Villages & Towns in Kalimpong -I Block Darjiling, West Bengal - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Kalimpong -I Block of Darjiling district, West Bengal. As per Census 2011, there are 1 towns and 50 villages within Kalimpong -I Block. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Kalimpong -I Block is 74,746 out of which urban population is 6,789 while rural is 67,957. As per Census 2011, total families in Kalimpong -I were 1,504. Check out important data about Kalimpong -I Block as per Census 2011.
Kalimpong -I Block data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | 74,746 | 67,957 | 6,789 |
Children (0-6 years) | 7,422 | 6,876 | 546 |
Literacy | 81.43% | 80.84% | 87.2% |
Sex Ratio | 980 | 971 | 1,072 |
Scheduled Caste | 7% | 6.5% | 11.7% |
Scheduled Tribe | 34.3% | 34.8% | 29.5% |
List of Municipal Towns in Kalimpong -I Block
Below is list of all towns in Kalimpong -I Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Dungra Khasmahal (Census Town) | 6,789 | 87.2% | 1,072 |
List of Villages in Kalimpong -I Block
Below is list of all villages in Kalimpong -I Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Bhalukhop Forest | 592 | 75.45% | 1,007 |
2 | Bhalukhop Khasmahal | 5,254 | 80.66% | 975 |
3 | Birik Forest | 93 | 67.07% | 938 |
4 | Bong Khasmahal | 4,220 | 86.03% | 1,013 |
5 | Chunabhati Bazar D.I.F. | 300 | 90.29% | 1,000 |
6 | Churanthi Forest | - | - | - |
7 | Comesi Forest | 377 | 77.68% | 1,071 |
8 | Gulling Forest | - | - | - |
9 | Homes St.And Graihms | 3,899 | 90.34% | 1,056 |
10 | Icha Khasmahal | 4,176 | 87.19% | 1,008 |
11 | Kaffir Forest | 15 | 81.82% | 2,000 |
12 | Kaffir Khasmahal | 549 | 90% | 855 |
13 | Kalimpong Dansong Forest | 795 | 78.59% | 840 |
14 | Kalimpong Khasmahal | 8,881 | 86.18% | 1,046 |
15 | Kanke Bong Khasmahal | 1,835 | 80.66% | 892 |
16 | Lish Catchment Area Forest | - | - | - |
17 | Lish Forest | 360 | 75.23% | 1,081 |
18 | Lulagaon Forest | 27 | 92.31% | 1,455 |
19 | Lulagaon Khasmahal | 979 | 83.94% | 970 |
20 | Mangber Forest | 30 | 88.46% | 1,143 |
21 | Mangpong Forest | 1,111 | 69.58% | 858 |
22 | Mangwa Forest | 711 | 69.04% | 891 |
23 | Mazeok Forest | 282 | 80.5% | 1,029 |
24 | Nimbong Khasmahal | 2,659 | 70.74% | 944 |
25 | Nobgaon Khasmahal | 1,681 | 77.51% | 889 |
26 | Panbu Forest | 20 | 78.57% | 538 |
27 | Paringar Khasmahal | 2,021 | 74.49% | 873 |
28 | Pemling Forest | 187 | 60.74% | 781 |
29 | Pemling Khasmahal | 1,726 | 74.37% | 909 |
30 | Pudung Khasmahal | 2,382 | 77.62% | 1,010 |
31 | Rambi Bazar D.I.F. | 1,000 | 86.5% | 961 |
32 | Ramthi Forest | - | - | - |
33 | Riayang Railway Station | 371 | 76.13% | 973 |
34 | Ringking Pong Forest | 10 | 80% | 111 |
35 | Riyong Forest | 185 | 66.46% | 907 |
36 | Samalbong Khasmahal | 2,050 | 85.55% | 985 |
37 | Samether Khasmahal | 2,173 | 72.68% | 958 |
38 | Samther Forest | - | - | - |
39 | Sindibong Khasmahal | 4,606 | 84.63% | 1,024 |
40 | Singi Khasmahal | 1,565 | 80.88% | 986 |
41 | Slokbhir Khasmahal | 874 | 78.7% | 888 |
42 | Suntalay Khasmahal | 209 | 76.19% | 786 |
43 | Suruk Khasmahal | 1,764 | 79.75% | 936 |
44 | Tashiding Forest | 59 | 83.02% | 903 |
45 | Tista Bazar D.I.F. | 2,953 | 78.18% | 930 |
46 | Tunang Forest | - | - | - |
47 | Turzam Forest | 406 | 60.87% | 880 |
48 | Uttar Fulbari Khasmahal | - | - | - |
49 | Yang Makum Khasmahal | 3,350 | 70.71% | 876 |
50 | Yokprintam Khasmahal | 1,220 | 72.94% | 1,010 |