Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat Population, Caste, Religion Data - Puducherry district, Puducherry

Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat of Puducherry district has total population of 300,104 as per the Census 2011. Out of which 148,464 are males while 151,640 are females. In 2011 there were total 74,133 families residing in Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat. The Average Sex Ratio of Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat is 1,021.

As per Census 2011, all of the population of Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat lives in rural areas. The average literacy rate in rural area is 89.4% and the sex ratio of Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat is 1,021.

The population of Children of age 0-6 years in Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat is 30464 which is 10% of the total population. There are 15523 male children and 14941 female children between the age 0-6 years. Thus as per the Census 2011 the Child Sex Ratio of Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat is 963 which is less than Average Sex Ratio ( 1,021 ) of Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat.

The total literacy rate of Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat is 89.35%. The male literacy rate is 84.04% and the female literacy rate is 76.6% in Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat.

Sex Ratio

To facilitate the administration, Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat is further divided into 1 town and 0 villages.

Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat Data

As per the Population Census 2011 data, following are some quick facts about Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat.

Total Male Female
Children (Age 0-6) 30,464 15,523 14,941
Literacy 89.35% 84.04% 76.6%
Scheduled Caste 27,366 13,389 13,977
Scheduled Tribe 0 0 0
Illiterate 59,175 23,691 35,484

Caste-wise Population - Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat

Schedule Caste (SC) constitutes 9.1% while Schedule Tribe (ST) were 0% of total population in Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat of .

Total Male Female
Schedule Caste 27,366 13,389 13,977
Schedule Tribe 0 0 0

Religion-wise Population - Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat

Religion Total Male Female
Hindu 268,527 (89.48%) 133,280 135,247
Muslim 6,538 (2.18%) 3,282 3,256
Christian 23,548 (7.85%) 11,186 12,362
Sikh 81 (0.03%) 44 37
Buddhist 74 (0.02%) 38 36
Jain 898 (0.3%) 461 437
Other Religion 49 (0.02%) 23 26
No Religion Specified 389 (0.13%) 150 239

Literacy Rate - Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat

Average literacy rate of Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat in 2011 were 89.35% in which, male and female literacy were 93.86% and 84.97% respectively. Total literate in Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat were 240,929 of which male and female were 124,773 and 116,156 respectively.

Sex Ratio - Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat

The Sex Ratio of Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat is 1,021 . Thus for every 1000 men there were 1,021 females in Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat. Also as per Census 2011, the Child Sex Ration was 963 which is less than Average Sex Ratio ( 1,021 ) of Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat.

Child Population - Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat

According to Census 2011, there were 30,464 children between age 0 to 6 years in Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat. Out of which 30,464 were male while 30,464 were female.

Urban/Rural Population - Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat

As per Census 2011, there are total 74,133 families under Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat living in urban areas while 74,133 families are living within Rural areas. Thus around 100% of total population of Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat lives in Urban areas while 0% lives under Rural areas. Population of children (0 - 6 years) in urban region is 30,464 while that in rural region is 0.

Total Urban Rural
Population 300,104 300,104 0
Children (0 - 6 years) 30,464 30,464 0
Schedule Caste 27,366 27,366 0
Schedule Tribe 0 0 0
Literacy 89.35% 89.35% NaN%
Sex Ratio 1,021 1,021 NaN

Working Population - Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat

In Ozhukarai Taluk Commune Panchayat out of total population, 108,110 were engaged in work activities. 95.4% of workers describe their work as Main Work (Employment or Earning more than 6 Months) while 4.6% were involved in Marginal activity providing livelihood for less than 6 months. Of 108,110 workers engaged in Main Work, 1,065 were cultivators (owner or co-owner) while 1,370 were Agricultural labourer.

Total Male Female
Main Workers 103,179 78,742 24,437
Cultivators 1,065 935 130
Agriculture Labourer 1,370 1,017 353
Household Industries 1,517 876 641
Other Workers 99,227 75,914 23,313
Marginal Workers 4,931 3,027 1,904
Non Working 191,994 66,695 125,299
