Villages & Towns in Bhavra Tehsil Alirajpur, Madhya Pradesh - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Bhavra Tehsil of Alirajpur district, Madhya Pradesh. As per Census 2011, there are 1 towns and 50 villages within Bhavra Tehsil. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Bhavra Tehsil is 91,101 out of which urban population is 10,968 while rural is 80,133. As per Census 2011, total families in Bhavra were 1,986. Check out important data about Bhavra Tehsil as per Census 2011.
Bhavra Tehsil data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | 91,101 | 80,133 | 10,968 |
Children (0-6 years) | 18,606 | 16,739 | 1,867 |
Literacy | 41.37% | 37.49% | 68.43% |
Sex Ratio | 1,005 | 1,005 | 1,001 |
Scheduled Caste | 1.6% | 1.2% | 4.4% |
Scheduled Tribe | 91.2% | 96.6% | 52% |
List of Municipal Towns in Bhavra Tehsil
Below is list of all towns in Bhavra Tehsil with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Bhavra (Nagar Panchayat) | 10,968 | 68.43% | 1,001 |
List of Villages in Bhavra Tehsil
Below is list of all villages in Bhavra Tehsil with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Airan | 745 | 53.95% | 1,003 |
2 | Aman Kuwa | 2,920 | 35.37% | 1,021 |
3 | Badgaon | 1,288 | 48.06% | 1,084 |
4 | Bahedawa | 1,140 | 38.44% | 1,099 |
5 | Barjhar | 7,582 | 47.1% | 976 |
6 | Barkheda | 162 | 50% | 862 |
7 | Bhawata Bada | 1,668 | 27.79% | 1,037 |
8 | Bhawata Chhota | 1,111 | 28.76% | 1,073 |
9 | Bhuriya Kuwa | 186 | 41.94% | 1,022 |
10 | Bina | 426 | 8.28% | 1,099 |
11 | Borka Aara | 641 | 18.22% | 1,081 |
12 | Borkundiya | 2,040 | 54.01% | 990 |
13 | Chapri | 203 | 23.23% | 1,051 |
14 | Deetya Ka Falya | 281 | 22.77% | 1,213 |
15 | Dewali | 1,781 | 52.03% | 977 |
16 | Dungaliwani | 1,779 | 42.02% | 977 |
17 | Fata Badi | 1,233 | 19.83% | 927 |
18 | Fata Chhoti | 379 | 11.7% | 1,016 |
19 | Gerughati | 382 | 62.29% | 1,465 |
20 | Girdha | 1,949 | 29.32% | 1,032 |
21 | Jawaniya | 1,179 | 15.85% | 1,109 |
22 | Jhiran | 2,377 | 29.74% | 1,062 |
23 | Kakadbari | 1,597 | 42.07% | 984 |
24 | Kaliyawav | 2,471 | 42.1% | 960 |
25 | Kansath | 1,267 | 38.28% | 998 |
26 | Kareti Badi | 755 | 31.94% | 1,057 |
27 | Kareti Chhoti | 474 | 27.81% | 1,052 |
28 | Kheriya Mali | 911 | 24.03% | 989 |
29 | Khutaja Bada | 4,049 | 40.69% | 1,011 |
30 | Khutaja Chhota | 1,647 | 43.31% | 992 |
31 | Kilana | 1,798 | 20.16% | 1,004 |
32 | Koriya Pan | 1,062 | 30.15% | 1,011 |
33 | Kuhiwav | 483 | 33.42% | 1,004 |
34 | Lilumari | 519 | 34.03% | 1,035 |
35 | Mahendra | 2,892 | 37.75% | 1,014 |
36 | Malpur Badi | 721 | 45.65% | 928 |
37 | Malpur Chhoti | 1,127 | 35.32% | 950 |
38 | Malweli | 639 | 23.28% | 972 |
39 | Mathana | 1,720 | 45.9% | 920 |
40 | Mayawat | 2,235 | 29.67% | 1,064 |
41 | Mendha | 1,096 | 34.08% | 1,018 |
42 | Miriyawat Chhoti | 373 | 39.29% | 1,131 |
43 | Miryawat Badi | 1,172 | 28.08% | 1,093 |
44 | Polbadi | 2,403 | 18.32% | 1,056 |
45 | Polchhoti | 1,886 | 21.97% | 971 |
46 | Ringol | 6,498 | 47.74% | 990 |
47 | Roligaon | 1,476 | 35.99% | 950 |
48 | Sanda | 1,419 | 39.55% | 1,007 |
49 | Sejawada | 5,516 | 39.93% | 960 |
50 | Tati Amba | 475 | 29.8% | 1,021 |