Villages & Towns in Bhabhar Taluka Banaskantha, Gujarat - Census 2011

List of all villages and towns in Bhabhar Taluka of Banaskantha district, Gujarat. As per Census 2011, there are 1 towns and 51 villages within Bhabhar Taluka. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.

The total population of Bhabhar Taluka is 123 152 out of which urban population is 21 894 while rural is 101 258. As per Census 2011, total families in Bhabhar were 4 295. Check out important data about Bhabhar Taluka as per Census 2011.

Bhabhar Taluka data as per Census 2011

Total Rural Urban
Population 123 152 101 258 21 894
Children (0-6 years) 21 149 17 705 3 444
Literacy 59,2% 56,11% 73,19%
Sex Ratio 928 924 942
Scheduled Caste 6,3% 6,2% 6,6%
Scheduled Tribe 0,1% 0,1% 0,4%

List of Municipal Towns in Bhabhar Taluka

Below is list of all towns in Bhabhar Taluka with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Town Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Bhabhar (Municipality) 21 894 73,19% 942

List of Villages in Bhabhar Taluka

Below is list of all villages in Bhabhar Taluka with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Village Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Abala 1 753 55,73% 948
2 Abasana 2 909 53,64% 930
3 Asana 3 075 46,26% 959
4 Balodhan 3 256 57,4% 984
5 Barvala 3 027 61,25% 899
6 Beda 2 082 57,14% 879
7 Bhem Bordi 2 365 55,82% 981
8 Bhodaliya 1 000 65,4% 1 028
9 Buretha 1 086 60,47% 964
10 Chachasana 964 61,45% 917
11 Chaladara 1 151 62,93% 902
12 Chatara 2 295 52,11% 912
13 Chembuva 1 895 60,99% 964
14 Chichodara 1 361 54,29% 1 016
15 Devkapdi 2 265 57,85% 933
16 Dhenkwadi 666 46,64% 903
17 Gangun 1 834 53,86% 947
18 Gosan 1 487 56,43% 916
19 Harkudiya 1 293 59,91% 882
20 Indarva Juna 1 428 52,41% 894
21 Indarva Nava 1 866 55,4% 853
22 Jasanwada 2 561 60,12% 934
23 Jorvada 1 158 51,59% 829
24 Kaprupur 2 230 55,39% 948
25 Karela 1 548 54,38% 881
26 Khadosan 1 633 56,57% 881
27 Khara 1 853 59,47% 963
28 Khari Paldi 2 367 49,45% 880
29 Kuvala 4 425 55,7% 906
30 Lunsela 323 51,48% 889
31 Manpura Bhabhar 923 57,69% 1 015
32 Mera 2 760 54,05% 926
33 Mespura 658 61,62% 994
34 Mitha 4 625 51,46% 954
35 Moti Sari 583 59,21% 893
36 Nesda 1 892 59,39% 937
37 Radakiya 845 66,67% 912
38 Roita 829 64,85% 937
39 Runi 3 860 56,52% 910
40 Sanesda 3 686 51,9% 920
41 Sanva 4 267 57,48% 902
42 Suthar Nesdi 2 804 58,7% 962
43 Tanvad 2 364 57,55% 867
44 Tetarva 2 046 61,91% 916
45 Ujjanwada 1 275 72,73% 983
46 Undai 1 922 55,15% 938
47 Vadana 1 904 53,78% 961
48 Vadpag 2 199 53,68% 901
49 Vajapur Juna 1 769 48,55% 856
50 Vajapur Nava 2 039 51,01% 922
51 Vavdi 852 60,82% 836
Villages in Bhabhar Population of Bhabhar Sex Ratio of Bhabhar Literacy Rate in Bhabhar