Durg District Population, Caste, Religion Data (Chhattisgarh) - Census 2011

Durg district of Chhattisgarh has total population of 3,343,872 as per the Census 2011. Out of which 1,682,101 are males while 1,661,771 are females. In 2011 there were total 701,707 families residing in Durg district. The Average Sex Ratio of Durg district is 988.

As per Census 2011 out of total population, 38.4% people lives in Urban areas while 61.6% lives in the Rural areas. The average literacy rate in urban areas is 85.6% while that in the rural areas is 74.9%. Also the Sex Ratio of Urban areas in Durg district is 959 while that of Rural areas is 1,007.

The population of Children of age 0-6 years in Durg district is 430536 which is 13% of the total population. There are 219341 male children and 211195 female children between the age 0-6 years. Thus as per the Census 2011 the Child Sex Ratio of Durg is 963 which is less than Average Sex Ratio (988) of Durg district.

The total literacy rate of Durg district is 79.06%. The male literacy rate is 76.37% and the female literacy rate is 61.31% in Durg district.

Sex Ratio

To facilitate the administration, Durg district is further divided into 13 Tehsils (Taluka/Tehsil/Tahsil) which are administrative divisions denoting sub-districts. Tehsils consists of multiple villages and a few towns.

Durg Data as per Census 2011

As per the Population Census 2011 data, following are some quick facts about Durg district.

Total Male Female
Children (Age 0-6) 430,536 219,341 211,195
Literacy 79.06% 76.37% 61.31%
Scheduled Caste 458,040 229,067 228,973
Scheduled Tribe 397,416 196,008 201,408
Illiterate 1,040,494 397,489 643,005

Caste-wise Population - Durg district

Schedule Caste (SC) constitutes 13.7% while Schedule Tribe (ST) were 11.9% of total population in Durg district of Chhattisgarh.

Total Male Female
Schedule Caste 458,040 229,067 228,973
Schedule Tribe 397,416 196,008 201,408

Religion-wise Population - Durg district

Religion Total Male Female
Hindu 3,129,745 (93.6%) 1,574,094 1,555,651
Muslim 83,499 (2.5%) 42,885 40,614
Christian 24,304 (0.73%) 11,946 12,358
Sikh 24,276 (0.73%) 12,603 11,673
Buddhist 19,587 (0.59%) 9,712 9,875
Jain 17,209 (0.51%) 8,810 8,399
Other Religion 42,569 (1.27%) 20,751 21,818
No Religion Specified 2,683 (0.08%) 1,300 1,383

Literacy Rate - Durg district

The total literacy rate of Durg district was 79.06% in 2011 which is greater than average literacy rate 70.28% of Chhattisgarh. Population-wise, out of total 2,303,378 literates, males were 1,284,612 while females were 1,018,766. Also the male literacy rate was 87.82% and the female literacy rate was 70.23% in Durg district.

  Durg district Chhattisgarh
Female 70.23% 60.24%
Male 87.82% 80.27%
Total 79.06% 70.28%

Sex Ratio - Durg district

The Sex Ratio of Durg district is 988 . Thus for every 1000 men there were 988 females in Durg district. Also as per Census 2011, the Child Sex Ration was 963 which is less than Average Sex Ratio ( 988 ) of Durg district.

Population Density - Durg district

The total area of Durg district is 8,535 km2. Thus the density of Durg district is 392 people per square kilometer. As per the initial provisional data of Census 2011, around 552 sq. km. area is under urban region while 7,983 sq. km. is under rural region.

Urban/Rural Population - Durg district

As per the Census 2011 out of total population of Durg, 38.42% people lived in urban regions while 61.58% in rural areas. The total figure of population of urban population was 1,284,765 out of which 655,949 were males while remaining 628,816 were females. In rural areas of Durg, male population was 1,026,152 while female population was 1,032,955.

The average sex ratio in urban regions of Durg was 959 females per 1000 males. Also the Child (0-6 age) sex ration of urban areas in Durg was 945 girls per 1000 boys. Thus the total children (0-6 age) living in urban areas of Durg were 147,707 which is 11.5% of total urban population. Similarly the average sex ratio in rural areas of Durg was 1,007 females per 1000 males. The Child sex ratio of rural areas in Durg was 973 girls per 1000 boys.

The average literacy rate in Durg for urban regions was 85.59 percent in which males were 91.79% literate while female literacy stood at 79.13%. The total literate population of Durg was 2,303,378. Similarly in rural areas of Durg, the average literacy rate was 74.88 percent. Out of which literacy rate of males and females stood at 85.21% and 64.68% respectively. Total literates in rural areas of Durg were 1,330,153.

Rural Urban
Population % 61.58% 38.42%
Total population 2,059,107 1,284,765
Male population 1,026,152 655,949
Female population 1,032,955 628,816
Sex ratio 1,007 959
Child sex ratio (0-6 age) 973 945
Child population 282,829 147,707
Literates 1,330,153 973,225
Average literacy 74.88% 85.59%
Male literacy 85.21% 91.79%
Female literacy 64.68% 79.13%

Child Population - Durg district

According to Census 2011, there were 430,536 children between age 0 to 6 years in Durg district. Out of which 219,341 were male while 211,195 were female.

Working Population - Durg district

In Durg district out of total population, 1,496,805 were engaged in work activities. 80.6% of workers describe their work as Main Work (Employment or Earning more than 6 Months) while 19.4% were involved in Marginal activity providing livelihood for less than 6 months. Of 1,496,805 workers engaged in Main Work, 339,130 were cultivators (owner or co-owner) while 363,454 were Agricultural labourer.

Total Male Female
Main Workers 1,206,793 803,118 403,675
Cultivators 339,130 203,655 135,475
Agriculture Labourer 363,454 188,909 174,545
Household Industries 18,670 13,140 5,530
Other Workers 485,539 397,414 88,125
Marginal Workers 290,012 118,611 171,401
Non Working 1,847,067 760,372 1,086,695
