Villages & Towns in Damoh Tehsil Damoh, Madhya Pradesh - Census 2011

List of all villages and towns in Damoh Tehsil of Damoh district, Madhya Pradesh. As per Census 2011, there are 5 towns and 238 villages within Damoh Tehsil. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.

The total population of Damoh Tehsil is 359 521 out of which urban population is 169 120 while rural is 190 401. As per Census 2011, total families in Damoh were 34 464. Check out important data about Damoh Tehsil as per Census 2011.

Damoh Tehsil data as per Census 2011

Total Rural Urban
Population 359 521 190 401 169 120
Children (0-6 years) 51 650 30 462 21 188
Literacy 76,05% 67,66% 85,12%
Sex Ratio 909 904 915
Scheduled Caste 20,1% 19,4% 20,8%
Scheduled Tribe 7,7% 12,4% 2,3%

List of Municipal Towns in Damoh Tehsil

Below is list of all towns in Damoh Tehsil with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Town Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Bansatar Kheda (Census Town) 5 458 79,82% 890
2 Damoh (Municipality + Outgrowth) 139 561 85,94% 915
3 Damoh (Municipality) 125 101 86,18% 916
4 Hindoria (Nagar Panchayat) 16 001 78,88% 927
5 Hirdepur (Census Town) 8 100 86,48% 900

List of Villages in Damoh Tehsil

Below is list of all villages in Damoh Tehsil with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Village Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Abhana 5 456 73,48% 914
2 Adhrota 2 073 56,33% 888
3 Ahrora 273 60,75% 1 007
4 Amata 642 51,56% 940
5 Amkheda 575 91,57% 867
6 Amkhera 670 73,28% 877
7 Amkheriya 398 63,55% 851
8 Amoda - - -
9 Ankh Kheda 1 536 74,6% 942
10 Anoo 2 897 72,83% 906
11 Anwari 745 78,76% 961
12 Arora 909 58,53% 859
13 Arthkheda 1 213 65,54% 884
14 Athai 869 66,57% 877
15 Badaiya Kheda 76 64,06% 1 171
16 Badyau 747 57,19% 930
17 Bahera 411 59,55% 894
18 Baiyarpur 1 100% 0
19 Balakot 2 910 67,55% 875
20 Balarpur 2 445 60,03% 884
21 Bamhori 1 932 68,85% 913
22 Bandakpur 5 598 82,64% 928
23 Bansni 751 48,33% 916
24 Barbansa 1 209 71,83% 995
25 Bari 717 75,45% 938
26 Barkhera 238 73,4% 889
27 Barkhera 112 75,25% 778
28 Barkhera 422 66,87% 927
29 Barpati 311 61,63% 968
30 Barvata 577 50,5% 923
31 Batka 48 75,76% 846
32 Bhadauli 1 980 68,22% 941
33 Bhagada 4 50% 333
34 Bhilampura 844 61,16% 871
35 Bhimpura 726 49,39% 931
36 Bhodal Khedi 393 75,5% 1 005
37 Bhorkheda 310 70,61% 938
38 Bhuri 2 530 56,88% 887
39 Bijori 1 689 63,14% 891
40 Bilai 3 676 72,53% 865
41 Biltara Sadak 511 54,57% 914
42 Bisna Khedi 1 682 67,7% 936
43 Boodhi - - -
44 Chainpura 346 87,29% 860
45 Chandora 868 91,44% 904
46 Chhapri Karanju 389 76,76% 1 103
47 Chhapri Thakur 793 69,18% 862
48 Chhevla 420 75,22% 935
49 Chhitra 237 78,43% 837
50 Chirai 470 54,24% 1 009
51 Chourai 1 013 63,18% 883
52 Daba 458 40% 908
53 Damoh 1 341 78,68% 827
54 Dasonda 894 62,03% 886
55 Datla 792 67,32% 932
56 Deodongra 411 50,57% 877
57 Deori Jamadar 1 401 69,01% 881
58 Deori Kishundas 61 61,4% 794
59 Dhamara 498 68,35% 915
60 Dhanauwa 349 66,99% 983
61 Dhangour 2 244 61,8% 875
62 Dhigsar 2 364 74,2% 888
63 Duhli 747 54,43% 915
64 Dupariya 107 68,42% 672
65 Gambhira 349 67,91% 886
66 Ganeshpura 125 46,08% 1 232
67 Ghat Pipariya 914 65,26% 885
68 Gopalpura 232 67,16% 886
69 Gunji 2 865 67,78% 896
70 Guwari 1 962 65,26% 885
71 Halgaj 1 535 63,2% 938
72 Halgajiya 227 82,11% 940
73 Hardua Mudar 1 338 61,91% 936
74 Harduwa 1 057 56,83% 819
75 Harduwa Chungal 601 68,5% 872
76 Harduwa Khurd 754 47,88% 800
77 Harduwani 169 62,69% 1 012
78 Hathna 1 788 75,05% 868
79 Hathni 737 70,29% 965
80 Hathri 713 52,16% 801
81 Hinnai 467 74,23% 914
82 Hinota 479 49,11% 774
83 Hinoti 121 52% 891
84 Hinoti Ramgarh 1 298 50,46% 898
85 Hinouti 1 330 55,98% 944
86 Imaliya Ghat 1 601 68,66% 828
87 Imaliya Lanjji 1 377 70,44% 861
88 Imaliya Nayak 726 63,17% 1 034
89 Itwa Khurd 292 69,36% 860
90 Jamun Hatri 345 59,35% 865
91 Jamuniya 1 048 53,17% 902
92 Jamuniya 853 42,19% 879
93 Jamuniya 216 67,21% 982
94 Jamuniya Hazari 862 63,73% 819
95 Jaruwa 47 64,86% 1 350
96 Jhagri 293 72,65% 915
97 Jhapan 792 61,48% 1 010
98 Jhinna 481 74,52% 894
99 Jortala Khurd 1 547 64,01% 882
100 Jujhar 513 78,33% 879
101 Jujhar Ghat 97 51,32% 830
102 Kachhowa 583 71,43% 990
103 Kadipur 990 75,42% 861
104 Kalapani 284 71,43% 906
105 Kaniyaghat Pati 526 73,7% 839
106 Kankar 622 66,22% 862
107 Karaiya Ankh 247 70% 752
108 Karaiya Hajari 1 699 71,4% 888
109 Karaiya Rakh 828 73,31% 861
110 Karondi 54 67,39% 1 077
111 Kasaiya Urf Manpur 497 78,24% 897
112 Keolari 811 81,44% 873
113 Khadera 947 58,51% 917
114 Khagar 553 54,66% 849
115 Khajri 3 062 68,24% 916
116 Kham Kheda 1 061 64,27% 1 002
117 Kham Khera 887 61,6% 912
118 Khamena Mal 614 63,74% 943
119 Khanchari Pati 694 57,65% 871
120 Khejra Modi 59 66,67% 903
121 Kheri Jujhar 181 53,25% 757
122 Kheruwa 712 67% 951
123 Kheruwa 465 83,29% 890
124 Khiriya 1 135 79,67% 843
125 Killai 1 002 55,13% 809
126 Kotatala 1 584 76,39% 956
127 Kounrasa 855 71,37% 900
128 Kuda Kudan 351 55,07% 908
129 Kulpura - - -
130 Kuluwa 1 842 79,2% 876
131 Kunjpura 56 54,35% 1 074
132 Kunwarpura 587 78,21% 944
133 Kuwa Kheda Nayak 621 73% 816
134 Kuwatan Khedi 1 0% 0
135 Ladan Bag 621 73,95% 935
136 Lakhana Khedi 438 67,2% 1 000
137 Lakhanpur Ryt. 298 71,72% 874
138 Laklaka 2 110 67,21% 901
139 Lakshmantham 511 74,36% 1 004
140 Lamti Mal 410 53,05% 943
141 Lanji 1 018 67,01% 871
142 Lidhora 279 84,86% 938
143 Luharra 867 72,34% 927
144 Lukam - - -
145 Madiya 29 30% 526
146 Madiya 159 70,54% 828
147 Madiya 81 74,63% 1 531
148 Madiya Kamal 431 72% 866
149 Madiya Khurd 264 51,82% 1 000
150 Madiya Pangarha 128 88,89% 778
151 Mahandpur 674 69,13% 888
152 Mahua Kheda 328 76,45% 1 000
153 Mahua Kheda 870 82,29% 916
154 Mahua Kheda 283 76,57% 1 007
155 Maili 733 57,14% 904
156 Mandla Dhigsar 419 70,76% 887
157 Mandla Khiriya 365 65,27% 853
158 Manka 2 426 57,49% 876
159 Mara Sukhi 357 90,31% 930
160 Muda Kheda 39 83,33% 1 438
161 Mudar Pati 71 49,18% 614
162 Mudari 1 260 67,52% 944
163 Mudari Hatri 1 041 46,42% 942
164 Mudiya 1 669 76,03% 865
165 Muhli Jujhar 496 50,25% 992
166 Nakat Khedi 214 56,25% 1 019
167 Nauwapatti Mal. 367 61,96% 1 028
168 Nauwapatti Ryt. - - -
169 Neem Kheda 290 67,5% 871
170 Nimuwa Patti 174 72,97% 794
171 Nonpani 933 64,76% 994
172 Padrai 77 70,59% 750
173 Padriya 877 71,12% 907
174 Palar Singhi 607 71,9% 984
175 Panda 495 55,87% 972
176 Parasai 192 57,43% 901
177 Parsoriya 711 73,81% 906
178 Pathari 575 73,87% 962
179 Pathariya Khurd 117 58,49% 828
180 Pati 636 69,65% 988
181 Patna 543 86,93% 905
182 Patna Buzurg 2 587 67,45% 960
183 Patna Khurd 1 047 59,27% 987
184 Patouha 825 74,64% 897
185 Payra 1 112 80,56% 856
186 Pipariya 717 75,54% 872
187 Pipariya Digambar 902 71,68% 927
188 Pipariya Kalan 700 67,01% 972
189 Pipariya Keolari 868 73,56% 916
190 Pipariya Khurd 85 80,6% 889
191 Pipariya Nayak 309 66,15% 818
192 Pipariya Tikri 2 091 67,43% 918
193 Pondi Ramgarh 210 51,76% 909
194 Rageda 78 57,14% 1 229
195 Raipur 578 65,83% 914
196 Rajghat Pipariya 477 74,87% 971
197 Rajnagar Khurd 391 52,77% 917
198 Ramgarh 666 73,82% 903
199 Rampura 830 63,27% 930
200 Ranjra 1 317 60,36% 868
201 Rastoriya 153 60,66% 843
202 Riyana 1 135 73,57% 1 020
203 Roda Pipariya 716 67,55% 894
204 Rohni - - -
205 Sadiya 156 49,25% 793
206 Sagoni Kalan 1 120 62,77% 879
207 Sagoni Khurd 317 61,07% 822
208 Sagoriya 1 129 66,17% 866
209 Salaiya 1 655 74,83% 942
210 Salaiya Hatri 1 423 60,16% 968
211 Samanna 1 915 70,28% 868
212 Samanna Ryt. 113 74,19% 712
213 Semar Pati 392 68,69% 990
214 Semra Madiya 996 77,86% 897
215 Sheespur 393 68,85% 1 136
216 Sihora 1 269 75,39% 869
217 Simri Kirat 231 73,95% 819
218 Simri Rajaram 602 65,78% 1 013
219 Singhpur 730 45,59% 957
220 Som Kheda Kalan 1 727 72,38% 900
221 Som Kheda Khurd - - -
222 Soora Dehi 598 72,95% 917
223 Suhela 1 240 59,31% 956
224 Sukhi Pipariya 538 69,91% 799
225 Sunpura 56 72,55% 931
226 Surkhi 371 78,57% 846
227 Tan Khedi 218 75% 580
228 Tar Kheda 586 78,6% 878
229 Tejgarh Khurd 1 067 59,51% 892
230 Tidoni 721 63,09% 812
231 Tikri 40 35,29% 1 000
232 Tikri Buzurg 1 888 65,3% 936
233 Tikri Ghat 269 56,6% 842
234 Tikri Khoh 139 78,4% 1 014
235 Touri 1 733 70,21% 967
236 Ukarpar 451 48,31% 961
237 Umari 913 73,29% 875
238 Umariya 258 74,11% 843
Villages in Damoh Population of Damoh Sex Ratio of Damoh Literacy Rate in Damoh