Villages & Towns in Kavathemahankal Taluka Sangli, Maharashtra - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Kavathemahankal Taluka of Sangli district, Maharashtra. As per Census 2011, there are 0 towns and 60 villages within Kavathemahankal Taluka. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Kavathemahankal Taluka is १५२,३२७ out of which urban population is ० while rural is १५२,३२७. As per Census 2011, total families in Kavathemahankal were ०. Check out important data about Kavathemahankal Taluka as per Census 2011.
Kavathemahankal Taluka data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | १५२,३२७ | १५२,३२७ | - |
Children (0-6 years) | १७,२५१ | १७,२५१ | - |
Literacy | ७८.५७% | ७८.५७% | - |
Sex Ratio | ९६३ | ९६३ | - |
Scheduled Caste | १३.३% | १३.३% | - |
Scheduled Tribe | ०.२% | ०.२% | - |
List of Municipal Towns in Kavathemahankal Taluka
Below is list of all towns in Kavathemahankal Taluka with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
List of Villages in Kavathemahankal Taluka
Below is list of all villages in Kavathemahankal Taluka with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Agalgaon | ४,२६८ | ७८.०२% | ९७४ |
2 | Alkud | १,३०९ | ८५.१३% | ९२२ |
3 | Alkud [s] | २,३२९ | ७२.५६% | १,००९ |
4 | Arewadi | २,९१४ | ६८.१६% | ९२० |
5 | Banewadi | १,८४१ | ७६.८१% | ९३४ |
6 | Bassappawadi | १,५०४ | ७३.४१% | ९१६ |
7 | Borgaon | ३,४५८ | ८३.४१% | ९६५ |
8 | Chorochi | २,४८८ | ६१.५१% | १,००० |
9 | Chudekhindi | ९०३ | ६३.०५% | ८७० |
10 | Deshing | ५,१४१ | ७८.८७% | ९३९ |
11 | Dhalewadi | १,८०७ | ७७.१८% | ८६५ |
12 | Dhalgaon | ५,३७० | ७६.०३% | ९४५ |
13 | Dholewadi | ६०७ | ६७.८४% | ९३९ |
14 | Dhulgaon | ३,५१७ | ८१.२६% | १,०१० |
15 | Dudhebhavi | १,८७१ | ६७.४४% | ९१९ |
16 | Garjewadi | ३१६ | ७४.८३% | १,०५२ |
17 | Ghatnandre | २,८२२ | ८०.५७% | १,००० |
18 | Ghorpadi | २,१०९ | ६६.५९% | ९१४ |
19 | Haroli | १,९८७ | ८५.१३% | ९८५ |
20 | Hingangaon | ४,८३२ | ८३.३४% | ९९९ |
21 | Irali | २,४२३ | ७५.९९% | १,०६७ |
22 | Jadhavwadi | ९१७ | ८०.६५% | ९०६ |
23 | Jakhapur | २,०४७ | ८०.४१% | १,०५९ |
24 | Jambhulwadi | ६६३ | ६२.६३% | ९४४ |
25 | Jaygavhan | १,३३५ | ८०.२३% | ९७८ |
26 | Kadamwadi | ८९७ | ७२.५२% | ९७१ |
27 | Karalhetti | ९२२ | ६६.६३% | ९४१ |
28 | Karoli | ४,२८३ | ८१.४७% | ९९२ |
29 | Kavathe Mahankal | १७,३९० | ८७.२८% | ९६५ |
30 | Kerewadi | १,०३४ | ६९.४९% | १,०२० |
31 | Kharshing | ३,२७९ | ८२.५५% | १,०१५ |
32 | Kognoli | ४,५९६ | ७६.२६% | ९१९ |
33 | Kokale | ४,४४२ | ७६.०१% | ९४७ |
34 | Kuchi | ५,०१९ | ८०.४९% | ९४९ |
35 | Kuktoli | ३,९३९ | ७३.७% | ९७२ |
36 | Kundlapur | ७०७ | ८०.३१% | ९९७ |
37 | Landgewadi | २,१२५ | ८३.८७% | ९२७ |
38 | Langarpeth | २,१२४ | ७१.२१% | ९५२ |
39 | Lonarwadi | १,७३६ | ७३.७३% | ९९८ |
40 | Malangaon | ३,८१६ | ८३.०५% | ९८८ |
41 | Mhaisal | १,२६६ | ८०.१६% | १,००० |
42 | Moghamwadi | ५३१ | ६५.९५% | ९१० |
43 | Morgaon | १,३६० | ८५.९३% | ८५० |
44 | Nagaj | ४,९४६ | ७९.७८% | ९४९ |
45 | Nangole | २,५४५ | ७५.१९% | ९६२ |
46 | Nimaj | १,११८ | ६६.८१% | १,०४० |
47 | Pimpalwadi | ५६५ | ८३.४% | १,०९३ |
48 | Rampurwadi | ६६६ | ७९.२५% | ९३० |
49 | Ranjani | ६,१६२ | ७९.४७% | ९६४ |
50 | Raywadi | १,४२४ | ७४.१२% | ९५९ |
51 | Sarati | ७८२ | ७६.८% | ९६५ |
52 | Shelkewadi | १,००१ | ७८.१२% | १,०३५ |
53 | Shindewadi | ९४८ | ६४.३४% | १,००८ |
54 | Shindewadi | २,००३ | ८०.६२% | ९६० |
55 | Shirdhon | २,८८७ | ८५.०९% | ८९१ |
56 | Thabadewadi | १,८९२ | ७४.९१% | ९८१ |
57 | Tisangi | २,३१३ | ८२.३३% | ९५५ |
58 | Vithurayachi Wadi | ३,१९७ | ७३.५४% | ९२७ |
59 | Wagholi | ६९८ | ८१.५२% | ९१८ |
60 | Zurewadi | ९३६ | ७४.६३% | ९८७ |