Villages & Towns in Kumargram Block Jalpaiguri, West Bengal - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Kumargram Block of Jalpaiguri district, West Bengal. As per Census 2011, there are 3 towns and 53 villages within Kumargram Block. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Kumargram Block is 199,609 out of which urban population is 25,551 while rural is 174,058. As per Census 2011, total families in Kumargram were 5,997. Check out important data about Kumargram Block as per Census 2011.
Kumargram Block data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | 199,609 | 174,058 | 25,551 |
Children (0-6 years) | 23,771 | 21,386 | 2,385 |
Literacy | 72.42% | 69.79% | 89.71% |
Sex Ratio | 946 | 946 | 945 |
Scheduled Caste | 35.8% | 36% | 34.5% |
Scheduled Tribe | 30% | 34.1% | 2.1% |
List of Municipal Towns in Kumargram Block
Below is list of all towns in Kumargram Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Dakhin Rampur (Census Town) | 6,392 | 88.88% | 938 |
2 | Laskarpara (Census Town) | 7,137 | 86.83% | 926 |
3 | Uttar Kamakhyaguri (Census Town) | 12,022 | 91.81% | 961 |
List of Villages in Kumargram Block
Below is list of all villages in Kumargram Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Amarpur | 2,423 | 55.81% | 960 |
2 | Bara Daldal | 2,449 | 76.08% | 912 |
3 | Barabisa | 4,433 | 77.72% | 927 |
4 | Baruipara | 2,548 | 78.57% | 890 |
5 | Bhalka | 3,946 | 75.72% | 870 |
6 | Bhalka Forest | 1,438 | 64.8% | 967 |
7 | Chengmari | 1,658 | 85.68% | 974 |
8 | Chunia Jhora Tea Garden | 2,772 | 51.95% | 993 |
9 | Chuota Daldali | 3,756 | 74.76% | 952 |
10 | Dakhin Kamakhyaguri | 3,824 | 78.12% | 921 |
11 | Dakhin Narathali | 7,433 | 87.24% | 932 |
12 | Dakshin Chengmari | 3,779 | 67.07% | 971 |
13 | Dakshin Haldibari | 1,950 | 72.51% | 998 |
14 | Dhantali | 768 | 65.37% | 920 |
15 | Dhumpara Forest | 1,439 | 62.48% | 1,021 |
16 | Gachaimari | 2,036 | 81.43% | 894 |
17 | Ghaksapara | 3,130 | 74.11% | 950 |
18 | Hemaguri | 802 | 77.86% | 848 |
19 | Jayanti Tea Garden | 5,098 | 65.76% | 1,003 |
20 | Jayanti Tea Garden II | 842 | 58.52% | 967 |
21 | Jaydedpur | 2,149 | 70.49% | 878 |
22 | Kartika Tea Garden | 4,779 | 53.27% | 940 |
23 | Kumargram | 5,384 | 77.33% | 933 |
24 | Kumargram Tea Garden | 6,328 | 56.22% | 1,044 |
25 | Lalchandpur | 690 | 56.76% | 885 |
26 | Madhya Haldibari | 4,252 | 65.54% | 907 |
27 | Madhya Kamakhyaguri | 4,759 | 77.76% | 966 |
28 | Madhya Narathali | 4,958 | 77.18% | 931 |
29 | Majher Dabri | 2,307 | 73.18% | 790 |
30 | Narakhata | 3,036 | 72.98% | 925 |
31 | Narathali | 6,337 | 75.32% | 906 |
32 | New Lands Tea Garden | 6,369 | 56.43% | 1,024 |
33 | Paglarhat | 1,157 | 67.55% | 916 |
34 | Pakriguri | 2,857 | 71.3% | 872 |
35 | Paschim Chak Chaka | 2,547 | 80.46% | 897 |
36 | Paschim Chengmari | 3,110 | 77.19% | 955 |
37 | Paschim Narathali | 4,665 | 79.01% | 917 |
38 | Phaskhawa Tea Garden | 1,202 | 62.33% | 954 |
39 | Pukharigaon | 3,673 | 75.96% | 936 |
40 | Purbba Chakchaka | 4,523 | 86.86% | 933 |
41 | Purbba Narathali | 3,882 | 73.79% | 881 |
42 | Purbba Salbari | 2,818 | 63.63% | 918 |
43 | Radhanagar | 2,080 | 82.03% | 951 |
44 | Rahimabad Tea Garden | 3,570 | 59.48% | 966 |
45 | Raydak Forest | 865 | 55.75% | 901 |
46 | Raydak Tea Garden | 7,610 | 54.92% | 1,008 |
47 | Sachapho Forest | 96 | 65.43% | 745 |
48 | Sankos Tea Garden | 6,643 | 52.45% | 1,030 |
49 | Telipara | 4,139 | 78.25% | 946 |
50 | Turturi Khanda | 2,844 | 60.4% | 947 |
51 | Tuturi Tea Garden | 2,882 | 58.67% | 1,054 |
52 | Uttar Haldibari | 2,810 | 61.37% | 908 |
53 | Uttar Narathali | 2,213 | 71.03% | 926 |