Villages & Towns in Kanchili Mandal Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh - Census 2011

List of all villages and towns in Kanchili Mandal of Srikakulam district, Andhra Pradesh. As per Census 2011, there are 0 towns and 58 villages within Kanchili Mandal. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.

The total population of Kanchili Mandal is 66 657 out of which urban population is 0 while rural is 66 657. As per Census 2011, total families in Kanchili were 0. Check out important data about Kanchili Mandal as per Census 2011.

Kanchili Mandal data as per Census 2011

Total Rural Urban
Population 66 657 66 657 -
Children (0-6 years) 6 678 6 678 -
Literacy 63,94% 63,94% -
Sex Ratio 1 025 1 025 -
Scheduled Caste 4,6% 4,6% -
Scheduled Tribe 12,1% 12,1% -

List of Municipal Towns in Kanchili Mandal

Below is list of all towns in Kanchili Mandal with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Town Population Literacy Sex Ratio

List of Villages in Kanchili Mandal

Below is list of all villages in Kanchili Mandal with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Village Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Amaravati - - -
2 Ammavariputtuga 222 68,78% 1 265
3 Ampuram 670 68,71% 1 062
4 Aravasariapalle 810 60,11% 947
5 Baliyaputtuga 2 050 75,58% 996
6 Bellupada 839 66,67% 951
7 Bhinnala 63 67,74% 1 100
8 Bhinnala Kothuru 213 66,84% 1 173
9 Bhogabeni 755 67,26% 987
10 Bhyripuram 942 60,51% 1 057
11 Bonamali 397 54,93% 1 026
12 Buragam 2 481 62,45% 1 085
13 Chinnakhojiria 738 62,93% 1 033
14 Daleswaram 268 73,11% 1 215
15 Deppipada 65 33,33% 757
16 Dolagovindapuram 879 74,21% 966
17 Ghatimukundapuram 567 68,56% 1 040
18 Gokarnapuram 2 263 54,86% 1 017
19 Gopakeli 75 50,77% 1 143
20 Gundam 231 52,86% 941
21 Jadupudi 2 879 61,02% 1 160
22 Jalantrakota 3 322 55,39% 1 010
23 Janardhanapuram - - -
24 Jennaghai 1 044 49,72% 955
25 Jillunda 525 77,62% 966
26 Kanchili 3 837 71,1% 790
27 Karthali 758 67,55% 1 043
28 Kattivaram 3 738 64,34% 1 035
29 Kesaripada 1 597 61,45% 1 066
30 Kokkiliputtuga 2 765 61,55% 1 059
31 Kolluru 1 829 72,07% 1 057
32 Kumbarinowgam 1 682 54,82% 949
33 Kuttuma 971 65,15% 1 093
34 Laxmipuram - - -
35 Mahalpada - - -
36 Makarampuram 2 490 63,11% 1 094
37 Mandapalle 1 677 60,1% 1 043
38 Mathamsariapalle 2 624 67,35% 955
39 Mundala 1 694 69,46% 1 000
40 Narasannamukundapuram 1 181 72,92% 1 450
41 Nuvagada 925 71,7% 640
42 Padmatula 786 51,72% 1 285
43 Pathrapada 670 65,89% 948
44 Peddakhojiria 796 76,67% 1 036
45 Poleru 2 275 55,26% 1 053
46 Pudabhadra 20 47,06% 1 500
47 Purushothapuram 1 393 57,82% 1 127
48 Ragapuram - - -
49 Rangumatia 5 40% 667
50 Rekhadevipuram 599 69,15% 1 087
51 Samantha Ramachandrapuram 1 153 66,63% 1 104
52 Sasanam 2 059 63,66% 1 039
53 Sirthali 557 64,5% 1 055
54 Talatampara 4 416 66,59% 1 018
55 Timmalanji 283 70,5% 1 066
56 Veera Ramachan Dra Puram - - -
57 Veeranarayana Puram - - -
58 Yekkala 1 579 58,93% 1 145
Villages in Kanchili Population of Kanchili Sex Ratio of Kanchili Literacy Rate in Kanchili