | Na-Ani Gangadda | 2,120 | 58.09% | 940 |
56 | Nayit | 122 | 86.92% | 906 |
57 | Palsa | 5,417 | 58.4% | 961 |
58 | Paniara | 1,889 | 46.07% | 984 |
59 | Panpur | 514 | 63.39% | 954 |
60 | Paschim Simlapara | 2,635 | 58.87% | 984 |
61 | Pera | 812 | 58.21% | 933 |
62 | Prabhurampur | - | - | - |
63 | Raghunathpur | 2,052 | 60.06% | 988 |
64 | Raichandrapur | 789 | 40.6% | 939 |
65 | Rajgram | 8,378 | 47.74% | 956 |
66 | Ramchandrapur | 5,226 | 61.01% | 977 |
67 | Ratanpur | 2,840 | 42.81% | 955 |
68 | Ruprampur | 2,488 | 61.81% | 1,018 |
69 | Sanfua | 1,102 | 59.7% | 968 |
70 | Santoshpur | 4,910 | 42.57% | 938 |
71 | Sarduari | 755 | 50.65% | 951 |
72 | Shrinibaspur | 568 | 63.16% | 1,000 |
73 | Singhanagar | 857 | 47.91% | 884 |
74 | Sitachar | 1,108 | 49.4% | 910 |
75 | Sohara | 1,816 | 75.03% | 951 |
76 | Sumarpur | 1,784 | 54.18% | 998 |
77 | Sutia | 622 | 62.69% | 840 |
78 | Tapna | 1,678 | 59.61% | 898 |
79 | Tegharia | 820 | 26.04% | 957 |
80 | Uttar Kasila | 3,562 | 46.23% | 894 |