Villages & Towns in Kangeyam Taluka Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu - Census 2011

List of all villages and towns in Kangeyam Taluka of Tiruppur district, Tamil Nadu. As per Census 2011, there are 3 towns and 39 villages within Kangeyam Taluka. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.

The total population of Kangeyam Taluka is 209 385 out of which urban population is 85 718 while rural is 123 667. As per Census 2011, total families in Kangeyam were 25 554. Check out important data about Kangeyam Taluka as per Census 2011.

Kangeyam Taluka data as per Census 2011

Total Rural Urban
Population 209 385 123 667 85 718
Children (0-6 years) 16 257 9 005 7 252
Literacy 73,47% 68,27% 81,07%
Sex Ratio 999 1 000 997
Scheduled Caste 19,6% 22,4% 15,7%
Scheduled Tribe 0,1% 0,1% 0,1%

List of Municipal Towns in Kangeyam Taluka

Below is list of all towns in Kangeyam Taluka with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Town Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Kangeyam (Town Panchayat) 32 147 85,14% 987
2 Muthur (Town Panchayat) 13 212 70,61% 1 005
3 Vellakoil (Municipality) 40 359 81,29% 1 002

List of Villages in Kangeyam Taluka

Below is list of all villages in Kangeyam Taluka with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Village Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Alambadi 2 714 68,6% 972
2 Aratholuvu 1 063 54,38% 1 093
3 Ganapathipalayam 1 087 71,41% 987
4 Kadaiyur 3 520 65,46% 966
5 Kambiliampatti 1 979 67,14% 1 005
6 Kangayampalayam 1 328 55,87% 953
7 Kathanganni 2 221 61,83% 985
8 Keeranur 2 680 63,3% 965
9 Keetapalayam 3 579 64,65% 975
10 Kurukkapalayam 1 216 64,29% 903
11 Lakkumanaickenpatti 4 177 67,04% 1 023
12 Mangalapatti 3 512 67,65% 1 025
13 Maravapalayam 2 679 68,9% 1 017
14 Marudurai 1 980 67,9% 1 002
15 Mettupalayam 4 854 67,69% 1 076
16 Mudalipalayam 2 141 64,08% 946
17 Mullipuram 1 445 70,98% 1 010
18 Naalroad 2 695 62,14% 976
19 Nathakadaiyur 6 574 73,89% 996
20 Nelali 7 181 65,49% 956
21 Padiyur 2 628 73,16% 998
22 Palayakottai 2 618 71,04% 971
23 Pappini 3 990 66,05% 1 000
24 Patchapalayam 4 944 66,5% 1 046
25 Peranjervali 3 876 68,45% 965
26 Poomandanvalavu 1 307 67,75% 1 115
27 Rasathivalavu 2 987 69,01% 989
28 Sembandampalayam 1 566 69,79% 948
29 Senapathipalayam 8 264 73,74% 1 010
30 Sivanmalai 7 927 69,74% 996
31 Thammareddipalayam 1 001 68,57% 1 090
32 Uthamapalayam 4 165 74,14% 983
33 Uthiyur 3 160 68,63% 1 006
34 Vadasinnaripalayam 1 952 75,99% 986
35 Valliarachal 3 883 66,03% 1 058
36 Vattamalai 1 804 59,74% 980
37 Veeracholapuram 1 568 66,12% 1 018
38 Veeranampalayam 3 459 69,82% 1 022
39 Velampalayam 3 943 72,26% 1 031
Villages in Kangeyam Population of Kangeyam Sex Ratio of Kangeyam Literacy Rate in Kangeyam