Villages & Towns in Jagdishpur Block Bhojpur, Bihar - Census 2011

List of all villages and towns in Jagdishpur Block of Bhojpur district, Bihar. As per Census 2011, there are 1 towns and 91 villages within Jagdishpur Block. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.

The total population of Jagdishpur Block is 263,959 out of which urban population is 32,447 while rural is 231,512. As per Census 2011, total families in Jagdishpur were 5,295. Check out important data about Jagdishpur Block as per Census 2011.

Jagdishpur Block data as per Census 2011

Total Rural Urban
Population 263,959 231,512 32,447
Children (0-6 years) 44,970 39,894 5,076
Literacy 67.8% 67.7% 68.51%
Sex Ratio 909 910 905
Scheduled Caste 13.9% 14.8% 7.8%
Scheduled Tribe 0.3% 0.2% 0.6%

List of Municipal Towns in Jagdishpur Block

Below is list of all towns in Jagdishpur Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Town Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Jagdishpur (Nagar Panchayat) 32,447 68.51% 905

List of Villages in Jagdishpur Block

Below is list of all villages in Jagdishpur Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Village Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Aer 13,305 67.45% 945
2 Afzalpur - - -
3 Anharibag 1,287 64.93% 857
4 Araila 4,893 68.69% 894
5 Asodhan 2,363 78.05% 951
6 Asodhar 861 70.35% 975
7 Babhniyawan 9,945 59.98% 905
8 Bachri 610 73.56% 860
9 Bahuwara 1,462 70.93% 911
10 Bairahi 1,023 78.27% 1,030
11 Baluwanhi 632 50.5% 957
12 Bankat 1,018 68.15% 889
13 Bara Pokhar - - -
14 Barad Parwa 4,327 65.75% 898
15 Bariar Patti - - -
16 Barnaon 9,491 71.47% 887
17 Basauna 2,670 74.48% 936
18 Bharsara 2,624 66.19% 907
19 Bhatauli 1,241 52.84% 892
20 BichlaJangalMahalJagdishpur 3,677 82.11% 942
21 Bimawan 8,487 69.5% 907
22 Chakwa 12,814 67.89% 934
23 Dalippur 8,921 67.42% 923
24 Danwan 14,523 60.55% 895
25 Deorar 3,080 57.07% 937
26 Dhaka Karam 1,581 66.35% 926
27 Dhangain 1,710 72.32% 879
28 Dihri 1,984 62.98% 879
29 Dilia 445 36.07% 902
30 Diliya 1,218 80.8% 924
31 Diul 2,406 64.49% 914
32 Dubhar - - -
33 Dulaur 345 63.24% 1,029
34 Gangadhar Dehri 885 77.17% 899
35 Geyanpura 1,210 64.5% 891
36 Gurez 1,189 71.97% 875
37 Hardiya 6,998 70.87% 902
38 Harigaon 6,638 71.68% 917
39 Harna Tanr 1,528 74.34% 956
40 Hathpokhar 2,633 66.35% 1,007
41 Hetampur 7,575 61.12% 912
42 Isanri 1,719 69.5% 929
43 Jamui Horil - - -
44 Jamui Khanr - - -
45 Kahen 2,562 73.03% 873
46 Kakila 3,279 65.16% 910
47 Kali Bali - - -
48 Kataibojh 2,884 69.86% 853
49 Kaunra 10,466 73.09% 870
50 Kesari 2,226 59.4% 973
51 Khutaha - - -
52 Kinnu Dehri - - -
53 Korhwa 1,414 76.23% 873
54 Kunai 1,407 48.04% 960
55 Kusaha 692 50.26% 1,041
56 Kusamha 2,534 57.6% 905
57 Lahijohar - - -
58 Lakhanpura 447 75.94% 795
59 Mahurahi 2,072 62.21% 996
60 Mangitpur 13 72.73% 1,167
61 Mangura 1,686 77.2% 920
62 Manhtati 575 53.5% 904
63 Manjhupur 1,040 75.18% 1,000
64 Mannu Dehri 1,964 63.21% 898
65 Masurhi 3,426 69.24% 877
66 Mathurapur 1,984 72.92% 886
67 Misrauliya - - -
68 Mungaul 504 65.72% 1,083
69 Narayanpur 2,125 54.82% 901
70 Neur Pokhar 999 54.44% 899
71 Paliya 693 66.22% 791
72 Paliya Chak - - -
73 Panapur 619 46.34% 893
74 Parasiya 2,433 78.48% 888
75 Pipra 1,012 72% 791
76 Rangarua 1,417 61.25% 867
77 Repura 551 59.1% 887
78 Saniya Barahta 56 53.85% 1,435
79 Shiupur 3,760 72.09% 937
80 Siyaruwa 3,146 62.89% 907
81 Sonbarsa 1,244 55.92% 1,019
82 Sondhi 712 72.35% 869
83 Sultanpur 1,686 68.66% 843
84 Sundara 1,049 70.31% 894
85 Tenduni 2,912 76.44% 921
86 Tikthi 1,629 71.73% 892
87 Tulsi 1,358 75.85% 902
88 Ugna 2,672 79.84% 874
89 Ujiyarpur 971 70.82% 900
90 UtarwariJangalMahalJagdishpur 6,330 70.17% 879
91 Uttardaha 3,645 69.91% 924
Villages in Jagdishpur Population of Jagdishpur Sex Ratio of Jagdishpur Literacy Rate in Jagdishpur