Villages & Towns in Miao Circle Changlang, Arunachal Pradesh - Census 2011

List of all villages and towns in Miao Circle of Changlang district, Arunachal Pradesh. As per Census 2011, there are 1 towns and 47 villages within Miao Circle. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.

The total population of Miao Circle is 25,921 out of which urban population is 5,841 while rural is 20,080. As per Census 2011, total families in Miao were 1,393. Check out important data about Miao Circle as per Census 2011.

Miao Circle data as per Census 2011

Total Rural Urban
Population 25,921 20,080 5,841
Children (0-6 years) 4,789 4,052 737
Literacy 59.92% 53.66% 79.6%
Sex Ratio 964 957 988
Scheduled Caste 0% 0% 0%
Scheduled Tribe 29.5% 28.5% 33%

List of Municipal Towns in Miao Circle

Below is list of all towns in Miao Circle with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Town Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Miao (Notified Town) 5,841 79.6% 988

List of Villages in Miao Circle

Below is list of all villages in Miao Circle with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Village Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 131 74.11% 1,079
2 17 Mile M.V. Road - - -
3 Anandpur Bl.I & II 581 44.64% 990
4 Brajapur 216 32.47% 946
5 Budhisatta 409 39.1% 929
6 Deban forest camp 348 33.74% 1,023
7 Devapuri 1,123 30% 872
8 Dharmapur Bl. I - V 4,877 46.2% 936
9 Kamalapuri 580 31.13% 835
10 Khachang 119 55.43% 803
11 Khagam Mossang 118 68.32% 1,070
12 Khagam Singpho 203 54.97% 952
13 Khamuk 31 54.55% 722
14 Lama Village 111 58.16% 521
15 Lewang 183 66.03% 1,128
16 Longri 35 75.86% 1,059
17 M'Pen Bl.I & II - - -
18 M'Pen I 612 46.52% 968
19 M'Pen II 551 39.12% 947
20 Maithong 34 84% 1,000
21 Maithongpung 158 72.66% 1,000
22 Mia Singpho 613 85.07% 971
23 Miao H.Q. Bl I-VII - - -
24 Namphai Bazar Bl.I & II 389 74.2% 520
25 Namphai Singpho 223 49.72% 858
26 Namphainong 377 66.98% 923
27 Nandakanan 437 24.71% 977
28 Nayang 213 62.98% 936
29 Neirong 338 70.25% 977
30 Neotan 840 65.85% 1,064
31 New Champo 35 60.71% 750
32 New Khamlang 486 67.66% 1,017
33 New Khimiyong 420 65.56% 1,049
34 New Plone 171 80.77% 839
35 New Yumchum 265 67.14% 1,070
36 Ningrang 87 51.32% 933
37 Old Champo - I 392 73.25% 885
38 Old Plone 363 60.34% 891
39 Phaniyak 280 80.82% 931
40 Phup 94 52.56% 1,089
41 Pisi 128 44.04% 910
42 Punniyabhumi 936 35.61% 899
43 Sikao 247 17% 816
44 Songkin 247 83.26% 945
45 Songkin I 122 69.61% 1,179
46 Songkin II 265 58.77% 1,008
47 BL. I - V 1,692 68.91% 1,290
Villages in Miao Population of Miao Sex Ratio of Miao Literacy Rate in Miao