Villages & Towns in Jaspur Tehsil Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand - Census 2011

List of all villages and towns in Jaspur Tehsil of Udham Singh Nagar district, Uttarakhand. As per Census 2011, there are 2 towns and 101 villages within Jaspur Tehsil. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.

The total population of Jaspur Tehsil is 170 315 out of which urban population is 57 849 while rural is 112 466. As per Census 2011, total families in Jaspur were 9 958. Check out important data about Jaspur Tehsil as per Census 2011.

Jaspur Tehsil data as per Census 2011

Total Rural Urban
Population 170 315 112 466 57 849
Children (0-6 years) 23 902 15 781 8 121
Literacy 73,59% 71,81% 77,04%
Sex Ratio 911 908 918
Scheduled Caste 16,4% 21,3% 7%
Scheduled Tribe 0% 0% 0%

List of Municipal Towns in Jaspur Tehsil

Below is list of all towns in Jaspur Tehsil with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Town Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Jaspur (Nagar Palika Parishad) 50 523 77,45% 919
2 Mahua Dabra Haripura (Nagar Panchayat) 7 326 74,16% 914

List of Villages in Jaspur Tehsil

Below is list of all villages in Jaspur Tehsil with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Village Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Ahamad Nagar 353 90,54% 940
2 Amaka 1 688 68,04% 869
3 Amiya Wala 675 67,57% 940
4 Amritpura 3 077 69,84% 877
5 Angadpur 2 832 77,31% 948
6 Aspur 726 87,05% 911
7 Baberkhera 6 874 61,27% 929
8 Bagwara 257 81,03% 932
9 Bahadarpur 195 72,88% 931
10 Baheri 854 72,25% 809
11 Baintwala 1 802 71,77% 871
12 Baksaura 1 489 67,37% 892
13 Barhyonwala 1 036 60,85% 988
14 Beerpuri 648 79,16% 917
15 Bhagwantpur Jaspur 1 100 75,86% 920
16 Bharatpur 2 538 72,08% 900
17 Bhawanipur 636 82,75% 860
18 Bhogpur Jaspur 480 72,68% 967
19 Bhura 147 94,03% 986
20 Chak Jagatpur 54 94,34% 800
21 Chak Rai Jawahar Singh - - -
22 Chakaspur 482 65,7% 905
23 Chaturpur Bagichi 270 80% 957
24 Daduwala 383 80,42% 944
25 Devipura 1 338 81,69% 931
26 Dhadipura 554 77,69% 853
27 Dhakiaharchand 102 79,12% 889
28 Dharmpur 1 662 78,39% 930
29 Durgapur 421 70,26% 838
30 Fazalpur 281 88,93% 912
31 Ganeshpur 531 74,12% 1 004
32 Ganguwala 719 76,64% 830
33 Garhi Husain 556 83,65% 898
34 Garhinegi 5 497 75,05% 883
35 Gaura 218 64,14% 946
36 Girdhyai Munshi 275 86,67% 937
37 Gulargojhi 799 62,75% 921
38 Hajiro 1 000 75,26% 942
39 Halduashahu 1 401 81,49% 868
40 Hamirawala 576 79,35% 973
41 Hariawala 1 491 76,53% 868
42 Jagatpur Jaspur 43 84,62% 654
43 Jagatpur Patti 893 77,37% 811
44 Jagdishwala 343 83,12% 994
45 Jaminiwala 431 81,7% 941
46 Jaspur Patti Kalyan 7 40% 1 333
47 Jaspur Patti Mansha 832 81,66% 845
48 Jaspur Patti Netram 57 96,15% 900
49 Jaspur Patti Tirmal 452 72,05% 845
50 Jaspur Patti Uttam 321 65,06% 866
51 Kaliyawala 1 143 71,26% 984
52 Kalyanpur 471 77,91% 954
53 Karanpur 1 652 74,02% 903
54 Kasampur 2 268 81,19% 932
55 Kesaripur 505 62,16% 1 070
56 Khalipar 203 84,41% 897
57 Khera Laxmipur 2 020 60,07% 843
58 Kilawali 2 650 70,69% 956
59 Kirpacharyapur 157 75,36% 892
60 Kishanpur 479 76,96% 996
61 Kunda 2 867 52,92% 933
62 Lalpur 2 900 70,09% 914
63 Makaunia 96 67,5% 1 000
64 Malpura - - -
65 Malpuri 320 84,56% 739
66 Mandua Khera 2 431 77,67% 945
67 Manorathpur I 1 509 60,98% 920
68 Manorathpur II 477 86,02% 900
69 Manorathpurii 134 76,86% 836
70 Meghawala 2 177 68,54% 906
71 Milak Sipka 82 89,87% 608
72 Murliwala 1 120 85,01% 898
73 Nadehi 1 134 88,06% 922
74 Nagaria Sultan - - -
75 Nai Abadi Sipla 508 79,96% 910
76 Narainpur 2 355 71,76% 865
77 Nawalpur 1 166 64,57% 842
78 Niwarmundi 969 83,14% 878
79 Pastaura 33 72,41% 650
80 Patrampur 4 030 67,91% 866
81 Pattiwale 81 71,43% 1 132
82 Puranpur 1 980 81,03% 930
83 Rahmapur 917 77,99% 834
84 Raipur Patti Dilla 1 501 69,83% 898
85 Raipur Patti Harji 1 404 69,85% 843
86 Raipur Patti Lekhraj 746 71,05% 856
87 Raipur Patti Lokman 433 56,13% 924
88 Rajpur 4 249 70,56% 909
89 Ramnagar Jaspur 3 489 70,03% 946
90 Sanyasiwala 1 879 78,76% 947
91 Shahganj 412 96,11% 890
92 Shivrajpur 1 399 74,13% 863
93 Sipka 50 84,78% 786
94 South Jaspur Range 4 608 53,17% 982
95 Surajpur 662 76,92% 870
96 Talabpur 1 058 78,09% 830
97 Tanda Prabhapur 403 69,21% 910
98 Teela 752 65,32% 963
99 Tirgarhi 278 71,84% 1 029
100 Umarpur Manak 913 78,01% 918
101 Vikrampur - - -
Villages in Jaspur Population of Jaspur Sex Ratio of Jaspur Literacy Rate in Jaspur