Villages & Towns in Dumra Block Sitamarhi, Bihar - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Dumra Block of Sitamarhi district, Bihar. As per Census 2011, there are 5 towns and 73 villages within Dumra Block. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Dumra Block is 438,240 out of which urban population is 111,908 while rural is 326,332. As per Census 2011, total families in Dumra were 21,212. Check out important data about Dumra Block as per Census 2011.
Dumra Block data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | 438,240 | 326,332 | 111,908 |
Children (0-6 years) | 81,977 | 64,964 | 17,013 |
Literacy | 57.63% | 50.89% | 76.19% |
Sex Ratio | 882 | 886 | 871 |
Scheduled Caste | 10.4% | 11.3% | 7.7% |
Scheduled Tribe | 0% | 0% | 0.1% |
List of Municipal Towns in Dumra Block
Below is list of all towns in Dumra Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Dumra (Nagar Panchayat) | 15,674 | 87.86% | 797 |
2 | Mohanpur (Census Town) | 5,815 | 59.9% | 864 |
3 | Rajopatti urf Kota Bazar (Census Town) | 14,631 | 69.54% | 881 |
4 | Sitamarhi (Nagar Parishad) | 67,818 | 77.34% | 886 |
5 | Talkhapur Dumra (Census Town) | 7,970 | 65.33% | 883 |
List of Villages in Dumra Block
Below is list of all villages in Dumra Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Amghatta Bhagwatipur Amghatta | 3,900 | 60.74% | 872 |
2 | Arifpur Bazidpur | 1,732 | 33.21% | 860 |
3 | Athauharichhapra | 5,048 | 41.09% | 860 |
4 | Azamgarh Nagwan tolaJagdishpur | 5,176 | 59.23% | 865 |
5 | Bachharpur | 1,806 | 46.88% | 915 |
6 | Bairbas | 6,443 | 35.99% | 903 |
7 | Bakhri | 3,666 | 56.74% | 917 |
8 | Balua | 1,621 | 61.95% | 955 |
9 | Banchauri | 5,376 | 52.46% | 951 |
10 | Barharwa | 4,370 | 43.17% | 953 |
11 | Bariarpur | 13,623 | 40.81% | 926 |
12 | Bazidpur | 3,465 | 45.64% | 877 |
13 | Belahi urf Beli | 655 | 69.19% | 973 |
14 | Bhairo Bhup | 7,032 | 45.52% | 889 |
15 | Bhairo Kothi | 4,491 | 38.86% | 948 |
16 | Bhasar Machhaha | 15,681 | 51.32% | 880 |
17 | Bhauparsad | 4,520 | 40.03% | 914 |
18 | Bishunathpur | 2,754 | 68.64% | 876 |
19 | Bishunpur Ketharia | 2,852 | 47.79% | 898 |
20 | Bishunpur Nagwan urf Muhchatti | 853 | 48.17% | 917 |
21 | Bishunpur Rupauli | 4,654 | 49.84% | 870 |
22 | Chakmahila | 4,540 | 63.45% | 830 |
23 | Chanarhati urf Chandpatti | 990 | 41.38% | 1,008 |
24 | Dharambana | 398 | 65.95% | 851 |
25 | Dharampur | 1,073 | 67.01% | 863 |
26 | Dhobauli | 805 | 48.71% | 868 |
27 | Dhobauli Jagirdari | 374 | 87.11% | 898 |
28 | Fatehpur Gidhmasani | 4,198 | 61.09% | 901 |
29 | Gosainpur | 1,033 | 65.83% | 895 |
30 | Jawam | 24 | 52.63% | 846 |
31 | Karnahia | 1,753 | 34.04% | 935 |
32 | Khairwa | 5,802 | 39.92% | 875 |
33 | Kharka | 2,776 | 61.37% | 890 |
34 | Kokna | 1,471 | 38.13% | 954 |
35 | Kumhra Bishunpur | 17,767 | 46.9% | 883 |
36 | Lauhdiah | 818 | 63.62% | 911 |
37 | Madanpur | 2,975 | 49.94% | 872 |
38 | Madhopur Roshan | 5,618 | 61.6% | 890 |
39 | Madhuban | 6,037 | 52.95% | 852 |
40 | Mahamadpur Seb | 1,242 | 55.28% | 914 |
41 | Mahsaul urf Rampur Lachmi | 33,196 | 56.24% | 890 |
42 | Majhauli | 4,430 | 51.61% | 862 |
43 | Malipur Pakri | 2,742 | 53.49% | 891 |
44 | Maniari | 2,908 | 55.26% | 887 |
45 | Methaura | 5,213 | 43.98% | 891 |
46 | Mirzapur | 5,187 | 38.12% | 856 |
47 | Misraulia | 3,529 | 48.18% | 892 |
48 | Mogalwa | 860 | 46.39% | 788 |
49 | Mohandih | 1,697 | 44.02% | 873 |
50 | Muradpur | 2,997 | 59.93% | 872 |
51 | Nagwan Azamgarh | 6,899 | 58.54% | 897 |
52 | Narayanpur | 1,948 | 66.79% | 831 |
53 | Paik tola | 3,838 | 41.43% | 882 |
54 | Paktola | 660 | 42.48% | 880 |
55 | Paraspatti | 2,453 | 65.16% | 897 |
56 | Parmanandpur | 2,830 | 47.61% | 874 |
57 | Paroha | 2,835 | 53.98% | 831 |
58 | Parri | 3,864 | 43.31% | 894 |
59 | Parsauni | 2,169 | 76.82% | 837 |
60 | Phanda Gobind | 3,752 | 58.13% | 895 |
61 | Punaura | 18,427 | 49.49% | 888 |
62 | Rampatti | 1,289 | 56.39% | 924 |
63 | Rampur | 585 | 47.01% | 950 |
64 | Rampur Bakhri | 2,374 | 41.88% | 881 |
65 | Rampur Parori | 5,700 | 57.92% | 892 |
66 | Ranjitpur urf Gobipur Daur | 14,267 | 49.29% | 878 |
67 | Rasulpur | 9,311 | 52.25% | 847 |
68 | Rikhauli | 5,224 | 49.7% | 879 |
69 | Rupaulitola Dhanuki | 4,805 | 43.67% | 867 |
70 | Saura urf Bhalni Churaman | 1,527 | 61.68% | 892 |
71 | Shiuhar | 1,114 | 63.79% | 879 |
72 | Simra | 3,428 | 57.38% | 786 |
73 | Suhai | 4,862 | 50.85% | 875 |