Villages & Towns in Marwar Junction Tehsil Pali, Rajasthan - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Marwar Junction Tehsil of Pali district, Rajasthan. As per Census 2011, there are 1 towns and 156 villages within Marwar Junction Tehsil. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Marwar Junction Tehsil is 198,978 out of which urban population is 12,004 while rural is 186,974. As per Census 2011, total families in Marwar Junction were 2,519. Check out important data about Marwar Junction Tehsil as per Census 2011.
Marwar Junction Tehsil data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | 198,978 | 186,974 | 12,004 |
Children (0-6 years) | 28,078 | 26,508 | 1,570 |
Literacy | 59.96% | 58.69% | 79.5% |
Sex Ratio | 1,025 | 1,030 | 945 |
Scheduled Caste | 22.3% | 22% | 25.7% |
Scheduled Tribe | 3.2% | 3.2% | 4.4% |
List of Municipal Towns in Marwar Junction Tehsil
Below is list of all towns in Marwar Junction Tehsil with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Marwar Junction (Census Town) | 12,004 | 79.5% | 945 |
List of Villages in Marwar Junction Tehsil
Below is list of all villages in Marwar Junction Tehsil with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Akhawas | 687 | 51.48% | 1,076 |
2 | Angdosh | 965 | 53.58% | 1,164 |
3 | Anji Ki Dhani | 1,087 | 59.59% | 1,032 |
4 | Asan | 219 | 55.84% | 1,330 |
5 | Asan Dakaniya | 191 | 50% | 1,099 |
6 | Asan Jodhwan | 345 | 50.5% | 1,054 |
7 | Asan Melra | 131 | 52.68% | 926 |
8 | Auwa | 4,108 | 69.07% | 978 |
9 | Bali | 968 | 65.82% | 1,042 |
10 | Bansor | 1,351 | 47.44% | 964 |
11 | Banta | 4,598 | 63.62% | 963 |
12 | Baraton Ka Oda | 295 | 56.68% | 903 |
13 | Bari | 1,005 | 49.77% | 1,111 |
14 | Barsa | 1,598 | 45.89% | 1,148 |
15 | Basni Jojawar | 929 | 58.57% | 1,145 |
16 | Bhaban | 878 | 62.45% | 1,014 |
17 | Bhagora | 1,214 | 54.66% | 903 |
18 | Bhagwanpura | 686 | 51.95% | 1,192 |
19 | Bheenwli | 490 | 57.82% | 1,076 |
20 | Bhimaliya | 1,962 | 62.57% | 1,040 |
21 | Bhojawas | 529 | 66.6% | 1,019 |
22 | Bithora Kalan | 2,296 | 51.87% | 1,039 |
23 | Bithora Khurd | 611 | 63.55% | 1,037 |
24 | Bogla | 941 | 50.58% | 890 |
25 | Bori Mada | 1,986 | 53.86% | 1,056 |
26 | Bornari | 892 | 65.03% | 1,160 |
27 | Chatra Ka Gura | 921 | 55.18% | 968 |
28 | Chaudhariyon Ki Dhani | 405 | 50.87% | 1,056 |
29 | Chaukariya | 1,255 | 51.73% | 992 |
30 | Chawadiya | 732 | 56.72% | 1,028 |
31 | Chelawas | 1,592 | 58.39% | 1,114 |
32 | Chirpatiya | 2,529 | 50.51% | 1,012 |
33 | Dadiya | 915 | 70.24% | 939 |
34 | Deoli | 2,873 | 58.74% | 1,092 |
35 | Dhal | 948 | 57.87% | 987 |
36 | Dhamli | 2,543 | 55.59% | 1,093 |
37 | Dhanla | 5,089 | 57.65% | 1,017 |
38 | Dhareshwar | 280 | 60.09% | 972 |
39 | Dhel Pura | 570 | 42.86% | 1,127 |
40 | Dhundhala | 3,823 | 69.63% | 1,008 |
41 | Dingor | 848 | 60.79% | 1,000 |
42 | Dudor | 2,958 | 54.6% | 1,089 |
43 | Gadana | 1,570 | 54.36% | 1,142 |
44 | Gawar | 1,001 | 58.8% | 998 |
45 | Godawas | 432 | 50.66% | 1,149 |
46 | Golki | 756 | 57.1% | 984 |
47 | Gopawas | 264 | 59.5% | 1,336 |
48 | Gudabarjaliya | 323 | 68.35% | 1,006 |
49 | Gudangiri | 781 | 61.1% | 1,182 |
50 | Gura Bhopa | 671 | 41.8% | 1,003 |
51 | Gura Bhopat | 413 | 31% | 921 |
52 | Gura Dhamawata | 455 | 50.59% | 912 |
53 | Gura Durga | 693 | 55.83% | 1,310 |
54 | Gura Durjan | 393 | 65.41% | 1,079 |
55 | Gura Himta | 94 | 97.59% | 1,238 |
56 | Gura Hindu | 212 | 62.78% | 1,099 |
57 | Gura Keshar Singh | 1,777 | 50.03% | 1,052 |
58 | Gura Mehkaran | 371 | 55.59% | 1,120 |
59 | Gura Mokam Singh | 917 | 55.66% | 1,148 |
60 | Gura Premsingh | 597 | 60.96% | 1,095 |
61 | Gura Ramsingh | 1,169 | 70.04% | 1,044 |
62 | Gura Rughnathsingh | 461 | 57.33% | 1,154 |
63 | Gura Soorsingh | 1,119 | 61.99% | 1,152 |
64 | Guraganga-I | 482 | 54.48% | 1,008 |
65 | Guraganga-II | 313 | 32.93% | 944 |
66 | Guranawa | 259 | 51.82% | 947 |
67 | Gurha Ajba | 473 | 50% | 1,170 |
68 | Halawat | 287 | 65.42% | 816 |
69 | Hameer Was | 732 | 66.72% | 931 |
70 | Hemliyawas Kalan | 541 | 61.22% | 1,226 |
71 | Hemliyawas Khurd | 493 | 74.54% | 1,071 |
72 | Hingola Kalan | 619 | 55.94% | 1,157 |
73 | Hingola Khurd | 659 | 45.08% | 1,147 |
74 | Isali | 1,758 | 52.39% | 1,160 |
75 | Jadan Jageer | 1,069 | 58.32% | 747 |
76 | Jadan Khalsa | 2,989 | 52.88% | 931 |
77 | Jaitpura | 664 | 54.06% | 1,082 |
78 | Janunda | 1,121 | 54.23% | 1,207 |
79 | Jatiyon Ki Dhani | 541 | 51.61% | 989 |
80 | Jeejardi | 629 | 54.58% | 1,199 |
81 | Jhambuda | 283 | 54.77% | 899 |
82 | Jograwas | 1,024 | 56.68% | 1,056 |
83 | Jojawar | 7,427 | 65.16% | 1,009 |
84 | Jooni Phulad | 919 | 65.96% | 943 |
85 | Jor Dudor | 629 | 49.04% | 872 |
86 | Jorkiya | 813 | 57.8% | 891 |
87 | Kadoo | 398 | 54.42% | 1,140 |
88 | Kantaliya | 8,549 | 61.75% | 1,000 |
89 | Karari | 1,552 | 59.01% | 1,021 |
90 | Karmal | 801 | 56.79% | 998 |
91 | Karoliya | 388 | 60.06% | 1,064 |
92 | Karwara | 945 | 60.61% | 886 |
93 | Khakhron Ka Aauda | 313 | 84.06% | 841 |
94 | Kharchi | 2,217 | 58.8% | 948 |
95 | Kharcho Ki Dhani | 352 | 45.07% | 1,000 |
96 | Khardi | 2,731 | 56.85% | 940 |
97 | Khera Kalyanpura | 150 | 48.8% | 923 |
98 | Kolpura | 720 | 44.25% | 1,045 |
99 | Kushalpura | 457 | 51.7% | 970 |
100 | Lolawas | 557 | 55.6% | 1,018 |
101 | Malsa Baori | 2,520 | 63.87% | 1,011 |
102 | Manda | 3,985 | 62.29% | 1,085 |
103 | Mani | 689 | 55.01% | 1,063 |
104 | Mayala Gurha | 424 | 59.18% | 1,000 |
105 | Mayli Siriyari | 237 | 63.9% | 1,194 |
106 | Melap | 805 | 48.15% | 1,054 |
107 | Melawas | 1,198 | 67.35% | 1,020 |
108 | Mewara Ki Dhani | 371 | 61.75% | 1,084 |
109 | Mudiya | 683 | 56.32% | 1,082 |
110 | Mukanpura | 347 | 51.14% | 994 |
111 | Musaliya | 2,504 | 62.08% | 1,144 |
112 | Narsinghpura | 817 | 59.92% | 959 |
113 | Nawa Gura | 566 | 47.33% | 1,096 |
114 | Nayagaon | 671 | 42.91% | 874 |
115 | Neevon Ki Khejri | 604 | 55.64% | 1,105 |
116 | Nichli Nimbadi | 637 | 60.93% | 991 |
117 | Nimbli Manda | 3,033 | 51.9% | 1,112 |
118 | Panchetiya | 1,934 | 58.4% | 1,098 |
119 | Pardi | 267 | 63.93% | 792 |
120 | Phooliya | 689 | 61.54% | 1,174 |
121 | Phulad | 1,003 | 63.01% | 1,047 |
122 | Rad Jhalra | 1,310 | 63.46% | 938 |
123 | Radawas | 1,746 | 51.7% | 1,086 |
124 | Rajkiyawas Kalan | 660 | 52.24% | 1,000 |
125 | Rajkiyawas Khurd | 315 | 59.27% | 1,045 |
126 | Rajola Khurd | 1,134 | 66.01% | 969 |
127 | Rambag | 235 | 49.19% | 1,260 |
128 | Rampura | 397 | 51.01% | 1,193 |
129 | Rana Nadi | 619 | 55.08% | 947 |
130 | Ranawas | 4,301 | 64.93% | 1,057 |
131 | Reesaniya | 772 | 57.33% | 1,115 |
132 | Rewariya | 397 | 81.56% | 1,015 |
133 | Sarakmaliya | 422 | 67.58% | 954 |
134 | Saran | 3,918 | 60.03% | 974 |
135 | Satiyon Ki Dhani | 538 | 43.63% | 1,038 |
136 | Sawrad | 4,400 | 58.66% | 1,102 |
137 | Seemal | 407 | 60% | 911 |
138 | Seenchiyawas | 450 | 57.75% | 899 |
139 | Seeriyari | 3,987 | 61.42% | 1,075 |
140 | Sehwaj | 2,334 | 58.66% | 955 |
141 | Shekhawas | 1,712 | 55.85% | 1,140 |
142 | Shivsagar | 320 | 71.85% | 988 |
143 | Sinchana | 1,018 | 51.69% | 1,213 |
144 | Sinla | 3,365 | 61.76% | 927 |
145 | Sodon Ka Dhana | 58 | 55.56% | 812 |
146 | Sugaliya | 359 | 49.04% | 1,124 |
147 | Surya Nagar | 625 | 67.79% | 947 |
148 | Talka | 241 | 67.87% | 1,025 |
149 | Teja Ka Guda | 442 | 49.3% | 964 |
150 | Telpura | 524 | 57.21% | 905 |
151 | Thakurwas | 1,421 | 60.28% | 1,027 |
152 | Thal | 621 | 51.91% | 959 |
153 | Uparli Neembari | 581 | 52.1% | 943 |
154 | Vaniya Mali | 745 | 60.93% | 945 |
155 | Vopari | 2,874 | 60.16% | 1,054 |
156 | Wadiya | 1,176 | 61% | 1,049 |