Villages & Towns in Alipurduar - I Block Jalpaiguri, West Bengal - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Alipurduar - I Block of Jalpaiguri district, West Bengal. As per Census 2011, there are 5 towns and 47 villages within Alipurduar - I Block. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Alipurduar - I Block is 216,931 out of which urban population is 56,171 while rural is 160,760. As per Census 2011, total families in Alipurduar - I were 13,746. Check out important data about Alipurduar - I Block as per Census 2011.
Alipurduar - I Block data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | 216,931 | 160,760 | 56,171 |
Children (0-6 years) | 24,381 | 19,484 | 4,897 |
Literacy | 76.19% | 72.26% | 87.02% |
Sex Ratio | 948 | 940 | 971 |
Scheduled Caste | 48.4% | 55.9% | 27% |
Scheduled Tribe | 16.9% | 21.7% | 3% |
List of Municipal Towns in Alipurduar - I Block
Below is list of all towns in Alipurduar - I Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Alipurduar Rly.Jnc. (Census Town) | 10,733 | 89.06% | 998 |
2 | Bholar Dabri (Census Town) | 12,670 | 89.73% | 961 |
3 | Birpara (Census Town) | 10,821 | 81.23% | 930 |
4 | Chechakhata (Census Town) | 7,613 | 90.54% | 967 |
5 | Paschim Jitpur (Census Town) | 14,334 | 85.53% | 994 |
List of Villages in Alipurduar - I Block
Below is list of all villages in Alipurduar - I Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Banchukamari | 3,724 | 75.56% | 922 |
2 | Bariguri | 5,051 | 73.86% | 885 |
3 | Chapatali | 3,649 | 74.83% | 934 |
4 | Dakshin Barajhar Forest | 1,208 | 64.82% | 955 |
5 | Dakshin Chakoakheti | 6,462 | 74.48% | 920 |
6 | Dakshin Kansingram | 2,069 | 76.74% | 928 |
7 | Dakshin Paitkapara | 3,183 | 62.82% | 929 |
8 | Dakshin Sonapur | 2,203 | 81.26% | 927 |
9 | Foskadanga | 2,868 | 69.12% | 925 |
10 | Ghagra | 5,765 | 77.27% | 921 |
11 | Jaldapara | 1,098 | 69.99% | 1,072 |
12 | Jogendranagar | 3,378 | 73.3% | 919 |
13 | Kalaberia | 3,853 | 71.71% | 1,023 |
14 | Kumarpara | 2,432 | 75.66% | 891 |
15 | Madhya Paitkapara | 1,750 | 65.32% | 880 |
16 | Mathura Tea Garden | 9,181 | 64.95% | 999 |
17 | Mejbil | 4,169 | 80.37% | 937 |
18 | Munshipara | 6,275 | 74.75% | 936 |
19 | Naothoartari | 1,881 | 67.54% | 933 |
20 | Nutanpara | 4,661 | 73.75% | 936 |
21 | Pachkal Guri | 3,257 | 75.83% | 1,004 |
22 | Paitkapara Tea Garden | 4,951 | 57.71% | 1,000 |
23 | Pararpar | 4,384 | 72.84% | 930 |
24 | Parpatla Khawa | 620 | 76.01% | 938 |
25 | Paschim Khatalbari | 6,085 | 71.34% | 939 |
26 | Paschim Majherdabri Tea Garden | 1,965 | 66.38% | 926 |
27 | Paschim Salbari | 1,698 | 70.87% | 952 |
28 | Paschim Simlabari | 1,361 | 63.12% | 914 |
29 | Patlakhawa | 3,980 | 61.39% | 931 |
30 | Prodhanpara | 4,023 | 70.74% | 957 |
31 | Pukuritola | 5,163 | 75.18% | 908 |
32 | Purba Kathalbari | 6,830 | 75.93% | 972 |
33 | Purba Simlabari | 1,370 | 72.53% | 994 |
34 | Salkumar Forest | 334 | 53.29% | 1,088 |
35 | Salkumarhat | 5,952 | 75.28% | 926 |
36 | Satkodali | 1,884 | 71.93% | 994 |
37 | Sidhabari | 3,859 | 78.06% | 925 |
38 | Silbarihat | 5,590 | 70.52% | 937 |
39 | Sirubari | 2,258 | 73.78% | 967 |
40 | Suripara | 3,025 | 70.08% | 886 |
41 | Taparikhata | 3,803 | 75.51% | 957 |
42 | Torsa Forest | 219 | 74.48% | 810 |
43 | Uttar Chakoakheti | 1,399 | 70.72% | 901 |
44 | Uttar Kansingram | 1,754 | 72.48% | 870 |
45 | Uttar Paitkapara | 3,074 | 68.1% | 942 |
46 | Uttar Simlabari | 1,430 | 69.89% | 904 |
47 | Uttar Sonapur | 5,632 | 80.08% | 917 |