Villages & Towns in Harischandrapur - I Block Maldah, West Bengal - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Harischandrapur - I Block of Maldah district, West Bengal. As per Census 2011, there are 0 towns and 105 villages within Harischandrapur - I Block. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Harischandrapur - I Block is 199,493 out of which urban population is 0 while rural is 199,493. As per Census 2011, total families in Harischandrapur - I were 0. Check out important data about Harischandrapur - I Block as per Census 2011.
Harischandrapur - I Block data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | 199,493 | 199,493 | - |
Children (0-6 years) | 30,662 | 30,662 | - |
Literacy | 52.47% | 52.47% | - |
Sex Ratio | 933 | 933 | - |
Scheduled Caste | 24.6% | 24.6% | - |
Scheduled Tribe | 2.1% | 2.1% | - |
List of Municipal Towns in Harischandrapur - I Block
Below is list of all towns in Harischandrapur - I Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
List of Villages in Harischandrapur - I Block
Below is list of all villages in Harischandrapur - I Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Angarmani | 1,999 | 58.89% | 909 |
2 | Arazi Jaynagar | 49 | 24.39% | 1,130 |
3 | Bahar | 1,992 | 25% | 908 |
4 | Bairat | 4,412 | 54.93% | 926 |
5 | Bangrua | 3,398 | 52.36% | 951 |
6 | Bansaria | 850 | 49.6% | 950 |
7 | Baradangi | 679 | 71.4% | 1,027 |
8 | Barol | - | - | - |
9 | Barui | 1,419 | 63.24% | 862 |
10 | Bashatpur | 841 | 51.8% | 988 |
11 | Bhabanipur | 2,199 | 66.54% | 995 |
12 | Bhagabanpur | 1,677 | 46.38% | 923 |
13 | Bhagbarol | 713 | 60.56% | 912 |
14 | Bhaktipur | 1,339 | 54.23% | 981 |
15 | Bhatol | 2,286 | 37.8% | 931 |
16 | Bhelabari | 201 | 30.3% | 844 |
17 | Bhingol | 2,720 | 68.25% | 930 |
18 | Bighor | 526 | 52.64% | 899 |
19 | Bijhat | 1,926 | 52.91% | 905 |
20 | Bishanpur | 901 | 70.16% | 959 |
21 | Chandipur | 608 | 13.76% | 930 |
22 | Chapdaha | 664 | 42.76% | 976 |
23 | Chaupaldanga | 3,639 | 51.11% | 938 |
24 | Chayenpur | 1,703 | 62.01% | 926 |
25 | Dakol | 286 | 58.56% | 959 |
26 | Dakshin Harishchandrapur | 5,365 | 42.74% | 965 |
27 | Dakshin Mahendrapur | 5,571 | 52.1% | 912 |
28 | Dakshin Ramnagar | 1,253 | 63.53% | 870 |
29 | Dakshin Rampur | 2,603 | 49.66% | 903 |
30 | Dangi Mahendrapur | 1,360 | 58.19% | 960 |
31 | Darakandi | 508 | 56.68% | 992 |
32 | Daula | 2,029 | 37.29% | 983 |
33 | Dhuripara | 341 | 58.8% | 916 |
34 | Dighua | 1,463 | 52.71% | 938 |
35 | Dumarkola | 266 | 29.91% | 1,015 |
36 | Gangnadia | 4,316 | 54.96% | 944 |
37 | Gangor | 2,469 | 45.11% | 1,004 |
38 | Garra | 591 | 33.73% | 894 |
39 | Gochia | 4,211 | 39.26% | 962 |
40 | Gohila | 1,214 | 56.33% | 1,030 |
41 | Gopalpur | 533 | 58.08% | 931 |
42 | Haranathpur | 546 | 61.59% | 909 |
43 | Isadpur | 2,744 | 67.38% | 971 |
44 | Janaki Nagar | 520 | 76.99% | 898 |
45 | Janamdol | 2,079 | 55.41% | 892 |
46 | Jaynagar | 308 | 22.85% | 1,053 |
47 | Jhikadanga | 789 | 81.74% | 943 |
48 | Kahatta | 905 | 59.9% | 917 |
49 | Kailpara | 700 | 28.31% | 877 |
50 | Kamarta | 4,118 | 49.78% | 963 |
51 | Kanua Bhabanipur | 740 | 69.23% | 912 |
52 | Kapaichandi | 831 | 43.41% | 919 |
53 | Karpurganj | 313 | 73.78% | 852 |
54 | Kasturia | 904 | 54.9% | 911 |
55 | Kharampur | 720 | 47.27% | 885 |
56 | Kharangapur Jabra | 2,960 | 47.02% | 933 |
57 | Khejurbari | 1,414 | 43.78% | 658 |
58 | Khokhra | 1,364 | 60.54% | 884 |
59 | Khurial | 314 | 62.4% | 926 |
60 | Kismatbarol | 2,859 | 53.73% | 847 |
61 | Konar | 2,919 | 56.98% | 909 |
62 | Kotal | 2,077 | 48.35% | 878 |
63 | Kusidha | 4,560 | 61.87% | 940 |
64 | Kutubpur | 800 | 21.14% | 942 |
65 | Lahad | 1,803 | 50.87% | 1,003 |
66 | Lakshmanpur | 3,058 | 54.63% | 950 |
67 | Lakshmipur | 1,390 | 47.88% | 873 |
68 | Mabarakpur | 1,883 | 56.07% | 844 |
69 | Madhaipur | 711 | 31.54% | 906 |
70 | Mahadebpur | 1,040 | 42.71% | 955 |
71 | Mungol | 1,544 | 42.1% | 925 |
72 | Nabagram | 1,246 | 36.73% | 944 |
73 | Nandibati | 921 | 51.46% | 964 |
74 | Narayanpur | 2,039 | 56.72% | 964 |
75 | Nasirpur | 733 | 29.43% | 965 |
76 | Nazirpur | 533 | 17.27% | 952 |
77 | Niar | 2,914 | 48.83% | 939 |
78 | Panchla | 996 | 54.87% | 855 |
79 | Parashtola | 969 | 53.74% | 1,023 |
80 | Paro | 1,536 | 70.49% | 1,116 |
81 | Paschim Rarial | 1,887 | 53.31% | 962 |
82 | Pema | 2,201 | 33.12% | 870 |
83 | Pipla Kasimpur | 3,350 | 58.1% | 947 |
84 | Pirojpur | 361 | 58.79% | 910 |
85 | Purba Rarial | 1,084 | 25.95% | 971 |
86 | Rajol | 763 | 19.59% | 1,040 |
87 | Ramshimul | 2,933 | 49.98% | 879 |
88 | Rangaipur | 6,002 | 46.64% | 901 |
89 | Ranipura | 1,631 | 61.27% | 858 |
90 | Rashidabad | 3,250 | 54.02% | 908 |
91 | Salalpur | 1,433 | 49.55% | 1,013 |
92 | Saldaha | 2,384 | 36.82% | 912 |
93 | Santoshpur | 2,185 | 49.59% | 912 |
94 | Shaktal | 1,523 | 62.19% | 904 |
95 | Simulia | 1,885 | 55.58% | 972 |
96 | Srichandrapur | 4,250 | 54.32% | 933 |
97 | Tengriapara | 1,042 | 47.49% | 989 |
98 | Tulsihata | 3,939 | 71.94% | 913 |
99 | Uttar Chitholia | 186 | 52.2% | 1,138 |
100 | Uttar Gauripur | 380 | 49.68% | 1,111 |
101 | Uttar Harishchandrapur | 15,443 | 65.25% | 967 |
102 | Uttar Mukundapur | 2,168 | 54.18% | 897 |
103 | Uttar Ramnagar | 57 | 10.64% | 727 |
104 | Uttar Rampur | 5,575 | 53.23% | 922 |
105 | Wari | 3,661 | 28.41% | 981 |