West Tripura District Population, Caste, Religion Data (Tripura) - Census 2011

West Tripura district of Tripura has total population of 1,725,739 as per the Census 2011. Out of which 879,428 are males while 846,311 are females. In 2011 there were total 410,565 families residing in West Tripura district. The Average Sex Ratio of West Tripura district is 962.

As per Census 2011 out of total population, 39.3% people lives in Urban areas while 60.7% lives in the Rural areas. The average literacy rate in urban areas is 93.2% while that in the rural areas is 85.7%. Also the Sex Ratio of Urban areas in West Tripura district is 977 while that of Rural areas is 953.

The population of Children of age 0-6 years in West Tripura district is 190850 which is 11% of the total population. There are 97787 male children and 93063 female children between the age 0-6 years. Thus as per the Census 2011 the Child Sex Ratio of West Tripura is 952 which is less than Average Sex Ratio (962) of West Tripura district.

The total literacy rate of West Tripura district is 88.69%. The male literacy rate is 82.21% and the female literacy rate is 75.43% in West Tripura district.

Sex Ratio

To facilitate the administration, West Tripura district is further divided into 17 Blocks (Taluka/Tehsil/Tahsil) which are administrative divisions denoting sub-districts. Blocks consists of multiple villages and a few towns.

West Tripura Data as per Census 2011

As per the Population Census 2011 data, following are some quick facts about West Tripura district.

Total Male Female
Children (Age 0-6) 190,850 97,787 93,063
Literacy 88.69% 82.21% 75.43%
Scheduled Caste 338,094 172,522 165,572
Scheduled Tribe 431,944 217,278 214,666
Illiterate 364,385 156,430 207,955

Caste-wise Population - West Tripura district

Schedule Caste (SC) constitutes 19.6% while Schedule Tribe (ST) were 25% of total population in West Tripura district of Tripura.

Total Male Female
Schedule Caste 338,094 172,522 165,572
Schedule Tribe 431,944 217,278 214,666

Religion-wise Population - West Tripura district

Religion Total Male Female
Hindu 1,512,801 (87.66%) 770,487 742,314
Muslim 152,791 (8.85%) 78,028 74,763
Christian 53,622 (3.11%) 27,457 26,165
Sikh 499 (0.03%) 360 139
Buddhist 2,128 (0.12%) 1,097 1,031
Jain 362 (0.02%) 183 179
Other Religion 430 (0.02%) 217 213
No Religion Specified 3,106 (0.18%) 1,599 1,507

Literacy Rate - West Tripura district

The total literacy rate of West Tripura district was 88.69% in 2011 which is greater than average literacy rate 87.22% of Tripura. Population-wise, out of total 1,361,354 literates, males were 722,998 while females were 638,356. Also the male literacy rate was 92.5% and the female literacy rate was 84.75% in West Tripura district.

  West Tripura district Tripura
Female 84.75% 82.73%
Male 92.5% 91.53%
Total 88.69% 87.22%

Sex Ratio - West Tripura district

The Sex Ratio of West Tripura district is 962 . Thus for every 1000 men there were 962 females in West Tripura district. Also as per Census 2011, the Child Sex Ration was 952 which is less than Average Sex Ratio ( 962 ) of West Tripura district.

Population Density - West Tripura district

The total area of West Tripura district is 2,993 km2. Thus the density of West Tripura district is 577 people per square kilometer. As per the initial provisional data of Census 2011, around 214 sq. km. area is under urban region while 2,779 sq. km. is under rural region.

Urban/Rural Population - West Tripura district

As per the Census 2011 out of total population of West Tripura, 39.27% people lived in urban regions while 60.73% in rural areas. The total figure of population of urban population was 677,638 out of which 342,708 were males while remaining 334,930 were females. In rural areas of West Tripura, male population was 536,720 while female population was 511,381.

The average sex ratio in urban regions of West Tripura was 977 females per 1000 males. Also the Child (0-6 age) sex ration of urban areas in West Tripura was 945 girls per 1000 boys. Thus the total children (0-6 age) living in urban areas of West Tripura were 63,732 which is 9.41% of total urban population. Similarly the average sex ratio in rural areas of West Tripura was 953 females per 1000 males. The Child sex ratio of rural areas in West Tripura was 955 girls per 1000 boys.

The average literacy rate in West Tripura for urban regions was 93.23 percent in which males were 95.31% literate while female literacy stood at 91.11%. The total literate population of West Tripura was 1,361,354. Similarly in rural areas of West Tripura, the average literacy rate was 85.67 percent. Out of which literacy rate of males and females stood at 90.65% and 80.44% respectively. Total literates in rural areas of West Tripura were 789,002.

Rural Urban
Population % 60.73% 39.27%
Total population 1,048,101 677,638
Male population 536,720 342,708
Female population 511,381 334,930
Sex ratio 953 977
Child sex ratio (0-6 age) 955 945
Child population 127,118 63,732
Literates 789,002 572,352
Average literacy 85.67% 93.23%
Male literacy 90.65% 95.31%
Female literacy 80.44% 91.11%

Child Population - West Tripura district

According to Census 2011, there were 190,850 children between age 0 to 6 years in West Tripura district. Out of which 97,787 were male while 93,063 were female.

Working Population - West Tripura district

In West Tripura district out of total population, 698,178 were engaged in work activities. 75.1% of workers describe their work as Main Work (Employment or Earning more than 6 Months) while 24.9% were involved in Marginal activity providing livelihood for less than 6 months. Of 698,178 workers engaged in Main Work, 94,721 were cultivators (owner or co-owner) while 88,018 were Agricultural labourer.

Total Male Female
Main Workers 524,198 431,743 92,455
Cultivators 94,721 82,291 12,430
Agriculture Labourer 88,018 67,956 20,062
Household Industries 11,921 7,796 4,125
Other Workers 329,538 273,700 55,838
Marginal Workers 173,980 68,663 105,317
Non Working 1,027,561 379,022 648,539
