Villages & Towns in Kakinada Mandal East Godavari, Andhra Pradesh - Census 2011

List of all villages and towns in Kakinada Mandal of East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh. As per Census 2011, there are 4 towns and 8 villages within Kakinada Mandal. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.

The total population of Kakinada Mandal is 174 129 out of which urban population is 130 490 while rural is 43 639. As per Census 2011, total families in Kakinada were 35 025. Check out important data about Kakinada Mandal as per Census 2011.

Kakinada Mandal data as per Census 2011

Total Rural Urban
Population 174 129 43 639 130 490
Children (0-6 years) 17 978 4 900 13 078
Literacy 78,39% 68,03% 81,8%
Sex Ratio 1 001 972 1 011
Scheduled Caste 11% 13,2% 10,3%
Scheduled Tribe 0,7% 0,7% 0,7%

List of Municipal Towns in Kakinada Mandal

Below is list of all towns in Kakinada Mandal with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Town Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Chidiga (Census Town) 6 365 86,59% 990
2 Kakinada (Part) (Munciple Corporation + Outgrowth) 71 644 77% 1 005
3 Ramanayyapeta (Census Town) 28 369 87% 1 028
4 Suryaraopeta (Census Town) 24 112 88,46% 1 016

List of Villages in Kakinada Mandal

Below is list of all villages in Kakinada Mandal with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Village Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Kovvada 4 863 79,03% 995
2 Kovvuru 7 293 66,16% 990
3 Nemam 4 198 67,39% 966
4 Panduru 5 489 68,22% 981
5 Penumarthi 1 976 79,34% 920
6 Repuru 2 683 71,12% 948
7 Thammavaram 9 513 55,63% 972
8 Thimmapuram 7 624 74,07% 958
Villages in Kakinada Population of Kakinada Sex Ratio of Kakinada Literacy Rate in Kakinada