Villages & Towns in Fatehpur Pundri Tehsil Kaithal, Hariyana - Census 2011

List of all villages and towns in Fatehpur Pundri Tehsil of Kaithal district, Hariyana. As per Census 2011, there are 2 towns and 52 villages within Fatehpur Pundri Tehsil. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.

The total population of Fatehpur Pundri Tehsil is 237 080 out of which urban population is 33 484 while rural is 203 596. As per Census 2011, total families in Fatehpur Pundri were 6 538. Check out important data about Fatehpur Pundri Tehsil as per Census 2011.

Fatehpur Pundri Tehsil data as per Census 2011

Total Rural Urban
Population 237 080 203 596 33 484
Children (0-6 years) 30 194 26 166 4 028
Literacy 70,72% 69,67% 77,07%
Sex Ratio 881 879 888
Scheduled Caste 21,2% 21,6% 18,4%
Scheduled Tribe 0% 0% 0%

List of Municipal Towns in Fatehpur Pundri Tehsil

Below is list of all towns in Fatehpur Pundri Tehsil with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Town Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Pundri (Municipal Council + Outgrowth) 33 484 77,07% 888
2 Pundri (Municipal Council) 18 872 76,52% 890

List of Villages in Fatehpur Pundri Tehsil

Below is list of all villages in Fatehpur Pundri Tehsil with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Village Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Ahmedpur 881 74,23% 941
2 Ahun 3 528 69,23% 890
3 Badhnara 2 403 73,55% 870
4 Bakal 4 838 67,35% 856
5 Bandrana 3 960 67,74% 883
6 Barela 36 55,88% 1 000
7 Barsana 5 412 70,6% 889
8 Begpur 1 671 64,38% 882
9 Bhana 7 955 66,98% 848
10 Buchi 2 091 66,57% 882
11 Chandlana 2 458 76,93% 905
12 Chuhar Majra 4 371 69,27% 911
13 Dadwana 594 72,78% 898
14 Deeg 5 558 70,03% 859
15 Dhand 10 533 71,13% 864
16 Dheraru 1 240 73,98% 887
17 Doliani 1 854 70,31% 834
18 Dosain 1 765 69,73% 884
19 Habri 10 702 67,53% 881
20 Hajwana 3 820 64,27% 839
21 Jadola 4 384 73,01% 894
22 Jajanpur 2 395 69,33% 899
23 Jamba 1 295 70,89% 942
24 Jatheri 297 79,61% 822
25 Karora 11 097 67,41% 857
26 Kaul 11 896 74,8% 887
27 Kheri Matarwa 1 081 75,33% 907
28 Kheri Raiwali 1 763 58,95% 896
29 Kheri Sakra 512 77,06% 896
30 Kheri Sikander 1 508 72,14% 923
31 Kukar Kanda 886 70,44% 857
32 Meoli 1 783 67,25% 881
33 Mohna 2 717 71,74% 889
34 Munerheri 2 353 69,49% 825
35 Pabla 395 78,21% 795
36 Pabnawa 10 644 67,39% 908
37 Pai 18 148 65,44% 872
38 Pharal 11 030 72,29% 900
39 Pilni 3 023 68,35% 891
40 Pobala 701 69,56% 942
41 Pundri 652 56,91% 935
42 Ramana Ramani 2 925 66,55% 896
43 Rasina 3 843 74,5% 881
44 Rasulpur 896 59,37% 867
45 Rawan Hera 1 084 70,31% 892
46 Sakra 4 707 70,99% 893
47 Salimpur Mehdud 1 036 67,8% 799
48 Sanch 4 689 73,03% 895
49 Sangroli 5 417 73,82% 890
50 Sirsal 7 696 69,62% 861
51 Sohlu Majra 1 109 67,37% 915
52 Teontha 5 964 74,37% 875
Villages in Fatehpur Pundri Population of Fatehpur Pundri Sex Ratio of Fatehpur Pundri Literacy Rate in Fatehpur Pundri