Huda Gopirampur Population, Caste, Working Data Nadia, West Bengal - Census 2011

Huda Gopirampur is a village situated in Karimpur - II block of Nadia district in West Bengal. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 101 families residing in the village Huda Gopirampur. The total population of Huda Gopirampur is 405 out of which 215 are males and 190 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Huda Gopirampur is 884.

The population of Children of age 0-6 years in Huda Gopirampur village is 31 which is 8% of the total population. There are 18 male children and 13 female children between the age 0-6 years. Thus as per the Census 2011 the Child Sex Ratio of Huda Gopirampur is 722 which is less than Average Sex Ratio (884) of Huda Gopirampur village.

Sex Ratio

As per the Census 2011, the literacy rate of Huda Gopirampur is 79.4%. Thus Huda Gopirampur village has higher literacy rate compared to 67.4% of Nadia district. The male literacy rate is 81.73% and the female literacy rate is 76.84% in Huda Gopirampur village.

As per constitution of India and Panchyati Raaj Act (Amendment 1998), Huda Gopirampur village is administrated by Sarpanch (Head of Village) who is elected representative of the village.

Huda Gopirampur Data as per Census 2011

As per the Population Census 2011 data, following are some quick facts about Huda Gopirampur village.

Total Male Female
Children 31 18 13
Literacy 79.41% 81.73% 76.84%
Scheduled Caste 6 2 4
Scheduled Tribe 0 0 0
Illiterate 108 54 54

Caste Data as per Census 2011

Schedule Caste (SC) constitutes 1.5% while Schedule Tribe (ST) were 0% of total population in Huda Gopirampur village.

Working Population as per Census 2011

In Huda Gopirampur village out of total population, 128 were engaged in work activities. 99.2% of workers describe their work as Main Work (Employment or Earning more than 6 Months) while 0.8% were involved in Marginal activity providing livelihood for less than 6 months. Of 128 workers engaged in Main Work, 26 were cultivators (owner or co-owner) while 70 were Agricultural labourer.

Total Male Female
Main Workers 127 122 5
Cultivators 26 26 0
Agriculture Labourer 70 70 0
Other Workers 31 26 5
Marginal Workers 1 0 1
Non Working 277 93 184

Nearby Villages to Huda Gopirampur,

Below are the list of villages near Huda Gopirampur village in Karimpur - II.

Village Population
Rautbati 1,657
Gandharajpur 1,248
Nandanpur 1,519
Chak Gandharajpur 382
Kathalia 6,511
Rasikpur 2,466
Mahish Bathan 9,831
Baliadanga 3,160
Rahamatpur 6,225
Murutia 4,270
